I don't have the authority to close this thread, but I would if I could. I'd like to remind all of Rule #1 in the Code of Conduct:
You are a guest here. Conduct yourself accordingly.
All members are reminded that they are guests of TGO and should conduct themselves accordingly.
You do not have a God-Given right to be here; this is very much our "house" and our guests are expected to follow this code of conduct. This is not a democracy. The word of the TGO Staff is final on any subject. If you have a question about or disagree with the way something was handled by a moderator or Staff member, take it up with them in private. Do not debate them in public! If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the TGO Administrator.
If you argue with a Staff member publicly or otherwise engage in insubordinate behavior, you will be removed from the site without question.
Several of you are teetering on the edge.
I suggest you all give it a rest before you fall off. Further argument WILL result in infractions.