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The mailman

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Everything posted by The mailman

  1. I like the collett puller because it saves the powder. I have also heard of cartridges going off in the kinetic pullers.
  2. Only reason I don't like it is because it stinks.
  3. Good luck finding someone at Walmart to get them out of the case for you. I don't even go in there anymore. Waste of my time.
  4. I have a 6.5 swedish mauser and I have a 6.5 creedmoor. Would I be able to neck size either one of them with the same 6.5 neck sizing die?
  5. Got about 80 rounds thru it this morning. I do really like the trigger. FTF a few times but maybe just needs to be run some more. The sights are off. Will look to adjusting or replacing. Definitely worth what I have in it though.
  6. Update. I picked the gun up today and it has Canik on the box, on the gun, and on the holster. So if you order one from SG order the one that says Century Arms and you'll save $30.00. It has a nice feel to it , can't wait to try her out.
  7. If they are the same gun and they want to drop Canik and charge me less money, so much the better. then.
  8. Okay I just ordered a Century Arms TP9sa from SG. They had TP9SA for about 5 different prices but other than color & capacity they seemed to be the same. After I had ordered, then came the surprise. The one I ordered was not a Canik. It was actually a Century Arms TP9Sa. It was somewhat cheaper than a Century Arms Canik TP9SA. They look identical, etc. and they are both made in Turkey. So I am now trying to find out if they are the same. Anyone?
  9. I had a Hornady Lock N Load progressive for a short time. Loaded around 400 rounds of .38 special on it then packed it up and sold it on gunbroker. It frustrated the crap out of me..Now loading on a Lee Loadmaster and having no problems.
  10. Best way I have found to use a brass catcher is unzip the bottom of the bag so the casings will fall through. Then lay a towel under it so the case will not roll away. The bag doesn't get heavy with brass and pull out of position that way.
  11. Welcome to Tn.  If you go to The Pharmacy  just wanted you to know it's a gun free zone.  Might want to consider Rotier's for a burger instead.  
  12. I've been in the market for my first one for the past couple months.  Finally won an auction on Gunbroker yesterday for a G2 Contenden super 14 in 7-30 waters.  Excited about getting it and looking for all the info I can get on the cartridge.  Oh and it also has a Ultra red dot sight on it.  Don't think the ammo is going to be on the shelf at many of the big box sporting good stores though so I ordered some dies.
  13. Reloader's Bench in Mt. Juliet has a 1903 on the rack.  Think it was priced at $600 and some change.
  14. I picked up one today from an online auction.  I think it's sporterized but i am not 100% sure.  The stock isn't full lenght as I think of most milsurp rifles.  But what has me wondering is it has a steel but plate.  It just wouldn't seem to me a sporter would have a steel plate but back in the 20s or 30s who knows.  It is an eddystone.  If you are interested in a pic I could text it to you.  I can't seem to get pics uploaded on here.
  15. I buy a lot of bullets from Everglades Ammo.     www.evergladesammo.com   reasonable prices include shipping
  16. I've been reloading handgun ammo for a few years but am relatively new to rifle.  The oal of the cartridge is 2.107. The bullet is seated to just where part of the cannulure (sp?) shows which I think is right.  I am using Lee dies but not the sizing die.  I bought LC 5.56 converted brass that was already processed.  The brass will seat properly in the gauge prior to seating the bullet.  Haven't tried to load these in the gun.  Using a Lyman case gauge.  I'm now wondering if the shoulder is compressing when I seat the bullet.
  17. I just loaded my first small batch of .300 blk using converted LC brass.  Set hornady sst .308 125 gr. The brass checks out on the case gauge. After I set and crimp the bullet the cartridge will no longer seat in the case gauge.  Neck is .334 after seating bullet.  Is it the shoulder? What's the remedy?
  18. I've loaded thousands of rounds 9mm with Bullseye.
  19. I saw some .454 on the shelf today at Everything Weapons at Cool Springs.  
  20. Took my auto ordnance m1 to the range today for first time..  Very happy with it, no problems at all.  Now, I want more magazines.  Does anyone know if auto ordnance will function with other m1 mags or do I have to stick with the brand?
  21. I buy my brass at the TWRA Firing Range in Antioch.  I think you can pick up 300 cases for $20 and it's already been tumbled.
  22. You could buy your guns and ammo from Wally World. Then they would eventually put the local gun shops out of business like they have put so many other small businesses out. Then just on a whim, Walmart might decide not to sell guns or ammo anymore. Then where will we be?
  23. Thanks for all the info. Think I'm going to Guns & Leather and have a look at 'em.
  24. EAA 999175 WITNESS 9MM/22LR COMBO BL $419.00 SHIPS FREE
  25. I'm looking at a new EAA Witness semi-auto steel frame in 9mm with a conversion for .22lr. I've never fired an EAA and wondering how the trigger is and how it shoots in general. It's only priced at $422 but in the back of my mind I'm thinking you get what you pay for. Any one have experience with EAA's?


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