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Everything posted by TNcitizen22

  1. Agreed 100% Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
  2. Ouch!  Good word of caution.
  3. That was truly awesome!  Thanks for sharing!   :up:
  4. Whats the saying?  You can't cure stupid...
  5. That's great news! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
  6. I'm honestly indifferent towards the program for the reason Robert Nashville stated. A $60 fine is hardly a behavior modifying punishment, as such I don't really feel it does any good. If the punishment was increased exponentially then perhaps. At this point in time the fine is a slap on the wrist. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk now Free
  7. I am not old, hell, I'm only 24.  I already catch myself saying stuff like "Well, when I was 'X' age."  It makes me feel really bad when I say things like that.
  8. So glad I got out. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Hopefully he can no longer reproduce as a result.
  10. Just remember, Obama and his flunkies have the best of intentions. Its all good.
  11. I had to shave my head clean daily for months during a training program once.  Just start with a good sharp blade and go with the grain.  I suggest doing it in a hot shower and make sure you hair is trimmed close before you start. Afterward I would feel around or look around your head with some mirrors to see if you missed any areas.  You probably will till you get the hang of it. I have tried the 'head blade' and other head shaving gimmicks, in the end I stuck with my traditional razor, regular shave gel, hot water, and lotion.   Good luck!
  12. Heaven forbid veterans have guns!
  13. I am buying my first wrangler very soon, no doubt this will be very beneficial. Thanks for the heads up about it! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  14. That was an exceptionally well composed letter.  I really enjoyed his closing statements with regards to American exceptionalism.  I could not agree with him more.
  15. if I am going on an all day hunt or long (~10 mile) hike I always bring a MRE.  While they are expensive (relatively) they give me everything I could ask for.   If I am going to be longer it just depends.
  16. There is no way this is a good idea.   "Some insist blind people can be taught to use guns, and blocking any visually impaired person from obtaining a weapons permit would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act."   Well, no crap, but there is a difference in being able to mechanically operate a fairly simple device and acquire a target!     This is lunacy.
  17. Putin is one of my favorite political figures of all time, and a thousand times the 'guy' ours is.
  18. Deputy Cox is a dick.   Someone that needlessly explosive does not need to be in LE.
  19. I own both and I find a ffg endura to be a better slicer. I also find the vg10 steel to be more rugged. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Geez, most of my bags probably have a spent case in them somewhere.  Hell, I'd wager all of them do.
  21. I have Geico on mine and have never had a problem.
  22. The Knoxx stocks to cut down on recoil quite a bit.  I had an issued gun with one on it (pistol grip / collapsable style).  While it did work well, I found it redirected a lot of the recoil upward to the point where you got some pretty serious cheek slap.     YMMV.
  23. We have a good dozen or so on my family property.  I can't wait to get out there!
  24. This is why I hate to invest in new items.


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