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Everything posted by z90HD

  1. I want to thank all of you so far for all the great ideas. I am not a wood worker though. I turn wrenches for a living. A good friend of mine who is retired loves working with wood and is always building something at home. I may just turn this project over to him and see what he can do with it. I will mention to him about the ideas posted here.
  2. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    Thank You 6.8 AR for seeing it my way. I just want some of you to understand something about me. I grew up on the streets on Chicago. Not in the burbs but in the city. I grew to learn people and feel them out. I can tell you this, If I felt it was a bad deal I would have walked away from it, no matter how cheap it was. As long as the dude was willing to do a bill of sale and show me his I.D. Im happy with the situation. And just becasuse he is a con and a dope dealer that was of no concern to me, Hey he's gotta live with what he does. How many friends did I grow up with in the City that were dope dealers, and how many of my childhood friends spent YEARS in jail for shooting cab drivers at the age of 15 just to get into the street gangs. My point, It dont matter what you do to survive, Its what I feel is right. Ok so now im getting way off topic of my own post. I got a super deal on a fine firearm and I would do it again if it feels right.
  3. As i've been seeing a lot of this lately. people bringing me mowers and trimmers to fix.. Check your fuel lines for cracks. I've had a run of them in the last few weeks.
  4. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    The same friend once offered me a Titan Tiger in .38 special for $70. I never heard of this brand before so I called in my gun guru. He looked at it and said it was worth the price, until he grabbed the barrel and gave it a slight twist. I just fell right out of the frame and after taking another look, someone started filing down the serial #s. Needless to say I made a call on that one to another friend who jumped all over it. I wanted no part of that one.
  5. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

  6. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    You got it. I have a friend in the knoxville area who does from time to time call me with weapons of special interest for sale. In fact this same guy is the one who got me started in owning firearms. He came to my work one day with and old marlin 60. He was selling for a friend of his. The price was $60. I talked him down to $35 and no cash was exchanged. I simply just traded some of my labor time to do some work on his car. The deal worked out for both of us.
  7. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    well I just got done cleaning it and plan on firing it tomorrow weather permitting. As far as running numbers im not sure yet. I do have a personal LEO friend and talked to him last night about the numbers. He simply told me if he runs them and the come back bad he has to recover the gun and I do not want that to happen. We bought it on good faith and I want to keep it that way. Now as far as selling, I dont think it will be going anywhere. I want her to get used to carrying something a bit bigger than her P22. This G19 might just be the one for her.
  8. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    Ok, here's the scoop on todays transaction. I met with the dude looked the gun over and asked if I can tear it down. No problem there. I again asked if 250 was the price and he said yes. I let the wife check it out as she was paying for this one and she gave me the go ahead sign. Now the funny part, I asked why so cheap and he said he sells a lot of pot and was already a convicted fellon and did not want the gun. I asked if he was willing to do a transfer and he said no problem but he did not want the headache of his prior problems and I agreed. The wife suprised me and whipped out a pre typed bill of sale and asked for his ID, got all his info, signed,dated and all went well. Now for the real clincher that will piss a lot of you off. The wife is my negotiator, and she wont pay asking price for anything, So we walked away with a nice G19 for $225. Today was a good day
  9. z90HD

    Glock 19 question

    I would be willing to do a transfer for this deal, or at least ask the fella if he is at least willing to go and have it transfered. If he dont have a problem with that then I will just buy it straight out.
  10. Hello all, I was offered a Glock 19 today. Not sure what generation it is but the guy only wants 250 for it. Good deal or not. I need your thoughts on this one. I will be looking at it tomorrow Thanks
  11. The stock is in great shape. no finish on it at all . In fact it must have been stripped for a while as the areas where you would place your right hand to shoot is dark in color from the oils in the skin. other than that there is no other type finish on it.
  12. Good day everyone, I just pick up super nice mosin m44 today at the show. Metal is in superb condition as is the wood but the wood has been stripped of the original finish. I talked with a fella there who told me I could oil it if I kept it bear. Im not to sure I want to oil the wood. I was just thinking of just waxing it to seal it. What do you all think? Secondly, Im making a trip to Atlanta at the end of the month and was wondering if anyone knows of any gun shops there that is decent with old long gun prices. Thanks z90HD
  13. That is good news. Seeing as how there is a gun show this weekend at the expo I will make the trip to clinton as well. I have made several purchases from them in the past. I hope they still have the m44 when I get there.
  14. yes your right. I was there yesterday and they only had a crate full of 91/30s I was talking to the wife and she said I was mistaken as to where I read they had the m44s. It must have been on another site.
  15. Hey, I"ll tell ya all what. Those gang bangers in Chicago are nothing to sneeze at. I was born and raised in the heart of the city (north side) and man it's hard to believe how many kids were and still are getting guns in there hands. I don't know whos hiding the stats about shootings there but they are common. Every area of the north side I lived in had some kind of gang activity and they all had guns. Now all this was 17 years ago but I stll talk to my boys back in the hood and nothing has really changed. The south side is even worse. The last time I was in Chicago, driving down the expressway, twice in the same day 2 little punks on the over passes were taking shots at traffic below them. I still call it home but im sure glad im here now.
  16. Im sure all went well on your end of the paper work. I thought the same thing when I sent mine off. It took two days after I mailed mine that they charged my account. After that It was a day by day wait and calling the wife asking if the mail ran and did I get any mail. Well the wiat is over and now I just need to send copies out.
  17. Finally got my c&r in the mail today. Its been a long 31 days. I already made a bunch of copies and am ready to start sending them out to the online merchants. Im not sure where to start as I already have a 91/30 and I do want a m44 but everywhere I turn they are out of stock. I did read on the forum yesterday that J Floyds had some and Im headed that way tomorrow. I just dont know if they honor a c&r.
  18. Just my 2 cents here, but as I have had my carry permit for 10 days now, I have oc'd everyday. On the cooler temp days I casual oc'd but today I was all out. Even met a friend at the hospital today to look at a vehicle that was broke down. All kinds of ppl in the parking lot and no one really noticed. I was climbing all under the hood of a 4 wd truck with a s&w 9mm on my hip. I see the coin on both sides of the oc vs cc. I prefer to oc. Just my 2 cents
  19. Its been 32 days and we finally got our hcp's in the mail today. Now its been 18 days and still waiting on my c&r ffl. I sure hope it gets here soon im anxious and wanting to order my first c&r.
  20. Thanks for the info. I found this gun at a local shop and was just wanting to know what an average price was. Thanks again, z90HD
  21. Goood Day all. I have found a savage 4m .22 magnum today. I cannot seem to find any information about this model. I looked at Gunbroker, this forum search as well as savage's website. Im just wanting some general info about it and what a used one would be worth? Any info would be great. Thanks, z90HD
  22. I got a bad magazine replaced by Frontier Firearms. I think they are in Kingston. Not too far out of Knoxville. Its probably best to call them because those mags are or at least were hard to come by.
  23. Welcome
  24. Welcome from Maryville


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