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Everything posted by enfield

  1. Keep on reading. You may have a septic tank someday. Poo is always a popular subject on the web.
  2. Except for the oldies stations (rock, country, swing) music left radio 30 years ago. Disco, rap and new country never qualified as music. Now, thanks to Sirius, I could care less.
  3. Maybe it's one of these:
  4. I'd sure like to try it. Marlin 1894 .44 mag.
  5. Let me guess - you find out it's not working properly when your drainfield gets clogged and you have to have it dug up and replaced. Or do you have a sight glass on your tank? As I recall, Rid-X is about $10 a box and you're supposed to use a box a month. $10 x 12 x 6 = $720 over 6 years. $200 for pumping every 5 or 6 years seems like a reasonable choice to me.
  6. You first!
  7. enfield

    Truck Guns

    An Ishapore Enfield. NOT in sight but very accessible.
  8. Yep - talk her out of purse carry.
  9. Personally, I wouldn't use the primers unless I could identify them.
  10. It all started with Walt Garrison: "Howdy, I'm Walt Gurrison an' Ah doan smoke. But that doan mean Ah cain't enjoy tabakky!"
  11. Also possibly a mink. or a short-eared bunny wabbit.
  12. In random order: Miller Lite Yeungling Bud American Lager (yummy) Heineken Shiner Bock Sam Adams Lager All-time favorite: Bohemia (Mexican)
  13. Global warming is a scam set up to STEAL wealth. Fixed that fer ya!
  14. Bear in mind that he probably published this because he's running for the Legislature, and for no other reason. He IS a politician. I'll probably vote for him too. Once. I don't trust any politicians anymore.
  15. That's probably a lot of consolation to you as you watch Detroit and Pittsburgh in the Cup finals.
  16. A welding shop can do a Magnaflux or dye check to see if it's a crack or not.
  17. AG opinions are NOT law -- they're just one lawyer's opinion.
  18. Better off but still far from perfect. No public property should be off-limits. However, I ain't complainin' -- yet.
  19. I'm interested, but will have to fit it in around already-planned activities. Question - is TGO a formal organization (with officers, bylaws, etc) or just a message board? Michigan Gun Owners (MGO) is a formal organization that, among a lot of other activities, runs a message board. It's probably the biggest pro-2A group in the state. It started out as just a message board and expanded.
  20. enfield

    Memorial Day

    Moved to a more appropriate forum.
  21. Englewood huh? Welcome neighbor!
  22. I was in Michigan when restaurant carry took effect and the signs DIDN"T appear. It was all about money after all.
  23. As I recall, the FE engines were 360 and 390 CID. FE stands for "Ford-Edsel".
  24. I climb ladders with boxed ceiling fans on my shoulder a couple of days a week down at the Lowe's Fitness Center. They even pay me a pittance to use their equipment.


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