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- Birthday 10/30/1978
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Middle Tennessee
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OK I have let this idea stew for awhile with folks and there seems to be a bit of confusion... 1. The TWRA would not lose any money, as they would just have a "gun" tag they would sell on the Saturday muzzleloader starts; you will have more hunters coming into the woods instead of less. 2. The reason I am proposing this is now, essentially muzzleloaders are front loading, single shot rifles. We have gotten away from traditional percussion, flintlock and matchlock style muzzleloaders that muzzleloader season was developed for anyways. With Remington making its muzzleloader that uses a cut .308 case for ignition and handles up to 200gr of black powder or black powder substitute, Savage's smokeless powder muzzleloader, the various conversions of the older Remington 700 ML, TC Encore and NEF Muzzleloaders to smokeless models, there is no more true muzzleloader hunting. I understand it loads from the front, but beyond that, difference is null. I like what Mississippi, South Carolina and Missouri did where they have what they call a "primitive weapons" and/or a "limited range" season where you can use the following: single shot shotguns loaded with slugs single shot rifles of .35 caliber or larger firing a pistol cartridge or a straight walled rifle cartridge such as a 375 winchester, 444 marlin, 45/70, etc.. single shot handguns of .35 caliber or larger firing a pistol cartridge or straight walled rifle cartridge as listed above. With the range you lose with traditional handguns (not TC Contenders or Encores loaded with rifle cartridges or 14" barrels) allowing your typical revolver or 1911 still does not provide that much of an advantage.
I proposed a similar proposal over the past several years but have changed this proposal after speaking with several hunters and response from the previous proposal. I am asking TN hunters to take the time to answer this survey and I will tally the results and send the proposal to the TWRA during the public comment period for the 2016-2017 hunting season. Before knocking the proposal please take time to read the proposal on the survey One respondent from another local TN hunting blog brought up the fact the deer get a break, do realize there is no break after archery as youth season starts, then a week of archery, then Muzzleloder, then gun. A gunshot is a gunshot regardless from a firearm or muzzleloader Thanks fellow hunters and TGO. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HYZ62LX
a lot of agencies across the US are going back to 9MM from what I read including the FBI, as the 9MM round has not ever been the issue, it was the bullet itself and bullet technology as advanced a lot since the 80's and the 9/40/45 are all pretty much on equal footing, and 9MM as stated is way cheaper to practice with. Goodlettsville PD is supposed to be going to a universal platform gun, probably a Glock from what I have been told and they are going to 9MM also I wonder how much Glocks will disappear with Beretta coming here to TN? I am pretty sure in all of the "incentives" that was offered by the State, cheap to free pistols and other firearms in return were probably part of the deal I would suspect
I have pretty much given up on Taurus. I have a Rossi 871 revolver that had to go back to Taurus four times for lockup issues and they finally replaced the cylinder, crane, transfer bar, hammer, basically rebuilt the whole thing and did a trigger job to boot. Now it is as good as a Smith that you get out of the box. Should have made it that good in the first place. Taurus Semi's are mostly junk, hit or miss, the 92/99/100/101 series and their other Beretta clones are usually good, but the remainder of their semi's are not worth the time. Looks like you got one of the rare good Millenniums. A good friend of mine had one in .45 and the framed cracked after a couple of years and he shot only standard ball and standard pressure hollow points from it. Taurus revolvers from the 70's-early 2000's were excellent. Now, their quality control is horrible. I was at Academy prior to last Christmas looking at the 44 Mag revolver they got on sale and they went thru over a dozen from the safe, 30% of them wouldn't even lock up the cylinder would freely spin with the cylinder closed in battery, they had metal shavings in the barrels and chambers, one was locked up out of the box, it was a mess. One even had a sharp metal burr on the muzzle that stood up a half inch that was so strong you could poke holes in thick cardboard with it and it would not bend. That ended it for me and Taurus there. I have one of the early Taurus Judges and its pristine in manufacturing compared to what they are putting out now
it seems that everyone likes the shield for sub compact and are split on XD's and M&P full size for other work. So let me add this into the discussion and see where this goes... Do you think the bladed trigger on a XD or XDm is better in regards to pull, reset, travel than a hinged trigger like on the M&P series, FNS series? Do you believe there is much of a "shooting" difference accuracy wise between a standard XD and a XDm? Is the Walther PPQ with its magical trigger as most describe better than a M&P, XD or XDm? In regards to the sub compacts, why are you all endorsing the shield so much more over the XDs? 1911 9mm's...do you think they are accurate and reliable as some describe, even more so than a CZ-75, Hi-Power, etc or is the 1911 better suited for longer cartridges such as the 38 Super, 10MM and 45ACP? Do you think the phillipine made 1911's are trustworthy?
i guess one difference between them is the bladed trigger vs the hinged trigger; which one seems to be more crisp and have a more consistent pull?
