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Everything posted by TNWNGR

  1.   Either buy a small farm dozier to initially clear the property or find someone who'll do some bartering with you to clear it with their own dozier. As long as you offer to pay fuel costs someone will eventually come through on a barter deal. Once you've done this you can get by just fine with a Ford 4000 or 4600 tractor. These are easy to find parts for and work on just don't by one that needs to be rebuilt. Its more cost effective to pay more for good equipment then spending the money you saved (and more) on repairs.
  2.   Well she's currently an associate professor which places her on a tenure tract for professor. So since she doesn't have tenure places her in a position where its not really a good ideal to embarrass the school administration. I suspect she's already been counseled about this in private so only time will tell whether she's just running her mouth or follows though on placing harassing 911 calls. Regardless, I believe she's probably on shaky ground jobs wise.  
  3. Yeah, I read about that the other day, she's been officialy advised and according to he stated she'll ignor the information and call in bogus 911 compaints. She's actually set herself up to be arrested and have her employment treminated. Were I the school administration I'd cut my losses and go ahead and fire her now.
  4.       When he started backing away from the fountaining thermite I thought he was catching some back splash. He's an accident waiting to happen its just a matter of time.
  5.       Both of you just improved my mood by about 110% just now with your bantering.
  6.   It sure looks tempting and your concerns related to the muzzle brakes efficiency are valid. I shot a bolt action rifle with a tubular steel frame where a surplus .50 cal BMG barrel had been used. I shot it with and without the brake and could really tell a difference.
  7.   Written legal mandate, your TNDL is a privilege, its not a right, but overall you present a good point. What you fail to understand is NCIC is pulled offline daily for updates rendering it inaccessible to an officer until it comes back up. There's a bit more involved as well but another simple answer is not all LEA put mobile data terminals, laptops, tablets or smartphones in their vehicles. I routinely listened to complaints about an officer issuing a proof of insurance, vehicle registration or no DL citation to someone they stopped. It always came down to someone talking about the insurance commercial saying it was accessible on their smartphone. 
  8. I'll take this in the context whereby specifically a TNDL is either specified or required with the response being...no. But its still a really good question and the state should really just go ahead and do the HCP as an add on to the TNDL and just issue an new DL card instead of the two separate cards. 
  9. Are you buying the entire gun or just the upper and barrel? I'm interested in hearing how it works out because either the completed upper or complete rifle is priced right.
  10.   He might, but in truth he'll get more free beer and street cred telling everyone he was practicing making IED's for when the balloon goes up. Heck, he'd get even more attention just telling the truth and letting everyone be all shocked and horrified before the started laughing. Regardless, he'll do just fine minus that missing appendage...but I bet he never try's to blow up any more riding lawn mowers... 
  11.   Sure you can...but disguised guns have an odd appeal to a lot of people.     How many here remember this little item?..... http://www.guns.com/2012/10/30/stinger-pen-gun/
  12. Something like this? http://50bmg.net/als_50_conversion.php  They say around $2,500.00 mark for the kit but I don't know anything about it. If it works out use the $50.00 to take your wife out to dinner, she deserves a night out with you for letting you spend so much time helping out on this board.
  13. So who really gives a rip about what a geratic communist former dictator has to say about a poor excuse of a lame duck POTUS? One's past it and only kept for political expedency to his younger broters office. The others an embaressment who continues to appeal to the SJW wannbees and liberal media. Heck, even his race affiliated supporter/advocates who once believed his retoric and promises are now disillosioned. Reality set in for native Cubans generations ago, its setting in now here...
  14. I still remember all the furour over the Cell Phone gun quite a few years ago... A lot of this stuff is smoke and mirrors, scare tactics and grandstanding. I never encountered an improvised gun, zip gun or disguised gun during my LE career. It's really more of a why when these disguised guns are mentioned because it's kind of pointless but people like to read about it.
  15.   This...and witnessing another kid my age who'd patiently removed the black powder from gosh only knows how many firecrackers to place into a match box. He rather cockily set it up at the base of a tree with a fist sized rock on it and a few firecracker fuses twisted together. To my credit I told him it was a bad ideal and walked away while he was setting it up. After leaving I was told he lit the fuse, tried to run and was knocked down by the rock he'd left on top of his improvised fireworks device. It almost killed the idiot and his girlfriend dumped him afterwards.  
  16. Given the report the culprit was taken in for an emergency committal is a pretty strong indicator that theres a lot more to this story... I've a strong suspicion this fellow either has a previous history or was talking and acting bizzarly enough to elicit suspicions as to his safety and the safety of others.
  17. I had a windshield on a new GMC P/U replaced several years ago by Farm Bureah Ins. I called them, reported where the incident happened, they asked if I wanted it repaired or replaced. Once I said replaced they set up an appointment date, a window replacment company sent a truck to my house and the windshield was replaced with an OEM one. There was no deductable fee imposed on me.
  18. Good video about a difficult subject.
  19. Read and viewed this earlier off site. The reporter I viewed did a suprisingly unbiased job of reporting and you could tell the local Sheriff was a bit put out by Tannerite explosion calls. In this case someone went to far and is now crippled due to his own reckless actions, he's lucky to still be alive. I'll hazard a guess that a lawsuit is going to end up being filed over this incident.
  20. Well given it's already photo shopped why not photo shop a suppressor onto it...problem solved...;-)
  21. Internal wear's a non-issue on Glock pistol's. I've had an extractor with part of a corner broken off continue to function in an early model G-22. If its an older Gen 1-3 model that's been used a lot I'd replace the springs, inspect the extractor and striker, replace if needed and not worry about it.
  22.   I think so too...redundancy is generally a good thing. Also continue talking to your daughter about all of this, she might not like it but you're not trying to hide it.  
  23. That would be a considerable salary. In fact it's more then a lot of police chiefs make in major cities. Now I'd like to know what the officers camera(s) show and what differences there are in the views. I still want to know what's up with the use of the pepper spray.
  24. The important topics have already been covered and the most important one being the quality of life for your dog. It really doesn;t sound like that's in the equation of all of the recommended tests and stuff. The vet who recommended getting the test results and sitting down to talk about it sounds like they want to do right by you and your dog. Just know when to let go and say your goodbyes...
  25.   You are largely correct. It's entirely likely the motorcyclists were being azzwipes and crowded the officer enough to provoke him. I fully believe his intent was to force them into moving over and away from him. Unfortunately that was a very poor decision and he's probably going to at the very least get some suspension time out of it. What's more likely is he destroyed his law enforcement career. I'll just wait and see what the end results are on this incident.


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