Figure on no a/c, no heat pump, no electric range, maybe no electric space heaters during an outage when you're running a generator. That means you'll need an alternate source of heat, and an alternate way to cook during an outage, winter or summer. Fireplace, gas logs, wood stove, kerosene heater (with stored kerosene), etc become necessary for winter heat and to keep your pipes from freezing. A camping stove and stove-top coffee pot are year-round necessities. I keep several oil lamps around the house and have a BIG 12V AGM battery charged to use with my 12V lamp and inverters. The oil lamps and battery cut down on the generator load. During an outage, my generators power mainly the refrigerators and freezers and the TV in the evenings. If I had a sump pump, I'd have to add that in.
Power outages suck!