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Everything posted by Crawlin

  1. I came here to post that I shared this on FB but so glad to hear she is safe!
  2. Nah, I wont be there. We are taking a tactical rifle class locally in March which is costing a good bit anyway. For me it would be a 3 hour drive, hotel, class fee, ammo, and an angry wife. I could deal with all but the last part!
  3. I know some of you like them and some don't but this seems to be a pretty good deal. $200 for a two day Fighting Pistol Class at TR
  4. Edit: I even did a search! Opps Pizza delivery driver shoots would-be robber - Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee Now I just hope he's not fired for carrying on the job. More details: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2011/nov/04/armed-pizza-delivery-man-shoots-would-be-robber/p/
  5. Yea, this! Do tell cause that would be awesome...
  6. Fireproof was OK to me. Good message but the acting left a lot to be desired on my part. Either way I was happy I supported it. For this one, I will support it fully but from what I hear, the acting is great as well as the message. Will have to wait till DVD for me too though.
  7. Tell the inadvisable man to stop tickling my whoo haaa!!!
  8. Come on, we need more! Lord knows I could use a laugh today.
  9. Congrats! Ready for the sleepless nights?
  10. "Even if you miss with a 50 cal, the shock wave going by will kill them." Them: "That bank should have a sign that says no guns" Me: "Why" Them: "Well what if someone wanted to rob it" Me: "Do you really think someone would change their mind just because there is a sign on the door" Them: "I never thought of it like that" Me:
  11. Yea it does. http://www.orvpark.com/
  12. I was up at hot springs in a bone stock land rover LR3 and took some level 1 and 2 trails with no problems. I have taken my old Jeep up there and tackled some 4s and one 5. It was a blast and they do have some great trails. Worth the trip for sure.
  13. Sure why not. My name is Thomas.
  14. There's not a whole lot. If you don't mind the two hour drive Hot Springs is a really good spot. Might check Dyersburg, I don't know if that trail is still open or not.
  15. I saw this last night. I called my dog up on the couch and sat with her for hours after that.
  16. I'm sorry to say but we just wont have enough people to make this happen. With all the changes and miscommunication there just wasn't enough time to straighten everything out. A big thanks to Techtoy for brining the wrong information to light and I am very sorry for the wrong info. Mike, (the local NRA rep) is going to speak with Chet tonight at the event as well to help understand why the communication got so jumbled. I don't want to beat a dead horse but here is the thread where I got my info, not include the private messages Chet and I exchanged. Barrett Thread. If anyone wants to buy the auction and work on getting people themselves, please contact Chet before 5:30 today. He posted his info in that thread. Again, I am very sorry but up until the day change from a weekend to a weekday we had the people.
  17. Hey guys, so I am updating the first post as well but there are some major changes to this. I will be calling each person on the list to find out if they are still interested or not. Here are all the details that the local NRA rep gave me. This year the tour consists of the following: 1) 3 hour tour total 2) Tour must be done during the week (Mon-Thrus) 3) Includes a orientation/history of Barrett 4) A guided tour through the facility 5) Opportunity to shoot a Barrett 50 (5 rounds), you keep your target 6) Time frame as to when we can redeem is open, we just have to work out a day that is good for everyone but the day must be a weekday between Mon and Thrus. So dude I got the info from got almost everything wrong. There are no Saturday tours (plant is closed) The only firearm that everyone shoot is the 50 BMG (5 rounds each) There is no lunch included There are no ½ off discounts offered
  18. Hey everyone, so I have a call into the local NRA rep. Techtoy has sent me some info that they are planning their tour now and it doesn't include everything that I was told. I am working out that issue now and should have a response in the next hour or two. Sorry for this but I am putting it on hold till we hear from them. Changes that I have been told, but again I have to verify. 3 hour tour, not all day Only get to shoot the m82 50cal No lunch but get to see almost all aspects of the facility.
  19. From my understanding it was only on that day's production guns. What ever they were building. But either way, I will let you know what I find out tomorrow. Thanks again for pointing that out.
  20. Thanks for the info, I got my info from someone who is helping with the auction and took it last year. I will give him a call tomorrow and double check everything but he has told me more than once. Here is the exact quote from what he told me. However, after some searching I did find this as well from the May 9th auction. Hopefully its 2 levels of tours but I will find out tomorrow morning. Again, that is what he told me but I will call and confirm tomorrow and speak with him in person.
  21. Nah, each person who wins a tour will be entered into the drawing to win a rifle. There will be 24 tours. Those tours can consist of 1 person or up to 10 people. The person who buys the tour will be entered, the other people on that tour get to enjoy just the tour. By the way, it is an auction, if someone outbids our max bid of (1250, 125x10) then we are out. That didn't happen last year and almost all of them went for 1k.
  22. So I just got a bit more updates. Barrett will do a background check and look into you as you will be entering a very secure area. As far as redemption, we will be able to redeem it anytime before Nov so plenty of time to make sure we pick a Sat that everyone will be able to make it. If you want to come but are not local, give me a call and we will work something out.
