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Everything posted by soapy

  1. Ok I'm all in.. Glad I found this Sh*t hole.. Good active board. TGO David does a good job. Since I'm still green, I selected a slingshot as my first weapon, ummmmmK? and me, I look like Mr. Mackie Southpark. Humm let me look and see if I can change my nick to Mr. Mackie.. lol
  2. Wow, cool My whole goal in life was to get out of installation, I had to make it on my own, and was a wreck from working myself out of a job.. I finally slid my way into industrial maintenance. 480V top speed, and when I flamed out, I was a maintence leader in the nissan paint plant, PLC's and paint robots. I got credit for working there close to 10 years. Before that some in music city, whirlpool, purina mills, ... couple years at Batesfull Casket company in manchester.. Not trying to hijack this thread, but this is a good active forum..So excuse the newbie What do you do friend?
  3. Hey bro, I sent you a PM, OR used to be my stomping ground, looking for an old friend.. thanks
  4. u da man... great idea. I don't think I ever used/seen a megger in the field. Or maybe I'm starting to go senile, runs in the family... I remember discussin using one once, after a pull with a dozer, but we didn't have one or the time, and lit it up..
  5. Peace and strength to ya bro.
  6. Take an ohm meter and see if any of the wires read together. ie shorted etc..it will read to zero if they are touching each other anywhere. Check there is no visible damage/deteration to it anywhere, no water pouring out when u cut a small piece off If not I would go with it.. The wrap paper being wet/ moist, it will dry out with a little heat, even if it is still a little moist down in there... So says a 20 year industrial/ electrician...who started out doing houses.. Peace. 0 and A.S. degree , Electrical / Electronics Technology Roane State 1982 Senior, Computer Engineering Technology MTSU 1997 Flu shot paralyzed me, and I never graduated, medically retired
  7. Thats what the neighbor said and I read that also, thats why I thought they might be "posers" . Learned a new word here... I just thought of this.. The yellow sign is closer to the asian apartments. It was tagged first. Later, the stop sign was tagged by the latinos. = turf wars 2 gangs involved, no matter how they tag territory.
  8. Thanks for the welcome all. Especially the info/support.. Come better weather and better health I will take someone up on help. I am currently recovering from a fall getting out of the shower..Ouch! Yup, new advances in drugs, has given me the ability to walk short distances and I was setting personal records. A month after the fall I am slowly exercising my way back. I haven't been able to get out much the last 10 years, nor paid much attention to what was happening, as I never thought I would make it this far...Times have changed as my neighbor put it.. and you veterans, back at ya... thank you also.
  9. D, Nary housing projects and sadly where are large concentrations of Hispanics are also Hispanic gangs. Is that located on weakly lane? thanks
  10. Exactly my thoughts. Smyrna PD does have a 2 min response time there, but it only takes seconds. I stopped going and have warned the neighbors. Still, they are around. thanks for the replies... Happy holidays, and Merry Christmas. soapy
  11. thanks, I have a bit more I'll add. The park has an apartment building close by with easy access to the remote area of the park where the signs are. After reading this forum and some of the links, I am convinced that they at 3 different times this summer, (twice with 4, and once with 8) they tried to get position on me, either for practice or to see how I would react. I usually have my guitar and in a power chair, and they were other people elsewhere in the park at the time. At the time I was just uneasy and left, not realizing what they where doing at the time.. My neighbor is an assistant principle at smyrna high school.. He said they were refugees from the former country Burmese, relocated here. They are about 20 in HS, and around 30 in elementary and jr high. Most don't speak english, so they hang together. He talked like they where harmless, just happy to be here in the land of plenty... and not to be fearful of them... I was also told by a lady who works in the school here , where they send the truants, that they were more likely to try and befriend you, and afterwards rip you off.. rather than do harm.. I would like to give them the benefit of doubt, but from what I know and feel, they are exhibiting gang activities, if you know what I mean... I assume they are smoking weed, as they have made some drawings of a pipe , joint, etc on a wooden deck close to the creek, built by the city this summer..I mentioned the signs to a Smyrna LEO, and he said they have had a "couple" calls on fights to the apartment area, nothing major, and that he would contact the parks dept to have the gang signs removed or the signs replaced... I haven't been there in a bit, so I don't know if that was done, and I doubt that would stay clean long.. peace soapy
  12. Hello, I took some pictures of gang signs in the smyrna park this summer. I happened to be watching the history channel on gangs and believe one to stand for the gang MS 13. x=10 c=3 http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z428/soapy11/DSC04145.jpg I have no idea what the other one is. anyone? http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z428/soapy11/DSC04144.jpg Maybe they saw the show also, and its just for intimidation? I have heard there is gang activity in the Antioch area? thanks for your input. soapy
  13. Hello all, I am medically retired for the past 12 years, and a U.S. Army Veteran. I did my time in Germany 1976-1979. I currently live in Smyrna and I have to travel in a power wheelchair when I'm out and about. I haven't touched a weapon, other than a knife since the Army days. I have been thinking about getting my HCP, and have been doing some research. I am still undecided as the places where I spend my time such as parks and lakes, it is my understanding that I would not be allowed to carry a weapon in those places. At least that is my understanding of the situation. I don't feel like I need it going to the walmart next to the police station...although I like to go cruising out late evenings ( in good weather) in my powerchair, and I have felt intimidated a couple of times by some local wanna be gangster/ punks, who are mostly young teenagers that don't speak english very well. Usually all I carry is an ipod and a few bucks, id etc, nothing worth fighting over. (I'm an easy target, but not a worthy target) can't run or fight.. For home defense I have an old S&W 38 special 6 shooter, and I have an old single shot 410 I hold for my stepson, but it is not loaded with anything. I've never shot either, but I did buy some new ammo for the .38 as I was afraid the 20+ year old hollow points in it may not fire. I plan to try and shoot the pistol some in the spring, when the weather is good. I try to stay in the warm house in the winter. I have the ok from the wife, and I would like for her to have her's also, but I doubt she would carry. We are worried mostly about being sued if we shot someone, as we are homeowners but would be hard put to hire a lawyer, as we live on disability. I'm pretty well convinced that a person involved in a shooting will be sued, and have to prove self defense. So i will be lurking around here, and my ask a question or so, now and then. Great forum, as I have gained some good knowledge from here , thanks. Peace P.S. I'm all Tennessee, I was raised in Roane county, the wife is from Oak Ridge.


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