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Everything posted by Just2Honor

  1. Bersaguy:  Maybe her attitude towards patients and healthcare is the reason she is booked up.
  2. What TripleDigitRide said.  I live in Coffee County (near Manchester) and its a lot cheaper and about 30 minutes to the Boro if you're on that side of the county and 45 if on the other side.   Welcome to Middle Tennessee
  3. Don't think it will be a "test" unless he takes it to court and pleads not guilty due to improperly posted.   He'll have to take it all the way up the ladder.   Me, personally, I don't care how they post or what language they use.  I don't enter unless absolutely necessary (unarmed of course)  I don't spend my money in private businesses that post. 
  4. No thanks.  In the mid-60s we were issued C Rations packed in 1946.  Enough experimenting for me.
  5. Looks like the change adds to the current law.   TCA 55-9-302, b 4 still allows no helmet in parades  ( I think my "police permission" came from my motorcycle safety class as a suggestion to ask first rather than assume the law was known by the locals)   b 5 appears to be the addition.  It specifies funerals, memorial rides under police escort, and body escorts that are under 30 mph, rider (and presumably passenger) are at least 21 and distance is no greater than 50 miles.   So taking off with a bunch of buddies on a Saturday and calling it a "memorial ride" are out unless you convince the police to escort you.    For me, if its over a "walk your bike" parade speed I'm covering my noggin with an approved helmet.   I am a member of Patriot Guard Riders so I'll be wearing my helmet on these missions even if it is around the block. 
  6. Does #10 replace the current rule that local authorities may approve no helmet for parades under 30 mph?
  7. No spying on US citizens without a warrant.  No different then British soldiers coming in to colonist homes because they wanted to.
  8. Became a Squire in December,1972.  I own plot 1418. One square inch that is supposed to be on a hillside going up to the Barrel House above the charcoal pit.        By the way, it's for lease!
  9. Try this sign: " We shoot every other salesman.  One just left. "
  10. For the original colors try Color Rite on-line.  They had the color for my 2002 Kawasaki when the manufacturer wouldn't even tell me or a dealer the color formula.   Bought the paint and a body shop did the prep and painting.
  11. Me, too
  12. dawgdoc:  Florida Panther is different from a Mountain Lion like a Turkey Vulture is different from a Black Vulture.   Look at a FL Panther crossways and you're in deep dodo just like with a Bald Eagle. 
  13. I heard the they were changing their name because they are embarrassed.  They are dropping the "Washington"
  14. Upon hearing about Daylight Savings Time for the first time an Indian Chief said. "Only the white man would think that you could cut a foot off of one end of a blanket, sew it on the other end and think you had a longer blanket" 
  15. I will not critique based on this limited info.  I will however say that "teenagers" who are old enough to drive should know by now that you do what an officer says.  If you disagree take it up with a judge later.  If they don't know it then maybe the parents are to blame
  16. Non venomous--round eye pupils.   I'll go with a corn snake.  They have sometimes have muted coloring.
  17. Vegetarian:  old Indian word for poor hunter
  18. I remember when they said cranberries would kill you in the 70's right before Thanksgiving.  Then " VOILA",the next year  a new study came out that said a person needed to eat thousands of pounds of cranberries for it to be harmful.  By that time cranberry farms all over had tanked
  19. If anything is added after you negotiate the deal on the sales floor for the "bottom line number"  and if others add anything I suggest getting up and heading towards the door.  If they don't cancel the add-on, keep walking.  This is an unethical business practice.  What if I said I'd sell you a widget for $1.00 and then when you got ready to finish the deal I added 50 cents?
  20. I hope Bart Durham doesn't see these
  21. Seems Clarksville is in the news about as much as Nashville and Memphis lately
  22. Not trying to be argumentative but....Is it not still a violation of the law against "going about with the intent to be armed" if you carry a baton, club, etc without a certification of training.?  If so, wouldn't carrying a cane if not needed for mobility be a violation?   
  23. Just read he got 2 years in Federal for the buy and the shooter go time in the state pen.
  24. What happened to the "Straw Purchaser?     Did he get a slap on the wrist like Holder or probation like Dontay Mills who bought 27 guns with a false ID and then sold them to felons?   Media makes a big deal about the gun shop but says nothing about the buyer. 
  25. Doctors and Lawyers have a "practice".   Ever think about that


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