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Everything posted by TNcitizen22

  1.   I seriously couldn't believe I was doing this, but I ended up shooting 9mm at the range today instead of .22   I am having an easier time find 9mm than .22lr.  Craziness.  
  2. I will second this curiosity.
  3. I am pretty sure that is against the ebay TOA.
  4. Thats fantastic.     BTW, Hitler.
  5. We should probably consider banning bombs.
  6. That has got to be per case.
  8. I frequently will watch his show while I am at the gym since it is on and he is extremely entertaining, but the man drives me insane.   Always good for another watch:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_HyZ5aW76c
  9. Not sure about your local area, but this may help.   http://www.gunbot.net/ammo/380auto/
  10. Not sure if anyone has beat me to this, but...   http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/09/at-least-5-reportedly-stabbed-on-lone-star-college-campus/   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22087275   I can hear the rhetoric already.
  11. Thank you, I appreciate that.
  12. So my fiancee and I are moving to Nashville soon and one thing we want is a new bed.  We are looking to get a king size mattress but we have never bought one.  We realize that beds cost a fair amount of money for quality.  Anyone know of a good place around Nashville where you can get a decent quality mattress and not spend an arm and a leg?  We currently live in Knoxville and are not opposed to picking one up out here and transporting it if there are any good places out here.   Thanks all.
  13. That should not be allowed to exist.  Someone should really put it out of its misery.
  14. Pretty sure K-Mart had a murder or some such in one of their parking lots with a gun that was just sold which ended their gun sales.
  15. Wow.  Assuming that story is accurate, I hope they charge the hell out of him.
  16. When I saw the title I thought I would find this offensive. This was epic. Will be telling my clergy this one.
  17. I have already noticed some vendors bringing down prices on AR's and AK's.  It's very good to see.
  18. A huge box from Cabelas labeled as "Heavy Package".  There are some honest people working for UPS these days.
  19. Wow, its clear from that mugshot that he took a good licking.   +1 for the clerk.
  20. I too would suggest Fury, extremely well made Kydex rigs.  I EDC one for my Glock 19.
  21. To my knowledge it is not visible.  I looked around your profile as well and didn't see anything.
  22. Mine was about to expire.  I called them and went ahead and did the lifetime for $300.  Way I see it they can use the extra money right now, and its the best deal I will ever get.
  23. I never cared for letting a slide ride home on an empty chamber.  I realize this will probably do little damage do the gun, if any, but I am sure it is not good for the gun.  I reference Rightwingers explanation above.  As such, I do not practice it, and I suggest to my friends that they do not either.   All that being said, you could probably do it a million times and a Glock would be ok, but I still do not want to do it.
  24. I believe it is smaller than what you are looking for, but check into the Beretta Jetfire/bobcat series.  I have nothing but good things to say about mine.  Never a jam in 2000 rounds.


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