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Everything posted by Just2Honor

  1. Don't buy Jack Daniels if you're after a bourbon. It's not a bourdon. Made similarly but without the sweeter part and charcoal filtered. It's Tennessee Whiskey. No other whiskey can use that designation.
  2. Thanks for the info. As always, TGO and its members came through.
  3. How do I reduce the thickness of a piece of leather? Scrape, sand, rasp, something else? Have a piece that is at least 1/16" too thick to adapt as a sweat shield to an existing holster. Thanks in advance for any helpful hints.
  4. Just got an Amazon order that the FedEx Smartpost tracing shows took 2 days to get to my local PO from Kansas and then another 2 days to get to me six miles away. Now I'm not complaining about the 4 days, but I think the 2 days to get across town may be the issue with the PO.
  5. The problem with an "airtight" background check was no one reported his strange, erractic behavior to the authorities. Not his "friends", the college, neighbors, nor even his parents who watched him build a shrine containing bones, etc., in their backyard. None of this was knowledge to the folks maintaining the data for a background check, so how could it show up? Magic? Some all-seeing, all-knowing agency? Give me a break. People have to be aware of what's going on with other people and be willing to step up and try to correct a problem. This is the expected knee jerk reaction and irt will probably result in some asinine law that does nothing to change the situation but people will feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  6. Live in the country but no problem so far with mice. Have one cat indoors and one outdoors. The outdoors one brings us "presents" og mice, voles, and chipmonks all the time. Tough little bugger! Even brought a squirrel through the little doggy door in the garage. He had to have worked to get it paralell to his body and under hiss legs to allow both of them to fit.
  7. Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy)--a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of achieving, and where the least likely to succeed, or even sustain themselves, are abundantly rewarded with goods and services paid for with the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
  8. If they did not have federal law to lock in First Class Mail to them exclusively they would have been out of business a long time ago. As it is, they've "bankrupted" a couple of times and been bailed out by the Feds.
  9. I'm with Fallguy. Seems like the Special Deputy card is like being named a "Kentucky Colonel", etc. Reserve Deputy is like a part-time LEO. On the payroll when needed due to vacancies, sick time, and extra workload like the fair. Same uniform, same equipment, authorized to drive county-owned vechicles just like a regular deputy. Around here they really get a workout during Bonaroo!!
  10. I was a certified Red Cross instructor for 10 years so I would say start with their CPR/First Aid course. Covers adults, children, and infants. Usually not very expensive, only takes about 8-12 hours, and will be good training for everyday life. Makes a good foundation for further classes. Yea, it's basic and not "rocket surgery" but it will get you started. They also have a course for Professional Rescuers as a followup. Have a Workplace CPR/First Aid that takes one day but only covers adults.
  11. Never had the opportunity to attend one of these shows. After reading these posts, if opportunity knocks, I'll run from it!
  12. Seems to me I've read on this forum that in this state it is Against The Law To Carry A Weapon, BUT a HCP gives me a defense against that crime and ONlY that crime. That statue only applies to my carrying a firearm, not how I might use it. This is an important point in my mind--carrying, not using. SEPARATE laws covers my killing someone with any means--gun, claw hammer, etc. The normal rules of processing a crime scene and collecting evidence will probably take place, including the retaining of ANY items deemed a part of the killing. The items are still mine, they're just being held pending the outcome. Maybe I'll get lucky, a DA will say my actions were justified under the SEPARATE laws covering self-defense and the Castle Doctrine. My claw hammer or whatever will be returned or maybe not even taken. But there is no guarantee. I might have to go through the processes of the legal system. In that event, I'll get my other hammer out of my tool box.
  13. Either one is fine with me. But I do like a little whiskey in eggnog. Not a lot, just a touch for the taste.
  14. Basic problem: No more common sense. TSA ruled that "replicas" could not go on board but forgot that no one has enough common sense to interpret what a replica is so they reply on if it "looks like" then it is a replica.
  15. He may be in FL but the interstate system can put him here in less than a day!!
  16. I'm speechless, er, typeless.
  17. If you think signs in businesses is screwed up, take a look at the mess we have with local parks!
  18. Horsehide has pores that are closer together than cowhide so it is less affected by moisture (sweat) Somepeople think cowhide feels softer though.
  19. There's a Line-X dealer in Tullahoma.
  20. I agree with Mike.357. The famous quote goes something like this: all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. When the school officials didn't take action he had three options: 1. go back to them and tell them to do something or he was going to the police, 2. go to the police because the school had its chance, or 3. do nothing. He chose #3 and it came back to bite him. The real losers are the men he allowed to be molested. He wiped out a great career with that decision. When you mess with kids or old folks you're history with me.
  21. Someday they will sit around wondering why they went out of business.
  22. Amen, Wyatt. From one vet to another: Thanks for your service, too.
  23. Address or directions?
  24. Don't have a Kindle but I downloaded Amazon's free "Kindle for PC" and use my laptop like a kindle. Shop the Kindle Store at the same price and download via the internet. Great way to read.
  25. Proud to have been born, raised, and educated in Spartanburg.


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