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Everything posted by TNcitizen22

  1. I thought he had but he flip flopped his decision about it.
  2. At any given time there is at least an AR15 and 6 fully loaded mags in my car.  If I am faced with a deadly threat from a mob with no more sense than to try and take a person as heavily armed as myself, I will gladly empty every single mag.   Cheers.
  3. Thank God.  Now the untold numbers who are killed each year in Chicago with rifles and shotguns have some justice.
  4. I am so sick of this crap.  So a black youth gets killed by a white neighborhood watchman and the world goes crazy.  We have a full year of media insanity over this case, and its all because a white man killed a black kid.  Where was the media outrage and frenzy when a bunch of black folks gangraped, tortured and executed two white folks (Christian / Newsom)?  God this is ridiculous.  
  5. OMG that was great.  I love this guy.
  6. I have a spare Glock and ammo left in my car year round and it always works fine. My only concern would be leaving kydex in direct sun in the car. Other than that it'll be fine. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Popular method to get a light in prisons.  Just for those who don't know.
  8. HELL YEAH!!!!
  9. My absolute favorite folder next to my PM2.  Very nice.
  10. TNcitizen22

    New Addition

    I would gladly make that trade.  Nice firearm.
  11. Someone needs to quit watching V for Vendetta.
  12. Very nice truck!  :up:
  13. Before I read the info above the pic of the impact driver I was trying to figure out what the heck it had to do with the Shield lol   Nice gun!
  14. This. On a related note. People should be very careful about what they post on the Internet. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Those things are pieces of crap!  However, its your lucky day!  I'd be happy to buy that off of you and let you recoup some funds!   Very nice rifle, you have inspired jealousy in me.   :up:
  16. Big fan of metal / death metal.  That was insanely impressive.
  17. Hahaha
  18. As far as I am concerned the best value in a folding knife is the Spyderco Tenacious along with the different sized versions. Amazing value for the money. Check them out. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  19. I have carried my Glock 19 in one for quite some time. I have to say it's my favorite piece of kydex bar none. The only negative I have for it is it is a bit bulky so you have to dress around the holster a bit more than others. My Galco combat master conceals better for instance. Other than that though it's incredibly comfortable and well made. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Very nice!
  21. I will give you a third vote for the Glock 19.  My EDC is a Gen 4 19 which also doubles as my primary HD weapon, despite other options.  It really is my do all weapon.
  22. Thanks for the reply man!  I think I have a few boxes of +P sitting around that I will try to dig out.  I really love this gun, I hate to think poorly of it.    It is a recent production Nano.
  23. I thought that too.  I tried multiple times to induce a failure by limp wristing the gun but I was unable to produce a malfunction.   The extractor isn't even pulling the rounds out of the chamber.  They are still fully seated as the next round get stuck behind them.


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