Race war or not, I didn't see Al or Jesse or marches in New York over Casey Anthony. From what i have heard, I would have a hard time not thinking Z acted in self defense. Twelve people, at least one would cause a hung jury. Look at what has happened in the resent past when you have race involved. Typically the violence breaks out in the minority areas. Not knowing the make up in FL cities, I would have to believe violence could break out in other parts of the country. Also Z and his family have received threats. Wouldn't be surprised if this was not extended to any juror that voted for acquittal.
I don't thank most is secretly hoping for a race war, outside of the Black Panthers and Skin Heads/ KKK. The problem is, when you have a consistent drum beat that bad things happen to people because of their race, people start to believe it and get caught up with the hype. As long as AL and Jesse and those of their thinking is doing this, we will have race problems.