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Just2Honor last won the day on May 26 2016

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About Just2Honor

  • Birthday September 15

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  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Motorcycle ( Patriot Guard Ride Captain), Veteran Issues Honor Flight of Middle Tennessee
  • Occupation
    Retired (thank goodness)


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Ascend Ampitheater in Nashville has large gun buster signs on the gates but it was built by Metro and sold to citizens as a "park". Now they say it is run by somebody else so it's not a park and the vendor has the say so. Manchester City Parks still have "no guns" on their signs, too
  2. Lifetime not for me. I don't even buy green bananas anymore
  3. Not for me. I don't even buy green bananas because I might not get to see them turn yellow.
  4. Wasn't even a Committee but a Sub-Committee. 7% 0f the legislators (7 out of 99) killed these bills by voice vote so there would not be a written record of their vote. Wonder how any of their voters will ever know?
  5. Next step is a registry from each state that other states can check to see if the permit is legit or a bogus copy. Sounds like a national registry down the road to me.
  6. Appears to be an unfortunate incident. It is dark, comes out of his house with a long gun. Deputies don't know who is who or what they are dealing with. They react and he is shot--lucky they didn't shoot better in the dark or he'd be dead. Nobody won, but the attorney seems to be trying to get a win for himself
  7. Appears to be that the Police Chief (Ollic) made the statement not the coroner. But still probably the call belongs to the local DA, but then it is SC so things may be done differently. Another case of a thug getting the raw end of his attempt at crime!
  8. I am speechless. Which is very rare for me!
  9. Seems to me that 3 pages of comments by gun owners about the interpretation of a change in a gun law is an indictment of the legislature that passed a bill that isn't plain to a reasonably educated person. Reminds me of the joke "What do you have with 100 attorneys on the bottom of the ocean? A good start" Could add politicians and cover the few who are not attorneys. Sorry if I offend any attorneys but it sure seems they complicate the language of our laws, either directly or indirectly with their court cases
  10. Why? Isn't a year enough time?
  11. I don't even buy green bananas anymore
  12. Finally got one. I was beginning to think they didn't like me. I was on Saturday and got the email this morning
  13. Bersaguy: And weird commercials for perfumes ! I can always tell when it will be a perfume ad--I can't understand any of the scenes nor the voiceover
  14. Universal driver's license probably falls under the so-called "commerce clause" that the Feds use so often. I doubt it will be used for carrying a gun.
  15. TGO David remember "Nobody likes change but a wet baby"


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