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Everything posted by TNcitizen22

  1. Its good to see more firearms stores opening up to capitalize on the shortage. 
  2. I'm tired of them to the nth degree. I really feel like some form of civil clash is imminent if this kind of crap doesn't stop.
  3. We have a huge problem with them on my family land. In the past four years I've taken out roughly two dozen nests. I've never been attacked while removing a nest, and some of them were big enough to give me nightmares. I suggest a gallon or so of gas and a decent size rock over the hole. Just make 100% sure there is only one hole. Usually I would do it around 11p.m. I always wore thick jeans, a leather jacket and gloves just in case it went south. I've been swarmed enough times while mowing and such to take precautions. Good luck.
  4. No, you are good.  Speeding citations have no bearing on your ability to own a firearm.  If they did not many of us would qualify to own them.  :up:
  5. They want to know what its like to watch someone die, string them up one by one.   When it comes to execution, I really feel old ways were better. 
  6. I think Coal Creek still does, but last time I checked them about some basic gunsmithing the lead time was over two months.
  7. Looks like a wolf spider to me.   I rolled over on one while sleeping one night and got a pretty nasty bite to my elbow.  They are not lethal, but you will be sick for a day or so.
  8. AR-15 fully loaded with spare mags behind my seat. I consider myself pretty normal. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  9. I have the exact one you ordered and it has been a fantastic knife.  Frankly it has a better auto deployment than my Benchmades.  The 420HC on mine has been great.  It holds an edge for quite some time and takes one easily.
  10. I would probably soil myself, scramble to run away from it, and most likely shoot myself in the foot fumbling with my rifle.
  11. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/68777-anyone-seen-bidens-shotgun-remix-song/
  12. Yeah, if the apartment complex is not freely letting people out of their leases I would expect some legal repercussions to the complex.
  13. “President Putin is acting like a school-yard bully and doesn't deserve the respect a bilateral summit would have accorded him,” he said.   Holy crap.   I know theres not much of one to speak of, but I would really appreciate him using his brain SOMETIMES.
  14. Last year I neglected to mow our property for about three weeks during August, when I did there were TWELVE nests in our yard.   Needless to say, I got hit quite a few times.  I feel your pain.   I ended up going the gasoline route and it worked quite well.  Just wait until 10pm or so and they are all in the nest and just hit it quick.   I tried wasp spray as well more environmentally friendly methods of removing them but none of them worked.  I wish you luck.
  15. My hot weather carry usually rotates between either a Ruger LCR (90% of the time) or a Kahr PM9 (10%) usually in my front pocket or appendix IWB.  Either of the two you are looking at would be fine choices.  I always suggest to folks who are looking for small, powerful, and inconspicuous to consider a small revolver such as a J-frame Smith or LCR.  They are easy to conceal in a variety of places, pack a decent punch, always reliable, and the outline of them does not scream gun if printing is a factor.   Anyways, YMMV and I think the two you are looking at would be fantastic options for what you want.
  16. I started a fire on the family property last year after I hit a rock over some very dry tender. It happens. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  17. I hope this passes and I can't wait to see how it plays out.
  18. Whew.  18.99 shipping.  Larry is charging a premium for shipping these days.
  19.   "That thing do work."
  20. My dad ushered UT games for over 30 years and always complained about Florida fans being the worst. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  21. In my experience many revolvers do this, including all of the LCR's.  Its a perfectly normal part of how the lockwork functions, not to worry.   Edited to add:  I do own an LCR and just checked it to make triple sure.  It does indeed do this.
  22. Stopped by today and they have three model 64's left.  However the price has risen to $299 which just was too much for me.
  23. I hope whoever it is that is paying attention to these two bozos eventually realizes that they are full of shit.  I am sick to death of Trayvon Martin, the case and verdict, and especially his jackass parents.  


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