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Everything posted by z90HD

  1. As for a private individual, just use your best judgement. I think you can call the police with the serial number, but not sure about that. This was my experience with buying a used handgun ftf. Long story short: The dude told me out right "he was a fellon and a drug dealer and sells a hell of a lot of pot". With this information I was still not sure of buying the glock from him but a G19 for $225 I made the deal. As it turns out, I have a friend in the Blount County Sherrifs Dept and I asked him to run the numbers. He told me that if they came back as stolen or used in a crime he would have to confiscate it from me. I waited about a month and had the numbers run and as luck was on my side it came up clean. So you just never know. He still has a Sig Im wanting but he has not decided to come off it just yet. By the way I did get a bill of sale from him and did verify his ID.
  2. Welcome Smiddy
  3. Im in need of another safe. As I have been looking locally near home I have been seeing some with the electrical as well as cat cable hook ups preinstalled. I need one with the both these features as I want to put my security dvr in the safe. Does the Big Horn 7144 have these features?
  4. Once again there is another gun auction at Powell Auction hall. 200+ guns this Saturday the 19th starting at about 12 Pm. See Powellauction.com for details
  5. I just bought a Marlin model 81 today (for a good deal). Its in really rough conditon. The stock is busted but repairable,the finish is a dull greyish color and you can tell it was heavilly pitted at one time and cleanded off. The barrel looks great and all the internals look great as well. Now with a lot of help from the wonderfull internet I just about fixed all the ftf and fte problems except for two. The first problem is I need to order a cartrige feed control spring and the other problem is that it will eject every round out the chamber except the the very last one. So my question is, has anyone had this problem with the fte and secondly how can I identify what year this rifle was made? Thanks
  6. I was just at J Floyds last week and they had the round and hex for the same price, even had a hex red letter. $99
  7. Alcoa walmart has one on the shelf now
  8. Im having an Estate/Garage sale today. 7AM to about 2-3PM I hope this ad dont get flagged. 99% of the items belong to my aunt who is suffering from some mental disease and we need to liquidate her estate. Just about all this stuff is new or lnib. She was also a horder and shopoholic. We have literally thousands of items to sell, so if you dont see it here just ask. I have a 40 foot trailer and a full storage unit full of her stuff that needs to go. If you would like to come support her that would be great. Thanks, Brian 713 Janes Rd, Maryville Signs posted at middlesettlements and hunt road to get you here.
  9. I've been the last 2 years.. Vendors were well over priced, outdoor sales were not allowed and a can of sardines had more room to move around in. I will have to pass on this next one. Just my opinion
  10. 223
  11. Thanks, and I did try to get her to go for the 5.45 but she had her mind made up. She does not want to keep up with another caliber. Personally I was looking at the polish tantle about about a year ago in the 5.45 and regret not getting it when it was cheap. But now she bought this one, so I get choice on the next.
  12. ICE (immigration and customs enforcement) has everything to do with her purchase. MY wife is a beatuiful lady from the great country of Germany. She is here legaly and every 10 years it cost her a small fortune to stay in the U.S. So anyway ICE is imigration and interpol in europe. When the gun shops run her background it has to be called in by phone and then its a waiting game because of the ICE check. Longest she had to wait was 4 days on her first puchase but now she's been down to about 15-30 minutes. I hope this clears it up for ya.
  13. I fully understand your point, but I felt I had to challange their sign, and no matter what I can say here to back myself up in my actions, I just felt it was something I had to do. After all they are a gun shop. Same applies for WD on alcoa hwy. Im in there all time with loaded guns and a long time ago(before I owned a firearm) I asked about the sign and was given the same answer, "just keep it holstered". Now with that said, would I even dare to try and challange any other location with such a posting, heck no. Am I ballsy, not normally but sometimes when something just dont sit right with me I'll take what ever action I need to get the answers I need. Thats just me
  14. I would have to agree with the analog-kidd, I have actually learned more on tgo than what they had to offer yesterday. But I did learn that you can take a new quart size paint can and stuff a decored roll of toilet paper in it and fill it with 1 and1/4 bottle of 70% or better of rubbing alcohol and have a light and heat source for up to 10 hours. That was pretty cool.
  15. pretty much this is their reson for the sign. They dont want idiots pullling out loaded weapons at the counter. I asked the owners about it when the wife and I walked in open carrying and loaded. He did not seem to mind a bit, but asked us to keep em holstered.
  16. The avitar as I see it says " a little closer...closer..." with the little guys fist drawn back.. Thats funny
  17. Well with a trade in worth 200 toward the saiga costing 450, it cost $280 with tics,ice and tax out the door. I hope this helps
  18. Welcome Will
  19. Greetings
  20. Well here is how my day went. We started out at 7:30 am taking her cousin to probationary driving school, hit a few yard sales while waiting for Bill's Outpost to open. On our route we stopped at Subs and Such for Breakfast. As we headed to Bill's I get a call from stars and stripes letting me know his AK builder is there for show and tell and to let the wife see up close how one comes apart and answer any questions she may have had. So now we forget about Bill's and get to Stars and Stipes, we get there and after about an hour and a half of her learing whats what she finally decided on the 7.62x39 standard. Took about 40 minutes for TICS and ICE and then off to the range we go. She is just as happy as can be with her new purchase. Now we just need to pickup a windage adjusting tool to get that set and I can then say she bought an awsome rifle.
  21. So here is my problem. The wife and I are going shopping tomorrow for a new AK. There is a new gun shop opened up here in Maryville and the owner has offered me good trade on my 1891 mauser. The wife was wanting a wasr but after looking at the saiga ak's shes hooked. Now im looking for advice on what would be the better choice. She wants a 7.62x39 as we have plenty of ammo. The shop has a wood stock thumb hole hunter version with the longer barrel, the next in line is the standard synthetic stock.The owner then had to just show her the tactical version in .223 and now she dont know what to choose. So im looking for your thoughts and opinions. Now for those of you wanting to know about the new gun shop, Its called Stars and Stripes Shooting Sports 2318 Market Place Drive, Maryville. (865) 233-1077. This weekend is also the Grand Opening and they are giving away a free rifle and other small prizes. If you know 411 south and the new Wal Mart,they are located in the little strip mall just below the Wal Mart.
  22. Hey yall, the wife and I are in too. Ive been whatchin this thread and was not sure if I could do the Saturday event or not. I have the dreaded colonoscopy on the following Monday and had to reread my directions as to when I need to start my meds, so Im cleared for the day till 7pm. Just post for the greet and meet. I"ll be one of the listeners as well but im up for a camp out any weekend before it gets cold if someone can arrange the spot.
  23. Try this guy, Hey!Hey! Custom Floors 455-4276 ask for David. Tell um Brian from Southern sent ya
  24. z90HD

    Crotian php mv

    Does anyone have any experience with the croatian built php mv 9 (9mm)? I found one today and I like it. Not a lot of info on the web so I was just looking here if anyone has had one and what your opinions are. Thanks


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