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Everything posted by Grunt67

  1. I agree with this post. Been to both, no problems whatsoever. I have been in the Amory often. Most all merchandise is laid out as you stated so you can help yourself. They let you browse to your hearts content. Help is available if needed. Personally, I don't need someone hovering me.. just let me look, If I need something, I'll ask. Another great store for reloading supplies is the Reloaders Bench in Mt. Juliet, just off I-40, to the right. Small building, but packed with goodies.
  2. Grunt67

    XDm Compact

    Saw one at the gun show in Franklin Sat. $610. Probably shop around & beat that a bit. Might come down after it's been on the market for a while. Like the feel of it. I have the full size XDM 40 SW. Feels the same, except for the weight. Good choice for that size gun. IMHO
  3. Harwell as Speaker is a two-edged sword. First, the folks we helped elect to see after our interests, dropped us like a hot potato. Second, we don't know who voted for her, or against. Hate these secret ballots. We'll have to live with this for a while, and keep pecking away at the issues. Silence will kill us.
  4. Totally agree with the stupidity of leaving keys in the car. On the other hand, a thief really doesn't need a key. Most can steal your car without a key in less time than you could start it with one. True, the outcome of the case hasn't been decided by the court, just allowed to continue. Hopefully, it will fail. Same as the perp who pulls a trigger should be held accountable, rather than the gun manufacturer.
  5. Good thread, glad someone brought this up. I've seen numerous range brass with the same or similar dent. Have no idea what gun(s) were used. As for reloading, I just threw these away. Reasoning was, die may remove some or all of the dent, but does it weaken the case? Just didn't want to take the risk, myself. Problem or not...can't say for sure.
  6. Found this site while surfing for ammo info. Looks like we are all one of a kind. LOL Been around guns all my life, personal, military, law enf. Getting back into reloading. Used to reload quite a bit yrs. ago. Personal guns, Sprg. XDm 40 SW, Colt AR-15, Mossberg 500 12 ga., SW 32 long colt, Duty gun, Glock 22 40 SW Hope everyone gets all the guns & ammo they ask for for Christmas. Hey, worth a try. LOL


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