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Everything posted by Grunt67

  1. Studies show that surgeons recover quicker than patients.
  2. True, hipower. Folks back in the day hunted & eat possum. Can't speak to the coon gravy thing . Maybe so.
  3. Grunt67


    I have a pest control company in Lebanon that I've had a contract with for yrs. They come out once a year to check & do whatever needed. Works for me. Apple Pest.
  4. I won't get in a boat I have to be melted & poured into .
  5. Aliens visiting Earth would be the 2nd biggest story in human history. Full disclosure would be #1.
  6. Kinda, a chicken or egg situation .
  7. What? No sleeper cab?
  8. Well, my initial thought process took off in an entirely different direction.
  9. The K9 officer has now been fired. Stay tuned for lawsuits .
  10. I literally cannot stand ranch dressing.
  11. It was in Ohio.
  12. I read somewhere, that death is Nature's way of telling you to slow down . There are earlier warnings as well. I'm in the early warning stage .
  13. Mowed the yard in triple digits Had a blast!
  14. Not only that , but you still have to have someone check your ID if you're a registered Vet. Waste of time.
  15. Well, it would take a lot of burlap to sack those up.
  16. There is a lot of " junk science " out there. To me arson leads the pack.
  17. At least Memphis is innovative
  18. Bump the temp about 100 deg., and I can relate to that.
  19. Lorena Bobbit lives 2 doors down
  20. That too. Busy man in the last days.
  21. Last place I knew of to buy a Blanton, was the TN Governor's office a few years back.
  22. I've squirrel hunted all my life & never knew that option.
  23. Alex Baldwin. Rust
  24. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.


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