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Everything posted by enfield

  1. I'm looking for data for 156 grain RN bullets. Hopefully someone has a manual with a recipe using CCI 200 primers?
  2. I forgot about that benefit. I get to change from a j-frame to a k-frame when it's cool enough to wear a jacket.
  3. The .380's have marginal penetration and carry ammo is scarce. You'd be much better served by 9mm/.40/.45.
  4. Work and more work. When I ain't workin' here, I'm workin' at work. Other than a cigar and a bourbon on the deck this evening.
  5. I find rifle ammo won't even print on the paper with my Blackhawk. I reload a bit lighter for the revolver.
  6. Love Fall and Spring, just tolerate Summer and Winter. I've got a lot of wood to cut up and burn this fall -- just to get rid of it.
  7. Take it off line, guys. This thread is way over the top.
  8. Yeah, sure. 3 days after the thread was started!
  9. and maybe He didn't.
  10. That's a mistake on their part - the shoplifting rate will go through the roof.
  11. Nah - a speed reading class is in order.
  12. . . . or what happened after the stop.
  13. Here's another good book on the subject, though with an opposing viewpoint: Age of Reason If two books are good, three's better!
  14. I was enjoying it too much. And I'm waiting for John Travolta's next book -- the last one was a doozy.
  15. never mind - the discussion has gone in other directions.
  16. enfield

    Holster Choice

    Look at the Pop Top by R. L. Graham. http://www.grahamholsters.com/poptop.jpg
  17. "I think, therefore I am".
  18. It says some person named John. Probably John Travolta, I'm betting.
  19. John? which "John"? Any old "John" or some particular "John"?
  20. Who wrote that?
  21. enfield


    I needed some today on Tellico Lake. No fish.
  22. SHHH!
  23. I just started one of these on the Michigan Gun Owners board. So far there's just two of us laughing.
  24. I caught on!
  25. It's hearsay and, to me, no more believable than sightings of Sasquatch.


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