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Everything posted by Sniper23

  1. Congrats! I wish I knew where some quail were near me.
  2. There's no way I'd take something that awesome back to the store for something smaller. I guess you're just have to hunt more in order to fill it up!
  3. Congrats on another deer Dave! You keep this up and you may need more ammo.
  4. I hand slice my jerky as well Dave. I usually only make jerky once a year. After that, I try to fill the freezer. My wife told me last week that we need more roast. I'm going to be filling the freezer next weekend.
  5. Congrats Dave! Now send some deer down here for me to shoot. I can't seem to find them in my woods lately.
  6. Oh c'mon! That's it I'm outta here. I'm going to the store to buy some bacon!
  7. You people are killing me here! That stuff looks awesome. One day I'll have to learn how to make that stuff.
  8. Thank you Secret Santa! You definitely knew what to get and hooked me up much better than I deserved. Everything will be put to use soon.
  9. Just received shipping confirmation on my orders. I'm staying off the TGO naughty list!
  10. I'll be in a tree this afternoon
  11. Thanks again D&T Arms for the fast and smooth transaction!
  12. Thank you for the great news! I'll be up that way this week.
  13. I'm already in a tree waiting for the deer. Good luck to everyone and please be safe.
  14. Look into Summit or Lone Wolf treestands. Both are great, safe, and comfortable.
  15. Good luck Dave. They were moving this morning just not into my shooting lane. I'm in a tree now as well.
  16. Depends on how much you want to spend. Check out www.chasinggame.com for independent reviews on most trail cameras.
  17. It's normally opened the weekend following juvy. This year it's a week later. If you're not in the woods today, you're missing out. I'm hoping to shoot a doe but I keep seeing young 5pt & 6pt bucks. This is a private property that I get to hunt and it's just overrun with does. I'm trying to thin the does, but these young bucks are tempting! If my freezer was completely empty I'd shoot one of them.
  18. It's amazing how many people I talked to this week that had no clue that muzzleloader didn't open until the 9th. I've seen 1 doe so far but she was out of range. Good luck to everyone hunting today!
  19. I was unable to hunt yesterday due to family obligations so I'm hoping to see some deer today. However, as of right now I've already heard what sounded like 4 shots from a rifle. There is no way anyone could've reloaded a muzzleloader that fast.
  20. Congrats! It's always good to put some meat in the freezer.
  21. Awesome! Congrats to her and to you for getting her started.
  22. Always wear your harness. Plus these are super easy to fall asleep in.
  23. I'm in no hurry to build mine. In going to continue to do more research and try to definitely choose a caliber. Then, I'll start trying to figure out how I want to build it.
  24. Well, I guess you can add my name to the list of those that will possibly build a 300 blackout now. I was going to purchase just the lower and my awesome wife says " Why don't you just go ahead and get the other two items? You know you want those too and it'll look better that way." Now that's a great wife! I'm not completely dicided on the 300 blackout, but it's leading the way. It's really the only one I've had a chance to read about so far. I'm ignorant when it comes to the others such as 6.5 Grendel, 6.8, 458, and so forth.


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