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Everything posted by Just2Honor

  1. Next time you see an old guy in an American Legion or VFW hat remember one day he was a tough young guy doing his duty to his country and fellow soldiers
  2. How about a new game. WORKAMON GO then they can all go out looking for jobs
  3. I am guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No where is it written that my attacker's right s trump my basic three rights.
  4. Reminds me of the woman who wrote a letter to the editor of her paper complaining that she didn't understand why people had to kill to eat since she just went to the supermarket to get her hamburger meat.
  5. Ratio would be higher if there was a way to factor felons and domestic violence offenders out of the total. at least 1 in 8 adults?
  6. I live on the opposite side of Manchester and will not be going that direction after Wednesday morning. But "Welcome" to all you Roos--we need the money you generate for us.
  7. I don't know them all but I owe them all
  8. Memorial Day is not National BBQ or Go To The Beach or Lake Day. Sure it is okay to enjoy ourselves but it is the day set aside to remember the 646,568 (and counting) Americans who have given their lives fighting for, or defending, our freedoms since the American Revolution. And don't forget the 82,751 still missing in action. Each of these people was a son or daughter, brother or sister, or a friend to someone. Some were fathers or mothers. So don't forget to remember their loved ones who also paid a price with their death.
  9. Check out T&P Embroidery, Tullahoma 931 455-8264 He does our hats and some of our shirts for Honor Flight of Middle Tennessee HAs design capability, copy your design and multiple, computer controlled machines to put out a quality product. My avatar is our logo on our items but he can do more intricate work too
  10. Congratulations and keep up whatever you two are doing.     In two weeks I will celebrate my 50th with my wife and two daughters.   I know a lot of guys that have been married 50 years but not to the same woman !
  11. I trust you do do what you think is right.  Great site, keep up the good works.  Just remember:  Nobody likes change but a wet baby
  12. Just like after the HCP passed there will be blood in the streets.   Not!
  13. Well damn.  Forget what I wrote in my original post.  Another meaningless gun bill.  Should have know the RINOs would do it again
  14. On 4/27/16 the Senate (SB 1736) and House (HB 29033) Bills were signed by the Governor making places not required by law to be posted liable for injuries to hand gun permit owners if injured because they could not defend themselves due to their posting of no guns allowed.    Need to get the word out to posted places that they are now liable.   Maybe some of these businesses will now think twice about this
  15. Have Dex (Lowes) on a 8 year old deck.  No warping, looseness, etc. Screwed down to a firm sunstrate of Yellowwood 2x10,s.   (Has no structural value)  No slicker when wet than a stained board.  No splinters even.  Some color loss as you have to clean it but Olyimpic makes a cleaner that does not require a pressure washer and sun.  I would use it again.   I believe in the old adage: "Pay me now or pay me later"
  16. Well done Airman.  Rest in Peace.  We'll take it from here.
  17. Choice program was forced upon VA to blunt the blows about wait times to see a VA doctor. From what I've read the number of doctors has diwdled due to the rate they pay and long, long payment time.    Made for good PR but seems to be just another half-assed VA plan
  18. If the doctor councels me on gun safety and something happens, can I sue the doctor for malpractice?
  19. Perfect weapon to perform a military operation?  I don't think so--it is semi-automatic dummy !
  20. Supper ?
  21. Obiwan:  I may have an excellent driving record and continue to practice safe habits, but if I run over someone I can, and probably, will be charged with a crime.  I believe in people taking responsibility for their actions, or in-actions.  "I tried to always be safe" sounds good but it isn't taking responsibility.
  22. Beat me to P. Coltrane.   Handsome animal.   Hope he is a good helpmate for you
  23. My neighborhood is next to a boat ramp on Lake Normandy and people ride through the parking lot and dump cats and dogs regularly.  A couple of days later they are in the neighborhood looking for food.   My wife and I have two great cats from their dumping.   But I can't take them all.  Other neighbors have taken in dogs and cats too. 
  24. Donation done out of respect for the two of you.  


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