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Everything posted by jaysouth

  1. Clays or VV310.  Clays is a lot cheaper.
  2. Best gun show I have seen in this area for years.
  3. [url="http://www.reloadingtips.com/index_bullet_casting.htm"]http://www.reloadingtips.com/index_bullet_casting.htm[/url] On this page is a button to click on 'home' which gives an index of many articles on reloading and jacketed bullets also.
  4. The one with the best "feel" turned out to be the most inaccurate and undpendable gun I have ever owned. A P-08 Luger!
  5. [quote name='Caster' timestamp='1352087284' post='839262'] I like to keep mine stored in very small amounts inside small brass cylinders of various diameters. [/quote] Accurately calculated and carefully metered small amounts stored in brass cylinders properly stoppered up with a lead plug. As an aside, I saw a military ammo can full of GI ammo in bandoliers that was in a fire. The top and sided were bowed and blackened but the lid did not seperate and no cases or bullets exited the can. I'll bet that the brass was annealed primer pocket to case mouth, all of them.
  6. Dolomite, I am not smart enought to comment on most of your post except to agree that the smaller the standard deviation of a sample, all other factors being equal, the more accurate that load will be. when casting bullets, I weigh a random sample and compute the standard deviation of the sample. I then separate the bullets into groups by the amount of standard deviation. some folks use a one grain weight separation, but I have found that segregating the bullets into SD intervals insures uniformity and gives better accuracy in the rifles that most of us shoot, at the ranges that most of us shoot. By way of example, a couple of months ago, I cast several hundred bullets in a 200 gr. mold. The samples weighted from 194 grs to 204 grs in the sample. The standard deviation of the sample was 2.48 grs(rounded to 2.5). I then segregated the bullets into groups of 194 to 196.5 grs, 196.6 grs to 199 grs. and so on. This insured better accuracy that shooting the lightest bullet, 194 in the same shot group as the 204. Assuming that a little knowledge is dangerous, I do not pretend to be an actuary, but this method has imporved my accuracy in cast bullets.
  7. I have some powder that has been around 20 years and still works just fine. I keep mine in cabinets in the garage. There are seasonal heat/cool variations, but nothing that has caused any degradation. I just opened an 8 pound jug of HP-38 that I bougth in 2002 (for $79.00!), It is working just great in my .45 loads. If you powder is bad, it will smell VERY bad.
  8. Musicman said "I'm a smart-mouthed sarcastic booger quite often, with a weird sense of humour" I deeply represent that! You can't be all bad.
  9. I have never used their jacketed bullets, but I have shot lots of their cast bullets in .45, 9mm and .309 My favorite .45 "everything" bullet is their 215 gr. Semi wad cutter. It has a meplat bigger than a 9mm bullets. It smacks with authority. It is number 807 in their online catalog. Good folks to deal with.
  10. An addiction for which no cure is necessary!
  11. You spray it on your shoulder? WD-40 helps arthritis in my hands. Kidding aside, where do you purchase 100% iso or pure lanolin locally?
  12. Mamma just reinforced your message. I will lay down a sheet of plywood in the future. My back is too bad to be crawling on my hands and knees and getting up scrap lead out of exposed aggregate.
  13. Red, Is the WW in ingot form?
  14. Topical arthritis treatment. Normally a couple of PBRs will make the pain go away, but I learned(the hard way, LOL) not to drink and play with molten metal at the same time. Actually, I use it to spray the mold when I am through casting. Makes it easier to clean with a toothbrush and mineral spirits next session.
  15. After spending months accumulating all the gear I need for casting bullets, I set up outside today and mixed some casting alloy. I mixed 3 parts lead to one part linotype to get a alloy that will approximate Wheel Weights for .45 ACP SWCs. Look at the 'dimples' that formed on the bottom of the ingots that I poured into a 'teflon' lined muffin tin. What caused this effect. I did cast 5 .309 bullets from the pure lead before adding lino. I will use these to slug the barrels on a couple of rifles that I plan to shoot cast through.
  16. Put me on the list when you get a date. Thanks
  17. I visited Sevier Indoor Range in Sevierville/Pigeonforge twice last week. It is an outstanding range with super ventilation and lighting. The staff is very friendly and helpful. If you are in neighborhood, go to their website; www.sevierindoorrange.com for hours and directions.
  18. jaysouth

    beer snobs

    Damn a buncha yuppie 'craft' beers. I spent most of March and April in Belgium and France. The Jupiler and Stella that are on tap in most bars are OK. I sure missed my PBR. The PXs and Commisaries do not carry it either. A pox on fruit and candy beer!
  19. BUL also made frames for Wilson combat KZ-45s.
  20. I would do some research on line. I think that this product is waaay too hard to make good cast bullets. It could be as much as 40% tin.
  21. A couple of years ago, I bought a small mountaing of closed out Meistercast 124 TCs from Brassmanbrass. I load them over 3.5-3.8 grs of 231. This load shoots well in Colt, STI, Beretta and Glock/wolf. My HiPower has a larger bore than most and leads badly and shoots patterns instead of groups. The most accurate 9mm I have is an STI Trojan. It shoots 147s from Magnus and Penn more accurately than 115 or 124 gr. cast bullets. In the past I have loaded very accurate cast loads with HS6 and Unique. However, the most accurate load I have ever used in my STI is 147gr. Hornady XTP over a couple of grains of Titegroup.
  22. jaysouth

    CVA Apex?

    My next project is going to be a single shot rifle in .30. I have been looking at CVA Apexs on their web site and reviews on the net. Seems like a good solid and accurate rifle in the 500-700 range. Has anyone ever seen one in person? I have not been able to find in a gunshop for a wide radius. The closest one I can find is a used .243 in Meredian, MS. Might be a nice road trip but I can buy a mid range scope for what the gas would cost.
  23. You have to be a benefactor here to buy, sell or trade. Thanks Dolomite See the links below for benefactor information: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/store/product/3-premium-membership-1-year/ http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/store/product/2-premium-membership-6-months/
  24. Some reading and research is in order. Start here and become familiar with the terminology and expand outward. http://www.gmdr.com/lever/lowveldata.htm Somewhere between 7 and 9 grains of unique will give you a very accurate 50 yard target load with your Marlin rifle. It will not lead or put ANY wear on your bore. Concentrate on your targets and save them for future reference. When you get very comfortable with this load, buy a can of 2400 and research a 1500 fps load, which are deer killers out to 100 yards. Another good bullet is the 165 flat nose made in our backyard by Magnus Bullets just across the line in AL. www.castboolets.com is your friend, but you have to work at it.
  25. I am about half way into a jug of Clays that I reload .45 ACP 200 gr. SWCs with. It is very clean and my load of 3.8 grs Clays has very little recoil but I do use a 14 pound spring in my Les Baer. The 16 pound spring seems to work OK in a Colt and a Norinco custom. I have no idea of what the velocity is. It cycles my guns and pushes a bullet through a paper target at 25 yards(when I am having a good enough day to see that far). It has an exponential pressure curve, so stick to published loads.


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