I actually did call, spoke to a lady named Paige, she stated "all online orders are out of the state of Kentucky and we do not charge sales tax on online orders". SO I was wrong. I even confirmed with her that I am a resident of Tennessee and since they now have a brick and mortar store in Tennessee, typically online orders will now have sales tax, she then replied the same stated answer and said they have had multiple calls on this since opening in Sevierville...
i guess we could call them, right?
i have had a CZ75, great accurate gun but I want a conssitent trigger pull, and have grown fond of striker fired weapons. keep the recommendations coming!
Alright, I want to get recommendations on the purchase of two 9MM's; one for conceal carry and one for target/action/plinking. Here is my criteria for each: conceal carrry: no Glocks; yes I know they are good guns, I just personally don't like them and the way they fit me. 9MM caliber striker fired, or light DAO trigger single stack mag, but if thin enough would go double stack no larger than SW Shield/LC9 size good trigger overall On my short list, LC9 striker fired, Kahr CM and CW9, Shield, XDs9, Walther PPS and CCP, and for target/action/plinking: no glocks; reason stated above 9MM caliber striker fired minimum 4" barrel accuracy and trigger pull being two optimal factors here to enhance ability to make accurate shots on short list: Ruger SR9, XD9 standard and tactical 5" XDm9, M&P, M&P pro, M&P viking tactical version, Walther P99 PPX, PPQ, Sig P320 and HK VP9 now in addition to this, do you all think a Citadel 1911 9MM would be just as accurate or more accurate than what is listed above?
I seen some online reviews and it looks good, has a long travel and reset to trigger, but better than the original LC. They did git rid of the fugly LCI on the top of the slide. They did also with the SR9e, the less expensive version of the SR9 and replacement of the P95. Hope they get rid of it on all of the SR series also. No more P series on their site now. I have shot several and the P90 and P345 to me would shoot against any P220 sig you could possibly find.
I haven't been too impressed with Remington since it was sold off to the Cerebus Investment Company. I purchased a nice laminate stock M700 in 270 and could not get it to group worth anything with three different high end scopes, open sights, and multiple brands/weights of ammo. My chepo Ruger American shot circles around it without even trying hard. I had a 70's era built 700 in 270 years ago and it shot like a dream, I don't know what changed in their quality. I do know if you search gunbroker and other auction sites for "green box remington" or "dupont remington" they typically sell for a lot more than the newer ones. I have pretty much gave up on big green, only shooting their ammo now. If you look at the big picture of offers, Ruger probably coves more bases in offerings of good high quality firearms than any other maker.
I hate to see D&T go. I feel unless you have a range, you won't survive unless you can out-price everyone else. That is why Bellshire does so good is because if I can go in there and get a Beretta Nano for 342.00 whereas everyone else is selling them for over 400.00 I will go to Bellshire. Guns and Leather has always had real nice people with the exception of a couple I have posted on here before, but otherwise top notch. The rivergate area has became much like madison and inglewood, the MTA bus lines has brought a different clientele of people in and that is why most have moved on to hendersonville or gallatin. On a side note, Is Goodlettsville Gun Shop still open?
I think until someone post otherwise, if Buds regardless if the entity name is different, you will be paying sales tax. For example, I ordered my father in law a deer antler chandler from Kotula's and was charged sales tax even though their is not one in Tennessee. They are owned by Northern Tool, and since Northern Tool is in our state, you must pay sales tax. They are a separate entity, but the parent company is all the same. I believe same will hold true for Bud's. There are other choices, Kentucky Gun Company, PSA, JGSales, Ables, Centerfire Systems, CDNN Sports, Impact Guns, and of course you can hold your nose and order from Cheaper Than Dirt;
no, beth harwell is not completely pro 2a, she is a RINO, repub lite, type of person. Just see how she opposed common sense stuff from John Harris group this past legislative session. Lamar needs to go, I am in for Carr