Howdy, Native Chatt. boy myself, of course we moved away when I was still a wee lad and all.;-) Observation's I have from outside of the box on your Bersa problems are pretty simple. If you haven't gone to another pistol yet try these steps. Have a friend who is an experenced shooter do a course of fire with the ammunition you've already tried. If they have no FTF then your having problems by "limpwristing" it happens more often than you'd realize. If the friend has FTF problems with the pistol than try some other brands of 380 ammunition and see how they work out. If no success than either you have a magizine problem or a feed ram problem, both of which are easily corrected so don't fret. Insofar as other pistol recommendations, well I've gone from one extreme to the other type and brand wise, but for dollar and reliability value I'd recommend a KelTec P3AT 380 or a PF9 9mm, both do suprinsingly well once broken in. FWIW I'm a big time "gun snob" and generally won't look twice at anything new, but KelTec's service, value and overall reliability changed my view on that company.