china coaster
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Everything posted by china coaster
Try Hobby Lobby for your leather supplies. For 6.00 there you can get enough to make several holsters. For straps go to the Goodwill and buy single layer leather belts for a couple bucks. Tractor Supply also carries some heavier weight harness mending supplies.
I have one that's only had 30 rounds through it. Like it a lot ,but I'll stick to the mini mag ammo.The cheap bulk ammo wouldn't even cycle the slide and some remington stuff only a little better.
My Daddy's old model 56 Springfield in 22lr. looks like hell and shoots like a dream.
My roommate and his friend got robbed and shot at tonight
china coaster replied to a topic in General Chat
Where I live is a little over an hour from MTSU. When I and others from our class went to UT we refered to MTSU as a suitcase college. Most of our friends went there. I go to the VA in M'boro for my health care and the town has exploded in the past 15 years or so. They have what long time Tennesseans call the Atlanta syndrom. The want to grow and be like Atlanta. Nashville has that problem as well. The only thing preventing the M'boro from getting large national conventions is their lack of a large convention center. -
A composting toilet is the answer. A good one can be had for around 1500. A friend of mine has one in her business and has no problems. I will have a composting toilet in my new bathroom right beside the flush toilet and bidet. With an outdoor wood furnace I have a perfect place to dispose of it. Of course living out in the boonies I have a septic system with a cistern back up, and a hand pump to get water from the cistern if needed.
We must remember that we live in different times. People are more dependant on government for everything now days. When I was a student there in the mid '60s we could and did carry just about anything in.If they caught you with it you could leave and walk back until a friend came along and give it to them. In fact we pledges were required to carry in liquor for active members. It was illegal then as now, but it wasn't a problem. Most people living today have never known anything but big government, so just let them choke on it.
Regal Providence Theatre Mt. Juliet
china coaster replied to k9wh91984's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
My wife and I have been going to that theater for several years and I've never seen a prohibitive sign. If I have to read their windows like back pages of the paper I'll stay away. We rarely go anyway now days,so until a big ol' gun buster sign at the ticket booth and door gets in my face. I stand uninformed. -
A P3at or it's clone is a good default gun. The only practice you have to do is making sure it works. They are nasty little buggers so making sure you don't limp wrist the thing is very important. Mine has only stove piped once and I think I must have limp wristed it. In a good pocket holster it disappears . I carry it in my left rear which was unused anyway. that leaves space for another gun or two for your primary. A 357 snubby will fit nicely in a rifgt front pocket with a good holster, and no one questions it's ability.
My wife offered to get hers in case something happens to me on the road. Then she would be able to take custody of my guns vise letting some emt, leo etc. do it. She would never carry. guess when the weather gets a little better we'll try to locate someone in Wilson county that offers the HCP class to people that know nothing about hand guns.
BUd's has it for 628.00 then you ad the insurance, and transfer fee. It would cost me 669.00
QuietDan got it. I never advocated suing merely threatening it to get the manager do do what you want. 25 Years ago I probably would have barked at the kids and told them to get away from me. then if the father gave me any guff I would have scared the crap out of him. I am a lot more mellow now and in exchange for leaving idiots like that alone I use the system they understand. And as far as fearing anything from the father. A man that lets his kids behave that way has already surrendered his cajones.
I'm surprised no one has pointed out that you would have leverage against the store in removing the man and kids due to your being able to sue. As long as you got to a walk in clinic and got it documented . You could also ask the parent for his name and address for the purpose of litigation. If he refused call the cops and tell them they should bring along someone from children services.
Any new tax(even sin taxes) hurts jobs . The government does not need more revenue. It needs to spend less money. In fact I'll make the federal government a money saving offer. I will wave my social security if the SS administration will give me my money back. I won't even ask for interest . I can invest it and make enough money to cover all my expenses.
My first thought was cocked and locked and when forced in to the pocket the safety was moved. For that reason I never put one of mine in to one of the pockets or console (cramed with stuff) without de cocking. I've shot the concrete floor in my laundry room and a mulberry window sash in my kitchen due to operator error.
How was it able to discharge?
It does become second nature fairly soon. I was putting stuff in to my truck at the handicapped spot in front of the Lewisburg walmart yesterday when this man about my age with casual draw string shorts and a white T shirt walked past me to the front doors. He had already made me as the 2 inch medium frame 357 in my right front prints big time. He had some type of medium size poly pistol in a leather holster strapped on in plain view. I think he is the same man I saw in a auto parts store several years ago with a belt holster holding an all steel pistol under his bibb overalls. Small towns are a little easier on us.
Social Security Disability attorney in Knoxville?
china coaster replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
My brother handled his own disability and got it. Took him a little over a year,but he received all payments in arears in one lump some. He will spend all day on one phone call. It can be done. -
New York City serves a useful purpose as a depository for THOSE people.
I've used sevin and pyrethrum with about equal results. Pyrethrum is a little bit safer.
Take a look at Taurus's models 617 and 66. 617s can be had for 3560 to 375 and 66s around 400 to 420. Various lengths, 7 shot, blue and stainless. I have a 2 inch 617 and love it. I even pocket carry it in cooler weather.
In warm weather either a 2" 357 Taurus or a S&W airweight snubie in the RF pocket then a Keltec P3AT in the LR . Both wit pocket holsters. Cool weather I usually carry three. The snubbie and keltec then either a Colt Officer's model 1911, a S&W mod 21 or the 357 in pancakes or shoulder rig.
Oh, but the people receiving various entitlement checks from the govenment do work. They go to the polls and vote. That's their job. politicans need work to.
People speak of their door being kicked in.News reports say the door was kicked in. So try to have a door that can't be kicked in. Now I realize if you rent or are in hock to your eye balls on your dwelling having a door that can't be kicked in may not be practical. But if you own and have little debt you could. The doors of my house can't be kicked in. There are two doors at each entrance. the outside one is heavy wood and saftey glass that opens out. The front has a 3/8" 4" long slide bar that is hard to work on the outer door and two of the same on the solid wood inner door. These doors can only be opened from the inside. The back entrance has a heavy wood and safety glass outer door with a keyed dead bolt and a slide bar opening out, and the inner one is a heavy wood with glass incert top backed by heavy hardware cloth. It has two keyed dead bolts top and bottom so the door can,t be worked around the center bolt. Another thing to use is a piece of 4 inch lumber with a yoke sawed in one end that can go under the door knob then is kicked to apprx a 45 deg angle. It's the same thing as putting a straight chair under the door knob but much better. It would take quite a while to break in to my house. Took me 15 minutes once when the dead bold on the back outter door went bad, and I have a shop full of tools. Most low lifes have a jack handle at best.