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Everything posted by jgradyc

  1. What can we do to get rid of Corker and Alexander?   EDITED: Okay. The other post came in while i was typing, but I'd still like a real Republican instead of RINOs.
  2. I was in the Dickerson Rd Wal Mart Monday. They had most everything except 9mm, 22, and 22mag.
  3. I might try their Traveler's Vest. It looks like something we could wear in Tennessee.  No need to take it off indoors.   When you test the Brad Thor jacket, see how easy it is to draw with the jacket unzipped. To me, it looks like it would be hard to access that gun pocket with one hand unless the jacket was zipped.   When zipped, how hot is it? Some jackets are really hot. I seldom zip up my winter jackets unless it's windy outside.   I'm not a hoody guy, but their hoodys look interesting too.
  4. I just ordered a couple of the Ace Case slipless gripper holsters. Supposedly, they stay where you put them between your pants and briefs without a belt clip. I'm skeptical, but for $33 for 3, it's worth the money to experiment with some different sizes.  Here's a link.
  5. I don't care for that jacket, but I like the looks of their vests. At $125-$160, that's right about what North Face fleece jackets sell for.   EDITED: Okay, I like the transformer jacket.  You should ask them to send you a demo of it as well.  It could be worn indoors or in moderate weather. That Brad Thor jacket looks like it would be hot indoors... and I don't want to take off my jacket and leave a gun in it!
  6. jgradyc

