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Everything posted by TNcitizen22

  1. I ordered 20 pmags a few weeks ago, paid right at 200 shipped. This is nuts.
  2. Just went to buds to order in a few Glocks, they are price gouging like crazy.  Gonna go look around tomorrow before I pull the digital trigger.
  3. Morgan is in a small but growing group of people whom I really wish simply did not exist. Listening to him for more than a nanosecond causes my ears to bleed.
  4. Personally I don't like it.  Theres no 100% way to prevent mass shootings, be the shooter mentally handicapped or not.  I especially would not want the ATF in my house to 'verify' that my guns are stored properly.  They are my firearms, I will store them how I please.   I would take complete deregulation of the industry as opposed to adding more lines of regulation to it.    My .02
  5. lol!  As a matter of fact, a lot of the law guys at UT are pretty smart folk, can't speak for the rest of the University though.  Or the sports staff...
  6. Had him for a couple of classes while I was at UT, excellent professor.
  7. I forgot to ask,  Did anyone hear how he managed to get a gun into a gun free zone?  I thought your guns like vanished or something after you stepped foot into the zone, thus rendering it safe.   Sorry, I just finished arguing with some folks about that for around thirty minutes.
  8. I actually would see the opposite argument going down. "See, we have strict control and it didn't work. We need more control."
  9. In all seriousness. Anything that could result in them being injured (ie tripwires) could have legal consequences for you. I second a game cam.
  10. I realize that.  I was just hypothesizing about confiscation.  I see the banning of private sales as a stepping stone.
  11.     I imagine the number of tragic boating accidents and unreported thefts will increase greatly in the future.
  12. I used to carry an Al Mar Eagle, it is a fantastic defensive blade.
  13. If I had roaming dogs attacking my livestock, I would already be well past airsoft on the force continuum. Obviously they are not learning their lesson if they keep coming back. I would recommend some extremely harsh pepper spray (bear spray) at the very least. Are the dogs (aside from the one owned by your neighbor) wild, or do they have owners? If they have owners, I would speak with them first.
  14. So I am looking to pick up a Makarov (maybe 2), particularly a Bulgarian model if possible, and in decent shape. Anyone know of anywhere around Knoxville (will travel a little for condition) that has some in stock? I have called a few places with no luck. I know I can order it in, but I would prefer be able to inspect it.
  15. I'm not sure if this would qualify, but can you report FGS to the BBB? That's insanely bad us timer service on his part. Cheers to his business.
  16. http://www.diamonddcustomleather.com/Chest_Holsters.php
  17. [quote name='wareagle' timestamp='1354590701' post='854620'] I am not familiar with Bills. Can you provide more info? [/quote] Bill's is by far my favorite place to buy from locally. They have an excellent selection, fair prices, and a helpful, polite staff. I didn't look at the models long enough to remember them exactly, I am pretty sure I saw a couple of SS and three or four blued Rossi lever guns. There were other brands on the wall too, but I don't remember them exactly.
  18. Not really Knoxville area, but I could have sworn I saw a couple of Rossi' over at Bills Outpost last week.
  19. Indeed. I don't think the Gov is quite grief stricken enough to kill them, given what an asset they can be. I guess I am hoping.
  20. [quote name='rebeldrummer' timestamp='1354317717' post='853108'] just when we thought it couldn't get any worse.... [img]http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p416/sethjeter/funny-bread-walkig-dead.jpg[/img] [/quote] I cannot explain it, but I find this to be hysterically funny.
  21. Merle has been on a lot of stuff, great actor if you ask me. I remember him from Stargate SG-1.
  22. It is a very popular Glock model, many swear by it. I myself dislike the caliber, so I no longer own one. My .02
  23. When it seems too good to be true.
  24. SOG Twitch 2 XL. I carried one of the everyday for over three years, great knife, still in working order. Nothing but praise for it. http://www.amazon.com/SOG-Specialty-Knives-TWI-21-Twitch/dp/B00020BODA/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1353906415&sr=8-8&keywords=sog+twitch


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