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Everything posted by Sniper23

  1. Went by there Saturday and glock 9mm 15rd mags were $50 each. Nice guys on there, but I'll pass at that price.
  2. I'm here because of the grace of God. (and google)
  3. The only thing keeping me preoccupied is hockey (finally!) and my quest at getting reloading components.
  4. Patton- yes that was the 20rd federal hollow point boxes. The lady said that's all the ammo that came in this morning.
  5. Sam, I'd like to have them after you if that's ok. Then I'll pass them to the next person.
  6. I didn't buy any. I left it all on the shelf. Just thought other people might want to know where there is some in town at a decent price.
  7. I just left Walmart in Columbia and they have 8 boxes of Federal 40 HP for $22.97/box. Get them while you can guys. I don't shoot 40 but thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
  8. He's at the Hendersonville show this weekend. I'm sure he doesn't have much if any time to be online today during show hours.
  9. I bought several ar 30rd mags today for $15 each
  10. Thanks for the info. I was about to buy some this week.
  11. Mike if you're looking for 22lr, I found a guy that has 7 bricks of 500rds that is asking about $265 for it all. If you'd like, I'd be happy to put you in touch with him.
  12. I appreciate that XD shooter. I always research and read about anything I do. I'm in no hurry. I'm going to continue to read for a while, then try to get a little intro before diving in. Anything worth doing is worth doing it right.
  13. Sniper23

    New addition!

    Don't touch them! You'll want one if you do. It's the next gun on my purchase list.
  14. Xd shooter, would you be willing to show a guy the reloading ropes? I'm just in Columbia and trying to get my feet wet in reloading if you know what I mean.
  15. I've heard a lot about that place. It's said that Caster Munitions overflows with very intuitive information. It's rumored that he may even be a reloading ninja that possesses skills from the dark side that lead to full on casting and handloading. All jokes aside, I must say you're a very skilled guy Caster.
  16. Dunhams Sports in Columbia. Good luck finding 22lr though. I can still get 223/556 from one place, but its $14.99/box. I refuse to pay that much.
  17. I'be been able to get any caliber pistol ammo from my local sporting goods store. The only ammo I can't seem to find is 223/556 and 22lr. I'm still only paying about $14-$15/box per 50 rounds of 9mm.
  18. That looks like a lot of fun just waiting to happen!
  19. I do wish I could find some more G19 mags. Batman did your lgs have any left?
  20. Other than 223/556 and 22lr, what calibers is everyone having a hard time finding? My local Walmart is out of everything, but my local sporting goods store has continued to have everything except 223/556 & 22lr.
  21. I'll be going just so I can meet David and buy some reloading supplies from him. David, I'll be dropping by for some 223 reloading supplies. I look forward to meeting you.
  22. Thank you David for the post and link. This is definitely cloak and dagger with misdirection thrown in the mix. I hope we as true patriotic Americans stand together and make our voices heard loud enough to stop all this unneeded nonsense.
  23. I don't have one of those either but I can't wait to see the winner of this one! Lol!
  24. Very nice. I like the distressed look.
  25. My local sporting goods store has had pretty much all pistol ammo in stock at regular prices. No gouging. 40 caliber seems to be abundant here.


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