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About Mason

  • Birthday 03/13/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Northeast TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Freemasonry, Motorcycles, Water Sking / Wakeboarding, Airplanes, Antique Tractors, & Guns
  • Occupation
    Environmental Consultant


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Taurus PT 745 PRO
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Kel-Tec P3AT

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  1. Mason

    New Tisa 10mm

    Just buy it. I dare ya!
  2. Respectfully: There is no way I would waste my money on something like that unless the plan was to use it as a wall hanger for some sentimental reason. Back when I was buying them for under $70 in great (like new) condition, and they had never seen cosmoline they were a good deal. At that time there was not a cheaper firearm available. Now days there are plenty of brand new rifles, pistols, and shotguns that cost less, function properly, and in some cases even have a lifetime warranty. Money is too hard to come by to though it away....
  3. The only times I open carry is when I wear a suit and take off my jacket at dinner or to get into a car etc. It is no never intentional when I leave home but sometimes it’s not worth putting a blazer on to grab a burger or gas especially on a hot day. I have definitely caught myself rolling my eyes at guys in Lowe’s with an OWB nylon holster a few times. They always seem to have their hands full and a dog leash around one arm too. Most would be an easy target.
  4. I'm intrigued: The oceaneva brand now has my attention and the testing process along with your ROV. If you don't mind me asking... What is the primary mission of the ROV? Inspections, exploration, PM's, etc. Additional details on the capabilities would be interesting. Max depth, range, mods, additional uses etc.? If you ever need a good used EHS guy look me up. LOL
  5. I'd buy every lever rifle, 1911, and AR I could afford since the tacticool crowd will be selling them cheap to finance the latest FA toys. A .22 can may be nice for teaching kids to shoot but otherwise... I've got no real use for anything FA unless it's a long-term investment. SBR's are fun. A vertical foregrip on some pistols makes them easier to handle.
  6. The C&R game was fun about 10 years ago. You could buy mosin nagants for under $100 all day long and a nice SKS was in the $200-250 range. There were no other centerfire rifles in those price ranges at the time. Now the C&R guns have increased in demand to the point that you can buy a new modern rifle for less money. Modern weapons are a much better/smarter buy for most folks since warranties, available accessories, greater accuracy etc. are the norm. Plus modern ammo in modern firearms does not have corrosive primers or powders and is overall easier to maintain. I have not used my C&R license in years and really have no reason to renew it. Years ago the C&R vendors typically sold all ammo to C&R license holders at discounted rates and treated them like a class 1 FFL. This resulted in 20ish % discounts on ammo and accessories back then too. There just isn't any incentive left for me to have the C&R license anymore.
  7. I had a lot of mil-surp .308 ammo laying around that I didn’t want to damage a “nicer” rifle so I bought an axis II and mounted an Athlon argos 6-24x50. I love that setup. The accuracy and consistency is better than I imagined and to be honest the rifle is much more accurate I am. This budget build was a great investment that gets the job done.
  8. I would be all over this deal if I was closer. My brother-in-law is in Spring Hill but he has the COVID this week. I am sure someone will jump on this deal before I get a chance to. Great price for my favorite carry gun.
  9. As long as you buy a gun made by a company with a transferable lifetime warranty I see no problem. It seems like the budget brands offer these warranties more frequently than the more affluent manufacturers. I’ve sent Keltec and Walther guns I bought in pieces from previous owners who broke or lost parts and they both fixed and assembled them free and paid the shipping each way. I suspect HiPoint and Henry would do the same but doubt many others will.
  10. Anytime I hear revolver i immediately think COLT Single Action Army.grab one with Ivory grips for $8-10k and don’t look back. if your like myself and a bit more practical there are many reproductions priced well below $1K. I like single action revolvers. If I want double action I will just grab a semiautomatic pistol.
  11. The wife got me an awesome new wedding band (the original was too tight)… Plus a couple mags and tuckable holster for the xds that I’ve been carrying. My dog bought me a couple Heritage revolvers too. LOL. Parents set me up with a smokeless fire pit and the kids got me a new phone case and life jacket. I’ve been blessed! Merry Christmas all!
  12. I typically only visit forums: 1. When something is broke. 2. when I’m looking for something to spend my money on. 3. when I’ve just bought something cool and want to brag a bit. Currently I’m searching for a coach gun with rabbit ears. It seems like they went from being everywhere to being impossible to find. I’ve went out shopping for them three times and brought home 5 handguns instead of the coach gun I have been wanting for a year. I figure looking online will be safer on the wallet than going to another gun shop.
  13. I’m a Sullivan county native and don’t visit this site frequently but stop by occasionally.
  14. It has been a while since you posted this but it’s good to know a local shop does good work. Thanks for the recommendation. I drive by their shop occasionally but have not taken time to stop in and investigate.


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