    My foot

    Ask your doc if you don't do surgery, but follow protocol with shots and orthotics, will the bone spur eventually go away? Or, will it just stay there until eventually surgery is necessary.   If it won't go away, find out what the probability for successful surgery with no complications is.  You might have to do your own research to find this information. I would NOT trust one doctor's opinion, but that's me.
  7. :up: :up: :up: :up:   It's great to hear from you!  I'm sure many of us thought about you several times over the weekend. When I got up to join my friends for a 6am run Saturday morning in the rain, I remember thinking that you would be riding the same strip of I-40 only a few minutes later.   A thousand miles in 16 hours... wow!  Iron bladders would be an equally apt moniker for this.   Let us hear more about the ride. It was raining here in Nashville at 6am Saturday, so I imagine you had 2-3 hours of rain starting out. Hopefully, you can take your time coming back and see some of the sights.   Now, just watch out for those gawking tourists while riding on the strip.  :rofl:
  8. Sorry to be so blunt...   No. I could never do this. I've own a bike now and I've biked for 40 years. I'm sorry that my concern can't be shown as clearly in my comments as my astonishment that someone would attempt to ride 2,000 miles in 45 hours AND that others on this forum (who are so adamant about gun safety) would be so cavalier about motor vehicle safety.   Bikes aren't as forgiving as cars. We all know that. A moment's inattention while sleep-deprived and drowsy could result in a serious or even fatal accident on a motorcycle. With three guys, no one wants to be the weak link, so the tendency will be to push on instead of stopping for a rest.  Starting at 4am means they'll be sleep deprived before the first mile.   My neighbor's nephew got up really early to finish packing and headed out from Knoxville to St. Louis... an easy drive you'd think. He nodded off to sleep just past Clarksville about noon and flipped three times. His fiancee is now brain damaged... and he will have to live with that.   So, yes, riding 2,000 miles in 45 hours is incredibly stupid and irresponsible, at least to me... but that's just my opinion. That said, please stay safe. Read this on your trip and stop when you need rest. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about your safety and hoping you make it through this.   No one will think badly of you if you take four days to make this trip instead of 45 hours.
  9. This is incredibly stupid. I'd write all the reasons why, but they should be obvious. I strongly suggest that you reconsider this ride. Good luck. I hope no one gets hurt.
  10. This is a great looking gun!!! She should love it. You should be able to pick up some 22 ammo at a local gun show.
  11. It doesn't pass the smell test.   I'd ignore it.
  12. I'd choose a knife that can be opened and closed without risk of cutting oneself. I kinda like the big hole in the Spyderco for this reason for opening or the old style fingernail slot to open. I'd also choose a grip that would help prevent the hand from sliding forward onto the blade.   I'd also choose a short blade. There's really no reason for a blade longer than 2 1/4 inches UNLESS you go to a bigger knife to get a more secure grip.   I wouldn't go with an expensive knife. Kids won't know the difference or appreciate it if you tell them. I got my nephew a pretty nice knife for Christmas his senior year in high school. I carefully explained how to sharpen it... and then watched as he did exactly what I told him NOT to do.   Kids... :shrug:
  13. I've owned and pocket carried most of the guns in this thread. There are two main concealment and comfort issues: weight and width. I find the Taurus 709 to be a bit too heavy for my taste and the Sig P238 is a lot heavier than my P3AT and about the same as the PM9. Thus, my primary pocket carries are the P3AT and the PM9.   I would NOT pocket carry without a holster. That's just me, but then the thickness of the holster becomes a factor. I make my own pocket holsters using plastic and gaffers tape. It adds less than a sixteenth of an inch to the thickness, prevents the gun from tipping in the pocket, and presents it at the proper angle. I've made some deeper holsters for pants with deep pockets so I don't have to put my hand so far into the pocket to draw.  Here's a link to my post on KTOG about how to make these holsters. http://www.thektog.org/forum/f87/milk-jug-pocket-holsters-256713/   It says milk jug, but I use one gallon water jugs instead.  Gaffers tape can be bought on Amazon for $12 a roll. It's way better than duct tape for this purpose.
  14. I didn't read the last two pages... just skimmed over them... but I don't see a problem here.   I read the Starbucks' letter.  It says, "we respectfully request that customers do not bring weapons into our stores." Then, it continues to say if a customer carries into store, to "welcome and serve customers as usual. ...do not confront or ask them to leave."   In other words, you can carry... just don't be an a$$ about it.
  15. Since the end of WWII 68 years ago, the POTUS has been the considered to be the leader of the free world.  Putin has just schooled Obama and will school him again if Obama steps out of line.  Putin is now citing the Pope, striving for peace, and calling for cooperation. Those are the marks of a world leader, regardless of whether he actually believes those things. Obama won't dare step out of line for fear of getting embarrassed even more.   Putin is now the leader of the free world.         God help us all.
  16. Where is this place?  I've driven by twice looking for it.
  17. I watched a DVR of Sharknado instead of the POTUS speech... more entertaining and more believable.
  18. We have a dozen or so at our feeder.
  19. ^This.   See my avatar? She showed up in that condition at my house. After seeing the fleas and mats in her fur, I decided that I would not attempt to find the owners because they were not fit to own a dog. She is now one of the cutest little dogs you've ever seen.   You should keep the dog or find it a better home.
  20. I hope this works for you. If it doesn't, you could forget Windows and go to Linux Mint 15. I upgraded Windows 7 to Windows 8 and hated it.  I decided to see how Linux had progressed since the last time I tried it five years ago.   Linux Mint 15 is a great operating system, provided that you aren't into gaming. It comes with LibreOffice preloaded, so no need for Microsoft Office. It's free. It doesn't need much RAM. It works great on older systems. I'm running Linux Mint 14 on my old Dell (maybe 8 years old) with no problems. Linux Mint 15 is on this laptop... a Toshiba L505.
  21. Congrats on the weight loss and continued enjoyment of cycling. I replaced my tires last month with Continental Grand Prix 4000 tires. They are great! I can really tell a difference. I got them online at Nashbar on sale. As a pleasant surprise, I went to a local bike shop and discovered that I can ride a medium in some brands of mountain bikes... specialized and trek. I can't ride the Giants. Their medium is too big. Anyway, I'm still looking for a good small or medium mountain bike.   In fact, I went to MOAB... that's in the 'boro.
  22.   You might consider magnets (rare earth) or magnets with velcro that would attach to velcro on a holster.  I use neodymium magnets to mount firearms under tables.   You can buy these magnets with a countersink hole in them to mount with a screw. I cover the magnet first with shrink wrap so it won't damage the slide.
  23. Speaking of threads, I've found that fishing line is excellent as thread, although I prefer upholstery thread for general repairs.
  24. I'm amazed at how large some people's wallets are. They have way, way too many layers of leather in them or they tri-fold, which makes them half again as thick.   I looked at these links and didn't see anything that I would carry. For years, I've carried a wallet that is square. It has five slots for credit cards on one side and four on the other. That way the cards overlap so it's not as thick. It has a long slot for folding money, but I don't carry folding money in my wallet. Instead, I carry the SOG Access Card 2.0 knife as a money clip.  My wallet measures 4 1/4 by 4 1/2 and is 3/4 inch thick when filled with all the cards I normally carry.   It's wallet in the left rear, money clip in left front, Kel Tec P3-AT in right front, and phone in a belt holster. Everything balances, nothing is readily accessible to a thief. Everything is readily accessible to me.   I really, really hate wallets that are so long that they stick out of the back pocket. You might as well wear a t-shirt that says "Steal my wallet" on it.
  25. Okay, after reading the comments here and posting myself, I took a really radical step... I listened to the video. :rofl:  I thought his comments made sense in a generic, trying to apply to everyone, way.    It also contained some good advice. I did not know that any old cell phone not on a service plan could still call 911. Is that true?  If so, it's a great tip, but I'd hate to wait and find out that it's wrong advice.   He doesn't say call out in all circumstances. It's part of a measured response.   Unfortunately, he conflates the term home invasion with burglary. Home invasion implies that someone is known to be home. Home invasion, at least to me, implies a high level of threat to the residents who are known to be home and... at least in my rural neighborhood... known or presumed to be armed. Anyone who breaks into a home out here after dark knows that they are likely to be met with deadly force and... one would assume... the bad guys are prepared to respond accordingly.   I would break his rules of engagement if I thought it gave up any tactical advantage under the circumstances.  So, all in all, this is decent advice that one could apply or modify to their given situation.   At least it made me think about scenarios and that is always good.   EDITED:  Oh, and if it's not clear because this post rambled too much.  So far, I can't envision a circumstance that would warrant a verbal warning... except if I could see the perps before hand and would continue to hold a tactical advantage after warning them. I don't see how that would happen, but I suppose it could.


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