  23. I just edited my above post to include this info but I am posting it here for the others that may have seen the thread and don't reread the bottom of the 1st post. Here are a bit more details as I do understand it sounded fishy at first. I forgot this was the internet and no one really knew me from this site. Here is the link showing the event tomorrow night and why there is a 5:30pm cutoff. http://friendsofnra.org/EventDetails...id=8042&sid=44 Here is the link from Barrett's website showing the quote on the tours and that they are legit. “Ronnie donated 24 tours to his manufacturing plant for a minimum donation of $1,000 each to the NRA Friends Chapters, and then gave us a Barrett .98-B rifle with a retail value of approximately $5,000.†Barrett All that being said, I have already given my full contact to both mods who responded and I am happy to give it to each and every person that wants to go. In addition I will write up a full receipt and contact or anything else needed to make sure everyone knows this is on the up and up. Also, I have to front the bill on this as I will be putting it on my credit card. I know it sounds fishy that I am asking for the money up front but it will be hard enough to get 10 people, and because I will be the one placing the bid, I have all the exposure. It would be quite hard explaining to the wife why I am going on a $1000 trip when I told her it would only be $100. People can back out very easy online if they have no vested interest, aka, already paid. Feel free to contact me with any other questions. Thomas Holcomb 901-626-1822
  24. Have you all heard anything else about this? I hope and pray it opens to the public.
  25. CANCELED I'm sorry to say but we just wont have enough people to make this happen. With all the changes and miscommunication there just wasn't enough time to straighten everything out. A big thanks to Techtoy for brining the wrong information to light and I am very sorry for the wrong info. Mike, (the local NRA rep) is going to speak with Chet tonight at the event as well to help understand why the communication got so jumbled. I don't want to beat a dead horse but here is the thread where I got my info, not include the private messages Chet and I exchanged. Barrett Thread. If anyone wants to buy the auction and work on getting people themselves, please contact Chet before 5:30 today. He posted his info in that thread. Again, I am very sorry but up until the day change from a weekend to a weekday we had the people. UPDATED INFO START: Hey guys, There are some major changes to this. I will be calling each person on the list to find out if they are still interested or not. Here are all the details that the local NRA rep gave me. This year the tour consists of the following: 1) 3 hour tour total 2) Tour must be done during the week (Mon-Thrus) 3) Includes a orientation/history of Barrett 4) A guided tour through the facility 5) Opportunity to shoot a Barrett 50 (5 rounds), you keep your target 6) Time frame as to when we can redeem is open, we just have to work out a day that is good for everyone but the day must be a weekday between Mon and Thrus. So dude I got the info from got almost everything wrong. There are no Saturday tours (plant is closed) The only firearm that everyone shoot is the 50 BMG (5 rounds each) There is no lunch included There are no ½ off discounts offered UPDATED INFO END: Hey guys, so I found this on another forum. I talked to the guy that was putting it on but he didn't get enough people together so he just told me if I can get enough people (up to 10) up we could get this thing going. I will work on getting more details over the next day but I need to get this going ASAP. Our Committee has a all day tour, live fire, of all the differnt sniper rifle Barrett makes. We will provide lunch. Tickets will be between 100.00 and 125.00 each .The money comes back to our chapter here in Tipton county. A few more details: It will be on a Saturday (date is still TBD but I think we can pick) Some calibers to shoot are .50, 416, 338, ... The range in price is due to a "bid" for the event. They have one tour left that no one has bid on. The tour can have 1 to 10 people included, meaning one person can take the tour by themselves and pay the full amount or it can be split by up to 10 people. The starting bid is 1000 but the other went for 1200 (the reason for the range in price). 100.00 x 10 people or 125.00 x 10 people. He told me to me we need to act fast on this as the deadline to get this info in was actually last month but since the other tour didn't sell he would see what he could do. I need to confirm this, but I have been told that after the tour, a selection of their fireamrs are made available to the members of the tour for half MSRP. Again I need to confirm but that is almost worth it right there. Updated Details as of 10am: We have till 5:30pm tomorrow night (June 9th) to get 10 people and to collect the money. I will put it on my credit card if needed but do need a firm commit on this. Updated Details af of 10:40am: 1) You pick tour date, with mr ray. UPDATE, we have until late Nov to redeem this. 2) Yes its at Murfreesboro 3) The half off was what they offerd us while we where on the tour. It was off productions guns that day. This year ,we beleive they are doing that again, which means if they are buiding 50s then is 1/2 off base model, if its 416s, you get the picture. 4) Everyone will shoot every kind of weapon they offer, even some you cant buy or use in the us, like the mini guns. 5) Lunch last year was catered t-bone steak and all the trimmings. I took my barrett with me, and they made some mods to it, free of charge,which was nice and I bought a real good scope from them, that was a remanufactured scope, but regular price was 3785.00 I gave 760.00 for it, with fully adjustable bases. 6) Hope this helps some. if you come up 1 person shy, call me, I'll cover that seat but only if you get that close ok. I've been three times,and its never been the same tour at all. Here is what I need: A hard commit of a max of $125 from 9 additional people who could pay within a day or two notice before tomorrow afternoon. So now here is the kicker. We have to have an all in by 5:30pm tomorrow night AND have paid by then. PM me here or give me call and I will put your name down. I will not add confirmed until it's paid though. Final detail - If we collect the cash and do not win the bid for whatever reason, you will get a full refund as we didn't buy anything. Also if the tour does go for 1000 (x 10 people) I will refund whatever anyone paid above and beyond that. Heres the list: 1) Crawlin95 - Thomas - Confirmed/Paid 2) Jim (Thomas Friend) - Confirmed/Paid 3) Jimmy (Thomas Friend) - Confirmed/Paid 4) Bruce (Thomas Friend) - Confirmed/Paid 5) DannyC from MSJ - Not Paid 6) Jason Gabbard - Not Paid 7) m14man from TGO - Not Paid 8) 9) 10)


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