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Everything posted by jaysouth

  1. Caster, I want to watch you casting some time. I have the time on my hands to take up another hobby. I want some advice on parts/tools to buy before I get into it. PM me if you are casting anytime soon. Thanks
  2. Take a look at this link. Scroll down until you get to the powder that you prefer. It will list charge weights and resultant group sizes. Use this as a guide. I would start at 7 grains Unique and work up in 1/2 gr. increments. If you can't find an accurate load, try another powder like bullesye or something else. Again refer to the chart data for the most accurate powder in these tests. So far I have missed any discussion in this thread of velocity. You want to keep your velocity around 1,000 feet per second to prevent leading from cast bullets of unknown hardnessf, and get optimum accuracy. You can look at the table for each powder and get an idea of where your most accurate load is. Scrub your barrel very well to get all the copper fouling out before shooting lead. http://www.gmdr.com/lever/lowveldata.htm
  3. I blow my two 550s with compressed air after each session. Hold down the brass spacers or else remove them. Compressed air will blow them out.
  4. Try A-H reloading in Nashville.
  5. charteuse combo jigs in 2-4 deep around community brush piles. The locals swear that three days of sunshine will mean crappie activity on the fourth.
  6. Mike Loftis took me up on the Tennessee river above I-40. We caught hundreds in three days. We kept half a limit for table use.
  7. This week was very informative for me. At Dick's on Charlotte Pike, a "Manager" informed me that a federal law required all FFLs to keep trigger locks on ALL their inventory. Today, at Walmart, also on Charlotte Pike, I learned from a clerk in sportings goods that there is a federal law that requires ALL ammo purchasers provide state issued ID. I think that I will fire my shyster lawyer who charges me for bad advice. Why pay for it when I can get it free from minimum wage clerks at big box stores. Pay an extra 10%, support your locally owned gun shop.
  8. There are a number of scenarios where the police can get custody of your gun. Think about recovery from a thief, taken from your comitose body in the emergency room, left in a restroom, etc, etc. If your gun winds up in the property room, you need some convincing documentation or a very good song and dance to get it back. I could share the details of such a scenario, but it would be too embarrassing to post in public. I provided a bill of sale and got it back minus the ammo.
  9. jaysouth

    Kahr cw45 review

    I once had a P-45 and a CW-45. I kept the CW because it has a traditionally rifled barrel with is safe with cast lead bullets. It's not my favorite range gun (about 2 pounds too light) but it is great for carry and is managable.
  10. I have had a number of them over the years. Horsehide is worth the extra money. The #3 for a polymer frame gun is a winner. You will not wear one out.
  11. Not sure it's suitable for a woman, but the quick ship bikini slide from Blackhills Leather is under $60 and is top quality.
  12. Thanks for the reply.
  13. Does anyone have a contact phone or email for Brown's Bullet Casting in West VA? Thanks
  14. Grunt nailed it. The show has been slipping steadily over the years. The parking fee will kill it. As Grunt said, you now fork out $13 for a $3 show. It seems like the place is getting dirtier all the time. The bathrooms are cleaned every other month whether they need it or not. The vendors have a business model that if something won't sell, they raise the price. At the last show I attended, a vendor offered me some M-59 Smith and Wesson mags that were "originals" for $50 each. Everyone associated with the show seems out of touch.
  15. Belshire is now $30. I still like dealing with Phil Mitchell though.
  16. Bill Goodman's show at the fairground has always sucked. Same old vendors displaying the same old merchandise. The only thing that changes are the prices. If it won't sell, raise the price. Food is poor and expensive, rest rooms are filthy, the place is overun with rappers in the afternoons and now you have to pay to park. Being out of pocket 13 bucks to get into this show is something I am ashamed of wasting my money on. In certain circles it could help get you a mental disability.
  17. It look as good as Robar to me.
  18. Can you provide contact infor for this place?
  19. There are a couple of valid reasons a shop owner would post "no loaded guns, no concealed guns". Both having mostly to do with insurance. However the reasons given by this owner are immature namby pamby BS. If the poor SOB is scared of scaring potential customers with the display of firearms, he should get a pet store or greeting card shop. I support property owners exercising their valid ownership rights BUT: I don't support stupid with my money.
  20. Update: She will be at the gun shop from 1300-1400 for coffee and cookies. Not sure what happened to Southern Bred, but that's off for now.
  21. 5th congressional district Republican Primary: CeCe Heil will be one on one at Eastside Gun on Trinity Lane on Tues. 7/20. She looks like the real deal. Come ask her any questions you may have. ANYBODY BUT COOPER!!!
  22. FIVE rednecks in kayaks! Next thing you know, they will be driving SAAB convertibles. I would have made friends with them. After sitting around the fire listening to my tales of perversion and deviancy, it is they who would have left keeping an eye over their shoulder.
  23. Dave, What springfields are made here in the USA?
  24. A couple of months ago, I had an interesting conversation with a TN probation officer hanging out at Eastside. He said that he is not allowed to carry a gun ON duty be it openly or concealed. I am glad he likes his job, I would not.
  25. Phil Mitchell is a good guy. He is the go-to guy for transfers in or out. He will mail a handgun to an out of state FFL for less than $20.


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