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gun sane

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Everything posted by gun sane

  1. Heavy coats and thick shirts are not made of Kevlar. Just get'r done.
  2. Rush Limbaugh's clever line: "Too many generals are taking orders from their privates."
  3. They wouldn't ban assault rifles....they'd tax the stuffin's out of you for having them. They do have the power to tax anything, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts.
  4. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352325872' post='841359'] We were never considered a Christian-Judeo nation, even by the Founding Fathers. See the Treaty of Tripoli, written in 1796, approved by the 2nd President, a certain John Adams. See the treaty's article 11. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Treaty_of_Tripoli_as_communicated_to_Congress_1797.png"]http://en.wikipedia....ngress_1797.png[/url] This misconception is a more recent creation. [/quote] Funny what politicians will write just to get foreigners to sign a piece of paper.
  5. [quote name='Drewsett' timestamp='1352074109' post='839120']Gun sane, the reason our candidates didn't make the cut is because they weren't Democrat or Republican. Between the fact that the DNC/RNC control the access to the debates through imposition of arbitrary percentages and the fact that the mainstream media are in the business of appealing to the... mainstream, you won't hear anything about these so called "fringe" candidates. If you were less adherent to the utter control of your independent mind by punditry, you might have noticed that these so called "fringe" candidates are rather moderate.[/quote] Quite the contrary. I did listen to the message which was more popularly espoused by Ron Paul, who chose to present himself as a Republican, rather than a Libertarian. Two planks of the platform are for me a deal breaker. (1) I cannot support an isolationist view of dealing with terrorism, as this is akin to living in a dangerous neighborhood and believing that hanging a No Trespassing sign will keep the perps at bay. (2) I will not support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. I won't bother you with the reasons, only to say that my wife is a medical professional and I trust her judgment on this issue as well. Lest you think I'm whistling past the Republican graveyard, rest assured I have concerns with their policies as well, but there are none so reckless as the two mentioned above. Money wastefully spent can be restored through better management, lives thrown away are irreplaceable.
  6. Not for nuthin', but have you Libertarians ever considered why your guy didn't make the cut? Either it's the man or the message. Money will naturally follow the candidate and the policies that people think are winners. Or maybe it's the way in which the message is delivered....
  7. This has been a nail-biter of an election. Since I have already voted, it doesn't matter much what I think of one candidate or the other. I have now left the ultimate decision before God Almighty, Who gives authority and takes it away. I ask Him to weigh both candidates in the balance and judge their hearts. I firmly believe that God loves righteousness and hates evil, therefore I pray that He will reward the man with the character most like His to be given the office for the next four years. It's the best "not my will, but thine be done" kind of prayer I can muster. It also relieves me of a lot of anxiety, as I also believe that God will not forsake them that are His.
  8. [quote name='seez52' timestamp='1351990147' post='838565'] I'm not so sure. If O gets back in people may be clamoring for a real conservative in 4 years. [/quote] If O gets back in, what makes you sure there will be an election in four years?
  9. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351960265' post='838366'] It's not true except to the extent that it could change a very tight race into a decisive victory for Obama in that state, which in turn would give the electoral votes for a wrong choice. I have no problem with protest votes, but would you want Obama in this case? [/quote] I heard on the news last night that Johnson could give Romney trouble in New Hampshire. That's 4 electoral votes that will go to Prez Zero if Romney doesn't overcome the gap.
  10. Bill Whittle explains the reasons why a protest vote or non-vote because of principle could be catastrophic. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPjBXufufUU[/media]
  11. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Cambridge, Mass. * Celebrated historian Bertram Oxley has uncovered a memorandum from former Japanese Emperor Hirohito to Admiral Yamamoto dated December 6, 1941, showing that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by an offensive film made by Charlie Chaplin ridiculing Japanese cuisine. “Contrary to historical accounts over the last seventy years,” Professor Oxley said in an interview today with the BBC, “What appeared to be a meticulously planned surprise attack was actually a spontaneous demonstration by moderate sushi connoisseurs in the Imperial Navy in response to a hateful and offensive movie. Thereafter, extremist elements within the Japanese military co-opted the spontaneous attack, transforming it into the overseas contingency operation sometimes referred to as ‘World War II.’” The discovery has created a sensation in scholarly circles. “This is a remarkable find,” declared Reginald Smythe, chairman of the Progressive Historians Association and former Obama State Department official. “Had President Roosevelt condemned this movie instead of uttering that infernal ‘Day of Infamy’ provocation the war could have been avoided and millions of lives would have been saved.” Reached at his home in Houston, former President George H. W. Bush, an aviator in the Pacific during the war, expressed skepticism. “It’s simply inconceivable that the Japanese First Air Fleet, with six aircraft carriers, could have staged a spur of the moment attack on an island thousands of nautical miles from the Japanese homeland with such stealth and precision.” Most experts dismissed Mr. Bush’s remarks, however, since it’s widely understood that World War II was primarily his son’s fault. White House spokesman Jay Carney, asked this afternoon about the memo’s discovery stated, “Of course, hindsight’s 20-20. But one can only wonder how much pain and suffering could have been averted had FDR simply apologized to Hirohito at the outset.” “Fortunately,” Carney continued, waving off questions from White House reporters anxious to return to questions about Mitt Romney’s grooming habits, “We’ve evolved to a more sophisticated strategy of leading from behind, so we’re unlikely to repeat the disastrous mistakes of the past.”[/font][/size]
  12. That's great news! And it is a milestone....three up and three down is the end of an inning.
  13. I almost backslid trying to get my Mark III back together. I'm keeping my eye peeled for a good Buckmark.
  14. Prayer sent and received.
  15. I have the tactical 20" version. Since it's purely for home defense, I'm not interested in interchangeable chokes. All I can say is that it does what it's designed to do without problems.
  16. Obama's biggest problem is himself and his record. As before, he was trying to sell us peaches off an empty wagon. It doesn't work this time.
  17. Somebody in Ohio did some checking instead of some supposing. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8541
  18. Well, since I have a body that women love and men fear, I should do alright. Actually, I'm too old to run. The wife (who's a nurse) and I are going to stay put and do what we can with what we've put away. But whatever happens, we'll trust in the Lord to look out for us, as he's done all of our lives. And the worst thing that can happen to us is the best thing.
  19. May his Hawaiian swankienda be infested with every kind of tropical vermin.
  20. Give BSL Bullet Works a try. Free shipping on all orders. He has a 185 grain flat point sized to .358. http://www.bslbullet.com/
  21. Don't discount the possibility of a November surprise with misplaced ballot boxes arriving at the last minute from the graveyards.
  22. I guess he thought he'd unload it the hard way.
  23. I carried a full sized Bersa 9mm after I got my HCP, but I've been enjoying toting my Bersa Thunder .380 for the past several months. Come winter, it'll be back to the heavy iron.
  24. This thread gives a word to the wise about outerwear with drawstrings while carrying. http://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?5012-No-Booger-Hook-Required-%28mildly-NSFW%29
  25. Football? Is that the sport they play on ice?


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