They have one or two lanes for 200 yds and you have to shoot thru about an 8’ pipe to get to the 200 yd target.
There will be times when they do get busy and have a waiting list. Sunday afternoons are probably the busiest times. They can get busy on Saturday also but I would recommend Friday if you can. Of course the nastier the weather the less busy it will be.
Probably gets the busiest just before a season opens like deer, turkey etc. or before muzzle loader season opens
You can use your own targets but they have decent prices on the ones they sall. Not sure about the size nut you can probably use up to a 12 x 18 anyway. Targets will be mounted with push pins.
It’s probably the cheapest show in town.
I think they have too many cold range times. I prefer ranges without safety officers but they really do need them on a public range like that.