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Everything posted by Just2Honor

  1. Shucks, all I ever got was a Daisy Red Rider !
  2. Seems the site has become slower and slower the past few days.  Takes longer to load pages.  Any help?  This is th only site I have noticed this on so it leads me to believe that it is not onb my end.    Congrats on a great site , by the way. 
  3. Given his record of standing with the Democratic Party line, did you expect any different?
  4. Probably right, daddyo.  Couldn't let her irresponsible logic logic go by without writing her.   True to li8beral leanings she said nothing about people (and society) taking responsibility for what is happening in this county.  It's always something else's fault.  Blame something else but don't blame people--you might hurt their feelings or offend them!
  5. All her examples were "illegal possession" not a qualified, trained adult.   Not the full answer but shouldn't be dismissed by using flase examples.  Maybe the disrespect for human life by killing unborn children, the entertainment industry, and video games have added to the lack of religious basis for our society.  Sent her an email outlining all of the above.  We'll see if she responds.
  6. Looks good.  After a while everyone will get use to it again.     Generally nobody likes change but a wet baby.   Thanks for your work on TGO.  Much appreciated.
  7. In nearly 47 years of marriage to her I've only gotten near the doghouse door a couple of times.  Calling her "my old lady" would have put me in it.   There is no issue that you can't talk about if you want to make it last.
  8. If you think public demonstrations will help then do so.  But leave weapons out of it.  All that will do is give the media something to focus on other than the issue and facts.   As others have said, all it will take is one shot and gun owners will be branded as hate-mongering radicals out to get everyone else.   The antis would love to infiltrate a march and instigate something.
  9. As I see it the property owner has rights.  A HCP gives me no rights.  What I have is a defense against the TN law forbidding the carrying of a weapon.  Don't imply that it is right, just the way it is in TN.
  10. Let's see...a person illegally completes a federal form and then breaks the law by giving the guns to a felon, not just any felon but one who brutally beat his mother to death.  But somehow it's the guns fault.     In CT an underaged person illegally carries firearms (one which is illegal in CT) onto school property (illegal), then illegally enters (breaks in), and kills people (again illegal).  But it's the gun's fault.   Before you pounce on me, I have as much sympathy for the people who lost loveones as anyone, but we as a society need to use reason, not emotions.   Murderers will find a way--see my signature.   As a society we need to be better at identifying the mentally ill and isolate them from opportunities to injure others,  and treat violent people accordingly--separate them permanently from the rest of society.   We need to make people take responsibility for their actions, not blame "tools"
  11. Sorry I had to miss it.  From the comments it sounds like exactly what I need to be prepared.    Hope there can be another one soon.
  12. If you are asked to leave bythe property owner or their representative, ie, security officer, you can be arrested for trespassing.  After the arrest if you give false information you can be charged with that offense, too.   Don't think MPD is going to ever hear from an attorney over this.       Morale: leave when asked and don't lie.    The shirt is another ball game: Total disregard for the feelings of others just because your only concern is your point of view.
  13. +1 bkelm18   and I'll add, give them money and your opinion so they hear from a member not an outsider.
  14. Just what we need in a time of heightened rectoric about "gun control" !   I wish I had two of his shirts--one to crap on and the other to cover it up with.
  15. DaddyO+1  Check out OathKeepers.org for a group organized to defend the Constitution loike the oath many of us took says.  You don't need to be a vet to join.
  16. Rightwinger +1 Especialy true  if they schedule the start for a Monday!!
  17. Seems to me the issue with vets is the same with everyonbe else: It's not "financial skills", it's mental state.
  18. Maybe "good experience" and "car dealership" are an oxymoron.
  19. Would love rto come but Sunday the 16th is a no can do. Thanks for your effort and if you do it again in Mid Tn please post it.
  20. That's it for me, too.
  21. To all who commented, You're Welcome. As they say, "All gave some, but some gave all" I appreciate all my brother and sister vets but especially the 58,479 who died in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975. Thousands returned with mental scars we never see. And all returned to a sometimes hostile nation who couldn't separate their hatred of the war from the warrior. My vow is that never again will a generation of veterans forget another generation of veterans.
  22. Progressives, ie Liberals, are for free stuff. I'm for free people.
  23. I would attend. Crossfire, I can meet up on I-24 near Manchester. You could drive to here and I'll get us to Franklin so we'd split te gas.
  24. I have to have a photo ID to cash a check, buy alcohol, or a gun but don't need one to vote? Give me a break, PLEASE!! Tennessee passed the voter photo ID law and makes them FREE at the DMV. Even opened the DMV on Saturdays--you can only get a photo ID so the lines are not long..
  25. It can happen. And did happen in New Orleans after Katrina. Police Chief announced a ban of all guns in the city and they went door to door on warrantless searches of law-abiding citizens. Confiscated guns and some have never been returned. State and Feds stood by, even allowed NG tropps to be asked to help. Some did, some didn't. Check out Oath Keepers (www.oathkeepers.org) to see how you can help prevent this. You don't need to be currently or ex LE and/or military to join this organization which hopes to educate LEs and military of their obligation to "uphold and defend the Constitution". My oath had no experiation date, how about yours?


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