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Everything posted by Just2Honor
Can't help with a TN supply but you vcan PM for several online retailers
I do some silver work on jewelry. Never tried Silver Solder on anything else so I may be off base. Silver Solder comes in 4 different grades--hard, med, easy and very easy. Type depends on the temp you want it to flow. Example: if you have two separate soldering operatioins you might use med on the first and easy on the second so the first joint won't fall apart when you heat for the second joint. (In silver, the whole piece heats up, not just the joint) One operation, I'd pick med if my torch would reach the correct temp. You'll also need flux for silver solder to get the flow to cover the whole joint. In jewelry I clean the two pieces REAL well with a dish soap like Dawn, rinse well, wipe dry, and don't touch with my fingers or the solder might not flow and bond completely.
+1 subsonic. Grieving is a normal reaction and there is no set way or time limit. Each person is different and their relationship to the loveone is different. Grief is normal folowing any loss so nothing is wrong with your feelings. Be there for each other and remember the good times together.
I was an "Ain'ts" fan in the late 70's when I lived in Kenner, LA. (The year they finally went 0-13 and people put on paper sacks at the games) Had neighbors who worked for the team as frontoffice, equipmentr managers, etc. Have always followed them closely so it hurts to see their troubles. They will fall a long way in the next two years, but hopefulluy they will climb back up again.
Unforunately he not only hasn't won a state, in many he hasn't gotten a big enough percentage to qualify fo any delegates (like our own TN) Sorry to say I think his chance is over. Hopefully he can hang on and at least have some influence on the platform. To beat O the Republicans don't need his followers to not go to the polls in November.
Need a new law. All umbrellas must be red or yellow to prevent confusion with "evil black assault rifles" Problem solved!!
Had a rear sight problem with a Mini-14 and had him look at it. Found the problem right away and explained it was common with this gun. Even showed me comments on a blog about the same problem. Satisfied me that I needed a replacement that didn't have the same problem Ordered it and installed today--less than 5 business days.ordered it. Great experience and fair price from a good all around guy (even if he is a Marine!!)
Should this guy be charged?
Just2Honor replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Based on reading that the assailant didn't move or threaten to move towards him I would charge him. He deserves it for firing blindly (through a door into an apartment!!) Hard to call it self-defense or defense of another when you can't see what is actually happening. -
As my daddy use to say, "Put him so far back in the jail he can't see the light coming under the door!"
Jonnin-While I, and many others, share your obvious flustration, it is the law. Our HCP is only a defense against the crime IF you are following the laws pertaining to it. I don't see much hope for changing it any time soon as we can't even get a decent "parking lot"bill through the legislature. On a better note, it appears more and more county electrion officials are moving the polling places out of schools due to security concerns by the school, parking issues, etc. Unfortunately that isn't always possible, particularly in rural counties where building options are limited.
Feedback Wanted - Overhaul the Classifieds / Trading Post?
Just2Honor replied to TGO David's topic in Feedback and Support
Looked nice but I don't need the upgrade since it costs you more money. -
Hiking/Camping w/No Conceal Carry Permit
Just2Honor replied to MiddTennTaco's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Just a word on our permit since you've recently moved here. It is a Handgun Carry Permit, usually shortened to HCP. The law doesn't specify how you carry--concealed or open is your choice. -
+1 SWjewelTN and gator. No offense nightrunner but Rome wasn't built in a day. Sure inventory may be low but I believe he'll get what you want Used guns come with enough time for trade-ins to occur. I'm glad to see some competion in Southern Middle TN and plan to support him with purchses and work so he can grow his business. He offers three classes; HCP and two NRA. The two NRAs are currently being advertised--Basic Pistol and Home Defense. Told me he has a classroom in the store and a range on a friend's property a few miles away.
Forgot the Website www.chirhofirearms.com
At least it was new to me. Chi Rho Firearms at 611 E Carrill St, Tullahoma opened in October. The owner, Chad Gabbard, was very friendly and seemed willing to help you out. Do gun repair, teach classes, etc. Check it out and be sure to mention TGO. Is aware of our organization but undecided about where to put his advertising dollars. A few mentions might help TGO David.
I'm not a fan of the recent type of shows that have to have everyone shouting and arguing with one another. IMO, Les needs to get another business for the daughter to run on her own and turn the current store over to his son. Retire, relax, and live a little longer.
Senators Corker and Alexander, along with six other Republicans, joined Harry Reid's control over the Democratic Senators (all voted in favor) to approve Obama's radical left pick for a lifetime federal judgeship. As a younger man, Furman stated that a large part of the crime problem in America was due to our fascination with guns. He has never stated anything that softens that opinion. A second term will spell trouble for the 2d Amendme as Obama will probably get to appoint at leaast two Supreme Court judges and his picks will be like Sotamayer and Kagan .
Be on the lookout: Scam victimizing older men
Just2Honor replied to QuietDan's topic in General Chat
Got me four times this week already -
Employee Safe Commute (Parking Lot) Campaign
Just2Honor replied to Worriedman's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Only one emailed me back. Campbell said "I'm with you" Short and to the point. My own pols have not responded yet. -
I believe that range is controlled, if not owned by the Moore County Sheriff. Suggest you check with them. Several years ago my HCP Class was to shoot there but a second lock that our instrucror didn't have a key for had been put on the gate. It was a Saturday and his contact was out of town. No one else would authorize us to shoot that day.
Anti-gun protest at Starbucks on Valentine's Day
Just2Honor replied to LagerHead's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
IMO if we do not tell businesses why we support them or don't support them they will not understand the consequences of their decisions. No matter how busy they are, we need to express our views in a thankful manner when appropriate and in a calm, non-emotional manner when that is appropriate. A small up or down blip in sales will go unnoticed, but "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" -
Anti-gun protest at Starbucks on Valentine's Day
Just2Honor replied to LagerHead's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I conceal carried to the only Starbucks near me today (on I24 at Manchester), bought a coffee, and thanked the manager for not posting. She said she was aware of the "anti protest scheduled for today" and that 4 of the 5 stores in Chattanooga had protestors. She thanked me for stopping in. Never asked if I was carrying--didn't seem to care one way or the other. How it should be everywhere,IMO -
School Bus Driver arrested for carrying gun on bus
Just2Honor replied to R_Bert's topic in General Chat
+1 to volsvan. The media also leaves HCP holders out of their stories on the "parking lot bill" They just say "will allow employees to have their guns in their car on company and public property" or some such. When I hear or rewad it I send them an email that it applies to HCP holdeers, others are still prohibited. -
Cheap dress-up trim for Glock
Just2Honor replied to glowdotGlock's topic in Firearms Gear and Accessories
Have to ask: why? -
In late 1957/early 1958 I got a 1955 Studebaker Commander, 300 HP, 3-speed on the column, 2-door coupe, in yellow with green interior. Added another 2 bbl. carb progressively linked and so it would really get up and go and a Glasspak muffler so it would sound ba....ad. Think I remember it? Wish I still had it!!