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Everything posted by Just2Honor

  1. An opinion I support is that he may have broke a law against revealing information but he was following the "supreme rule of the law", the Constitution.  No wonder people are beginning to express a fear of our government--Bengazi, IRS, etc. 
  2. Might want to change your DL too.   Since te numbers are thesame it might save you a hassle.
  3. I got 7 more on you and I'm not taking a beat down from anybody no matter their age.  If me or mine are in danger then as he said......well enough said
  4. So if this type of thing had happened under a Bush he would say the same thing?   Yea, right!
  5. Good luck with the sale and move.  Glad to see another "treadhead" on TGO
  6. An Angry White Women:  Judge Jeanne Pirro     http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/justice-jeanine/index.html#http://video.foxnews.com/v/2376468832001/judge-jeanine-benghazi-whistle-blowers-changed-everything/?playlist_id=163706
  7. 8th time GA has sued since late 1800's.   IMO,  the Supreme Court will uphold TN again because the line was drawn using the technology and skills of the time, not today's methods, GPS, etc.  (The line was supposed to be the 38th parallel but they went too low.)    To rule otherwise would set off a firestorm of suits between numerous states, particularly out west where water is a major issue.    I am not a lawyer, never played one on TV, and didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, just makes sense to me.            Besides, the Tennessee Rv drains into  the Ohio Rv watershed and all of GA is in the Mobile watershed.   Get your water from your own sources.  You'd have to pipe it over the mountains to Atlanta so why not pipe it from south GA or east AL.
  8. It's not about guns.  It's about control.  Control by people in government who think they know what is right for us.  If it weren't about control there would be serious steps being taken to prosecute the criminals who obtain, or try to obtain, a gun under the current laws.  And laws would be strengthened to prevent criminals and the mentally unstable from getting a gun from ANY source.  No, the new laws are aimed at law abiding citizens, not criminals and mentally unstable.
  9. My historical perspective:  The country had just come out of FDR's New Deal which some thought had allowed "progressives" to go too far towards government control of their lives.  WWII not only united us but the war build-uprevitalized the economy.   We had just fought against two isms-the Nazis and Facist.    Stalin was pushing Communism and Socialism was flexing its muscles in Europe again.    Guess this college thought it was time to voice another view.  Much like Hillsdale College does now.
  10. DL is thinner  at least as of Aug 15, 2013 and HCP may be by now.   The boat registration is even thinner and the ink rubs off because of no lamination.    It's called saving money!    I believe the "Class" is on the front and any endorsemnent of the class is on the back.     My example  Class on front is DM   Class on back is DM Vehicles >26000 (Operator), motor-driven cycles & scooters  So I can operate a passenger car, van >16 passengers, or truck >26000 lbs and a motorcycle.
  11. Got to get me one of each and a sash.     I have a shiny, goldtone Lone Ranger Sheriff's Club badge from Merita Bread I've been wearing but these are way cooler! 
  12. The Gum Creek is not recommended if your vehicle has "knee air bags" for an obvious reason.   FIST makes a leather cross draw holster that swivels to horizontal for use seated in vehicle and then you snap into vertical place when you get out.
  13. jonnin, I'm with you.  I'd buy one with MOLON LABE and under it in () and smaller type Come Take Them    Those wo know would read the greek and those who don't can read the translation.  I would only have to explain the "them" to a few.
  14. I believe "dralarms" is correct.        Besides if someone saw the weapon they would not necessarily know it was unloaded and your intent was not to be armed.
  15. Thanks for the heads up
  16. Where is his church?   Where was he ordained?  What religious group or denomination pays his salary as a "Rev"?   Seems to me he makes his way being an agitator.  He's usually part of the problem, not the solution. 
  17. If your first reaction to something is to ban it than you're not really interested in fixing the problem.   Either an Oportunists or an Idiot.       IMO, 70% of the DC politicians are opportunists looking to cash in on the publicity/re-election potential, 20% are idiots, 5% are ok, and the jury is still out on the rest.    
  18. Since folks believe the government should be the "fashion police', how about next they ban hoodies.  Most crime videos show people in hoodies committing the crime so this would take care of the crime rate.   Government has no business telling me most of the stuff they do now.  No way do I want more government in my lifes.  And no, I don't wear baggie pants--I just want the government to back off and that means I can't have it both ways.
  19. Happy to be of service Dennis1209.  Wouldn't want your blood pressure to drop down to a dangerous level. 
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/04/11/jane-fonda-tells-veterans-boycotting-her-movie-butler-to-get-life/   I say to her, "I'll forgive you when the Jews forgive Hitler"
  21. Mike 357 is right.  Just like gun control  government run medical care, no matter what name you give it, is about Control, not the end result.
  22. In some places it's not the owner.  Some ABC agents are still telling places the they have to post the "guns and alcohol" signs just like the "pregnacy" and "ID" signs.  Don't know if the individaul agent has a problem following the law for personal reasions, if his boss has told him to enforce the old law, or if it's an agency just not keeping up with changes in the laws in their instructions to their agents.   There seems to be a disconnect between agancies and the legislature.
  23. Wyoming surprised me until I read the write up.   Sounds like they haven't adjusted state government as their economy went south.    Looks like most of the top 10 vote one way and the bottom 10 the other way.
  24. Signage carries the "weight of law" in TN.   The law is specific about the wording (or a Gun Buster sign) but nobody has ever tested incorrect wording in court.   Most think if it implies no guns then go somewhere else or leave your gun elsewhere.no guns".
  25. OP, I'm in the same boat as you.   I had to give up my brush and mug for an electric due to a skin issue about 12 years ago.   Settled on a Panasonic ES8249 and Afta Pre-Electric Original for a close shave without irritation and redness.  Has a charging/cleaning dock.    Still not the smae but it does a good job for me.   I still have my old shaving tools.  It was part of the morning ritual for me that I still miss occasionally.  Can never go back but I hang on to them.


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