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Everything posted by Sniper23

  1. Now that looks like it would be a lot of fun! Nice purchase.
  2. I saw that this morning but it appears I'm a little too late. That underfolder does look sweet.
  3. I've been researching the Wasr 10 lately trying to find one at a decent price. However, I've stumbled upon a Yugo M70b1 that I can pick up for less than $600. Would this be a good buy?
  4. The more I look at AKs, the more theyre growing on me. Anyone know where I can find a Wasr 10 at a decent price?
  5. Ollies in Columbia has a dozen or so copies left.
  6. I just wish I knew which AK to buy and where to buy it. I'm not going to lie, I haven't the slightest clue about them other than I'd like to have one.
  7. Thank you all for your recommendations. After I was able to handle the Omega and the Hybrid today, I chose to go with the Omega. You all were right about the size and weight. It seemed to balance quite well on the rifle. I went ahead and set up a trust today and paid for the Omega. Now, the wait begins....
  8. I definitely plan on owning several cans. I'm just having trouble deciding on my first. Upon further research, I'm really starting to lean towards the Omega. I'm looking at starting the ordering/buying process within the next 24 hours.
  9. I thought I knew what I wanted, but I'm not so sure now. I'm really liking the looks and size of the Omega.
  10. I've looked at the Specwar as well and was intrigued. Who am I kidding? I never realized that there were so many options. I'm having a difficult time trying to decide on just one....for now. That Omega looks like it be a nice set up.
  11. I'm looking at making my first suppressor purchase and have pretty much narrowed it down to the Saker 7.62 or the Hybrid. Which one would you choose? And why?
  12. A huge thank you goes to my Secret Santa! You certainly outdid yourself. I've been wanting to try the new magpul mags for the Glock for a while now. All of this stuff is being moved directly to my range bag. Again, thank you so much for everything.
  13. Mine is going out first thing in the morning. Some things were tougher to find than I had imagined.
  14. Congratulations on your very beautiful blessing!
  15. Congratulations! That looks like one heck of a deer.
  16. Congrats man! That looks like it'll be good eatin
  17. Congrats man! Parenthood is a wonderful thing.
  18. I'm in! Thank you for doing this again.
  19. Northside Gun Shop in Columbia does them.
  20. The price was $153 for a case. It's the same price for 9mm and 308.
  21. As of this morning, Columbia Walmart has cases of 9mm and 308. Unfortunately no 223 or 45.
  22. Wet tumbling looks to be great, but at the moment I'm putting all extra funds into the ar308 budget.
  23. I was thinking of staying with a vibratory tumbler for now. However, is the tumblers tumbler that much more superior to the others?
  24. My tumbler finally quit on me. I guess that means it's time to upgrade. What do you guys suggest that won't break the bank? I'm not really wanting to spend $200-$300 on a tumbler. There are several under $100 but I'm not sure which one is better.


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