china coaster
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Everything posted by china coaster
No refusal dui check points in tn.
china coaster replied to Mdunntn's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I have never been through a dui or random traffic stop. I don't drive on holidays or any other time the sheep are out in numbers. Just remember to always vote against government. Keep them guessing. No one working for government should feel secure in their job. -
I have 14 hand guns and 7 long guns and only the mossberg 500 has an empty chamber.
I have a S&W 5906 police trade in that ran about 345.00. Great gun and I imagine there are some still floating around.
Go to Simply Rugged. Great holsters good folks and fair prices. I carry a 2" 617 in one of their pancakes. Also have their pancakes for a S&W 21, 4", Ruger 6.5" single six, and one of their large frame auto holsters for my FNP 45.
Full size pickup opine...Tundra, Titan, Ram, F-150, Silverado?
china coaster replied to Lumber_Jack's topic in General Chat
I am on my second Titan and can say they ride and drive well. Can't speak for their longivity. I put 59000 on a 2006 then traded it for a 2012 in Feb. because I wanted a crew cab. I use the Titan for my travel truck. I tried to wear out a '75 and a 79 dodge and couldn't, so can say they hold up. I have a 2001, 2500 Dodge 6 speed diesel with 60000 on it and runs perfectly. It's my farm truck now. If you can find a Nissan dealer with some 2012s left you can get a deal. -
Boiled linseed oil and hot water to clean then when dry rub in straight oil. . I have gotten to where I finish new build pieces with just oil.
I have a Dickies leather belt with a stiffener sewn in and cost aprx 12.00 at walmart. Great gun belt.
What was your first handgun, and do you still own it?
china coaster replied to mav's topic in Handguns
A stainless Colt officers model 1911 bought in the early 80s. Still have it. -
Favorite Revolver: Colt special police 4" older than I am and shoots great Favorite pistol: S&W 5906 good hand and great trigger
Question for Tennessee LEOs about funeral
china coaster replied to E4 No More's topic in General Chat
As sort of a post script I have seen bikers shut down, dismount, stand and put their hand over their heart. In one procession I was in a good ole boy was standing beside his flat bed with ball cap over his heart and at his side sat his Border Collie. Last Monday at about 1545 I was east bound on central pike in Wilson county and their was an injury wreck at the road that goes south to Gladeville. Well from their to 109 three LOEs and two rescue vehicles approached headed west. I pulled over and stopped each time and almost got hit in the rear once and the third time a kid pulled out crossed a double yellow and nearly hit the ambulance to pass me. -
Question for Tennessee LEOs about funeral
china coaster replied to E4 No More's topic in General Chat
In the larger towns and cities you don't see it much anymore ,but that is Southern courtesy. It never ceases to amaze city folk and yankees. In the smaller towns you will actually see people stop and the men will exit the vehicle and uncover. In my and surronding counties the city and county police forces put at least one and sometimes multiple vehicles on funeral detail. In '97 when my Father passed away In addition to city and county officers an officer from each of two other little towns in the county came to block intersections. They knew him and thought they should come. -
Rock Island has a 22TCM/9x19mm combo pistol that Jeff Quinn reviewed. Looks interesting. I would like to see one. It is a 1911 style.
Where are all of the pro- gun voices?
china coaster replied to superduty's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Just let the anti gun fools from the president on down run off at the mouth. That is what they are good at. Buy more guns ,ammo and mags and stock up. -
Where are all of the pro- gun voices?
china coaster replied to superduty's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Just let the anti gun fools from the president on down run off at the mouth. That is what they are good at. Buy more guns ,ammo and mags and stock up. -
Lock and load in Columbia. New owners and even better. $30
Should worshipers be allowed to arm themselves?
china coaster replied to zapfbroad's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I don't go to church much , but I carry when I go. I even carried at my wedding; a medium frame 357 and an airweight snubbie. The minister and our honor guard were also carrying. -
Look in to Simply Rugged's Chesty Puller rig and one of their pancake holsters. I have three and chest carry a lot. Great for operating machinery and riding ATVs.
Gary Johnson...the Libertarian? Really????
china coaster replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yes vote for a third party. that will teach those republicans a leson. Remember what a vote for Ross Perot did? Right, it put Hillery Clinton in the white house for 8 years. -
I have one that was an uncles. You will enjoy shooting it. Spoils you for other revolvers even new Smiths.
With waist pants; a Taurus 357 7 shot 2" revolver; a S&W air weight 38 snubbie & a Keltec p3at. Bibb overalls; The 38 snubbie and the p3at.
22LR 22 Mag 380 9 MM 38 spc 38 spc +P 357 Mag 44 spc 45 acp
I checked it out. Put in the required info and got nada. Guess they don't have courses in a 25 mile radius of Mt Juliet. Thanks anyway!
I would like to find a firearms course in Mt Juliet or Lebanon for my wife. She has never fired a gun and knows nothing about them. She has offerder to get an HCP so she could legally take possession of my guns in case something happens to me when we are driving and/or travelling. I think this would be better than my trying to teach her the basics.
Country Music Hall of Fame.... posted?
china coaster replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
We have been planning to go one day.If there is no gun buster sign on the door in we go. If at some point I'mm detected then I will leave.