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Everything posted by Sniper23

  1. I'll be back in a tree Friday morning. My goal is to kill enough deer this year that I won't have to buy beef.
  2. Rob that would have been hilarious. It's those small things that continue to make me love the outdoors so much.
  3. Thanks guys. I've put in a lot of blood and sweat getting the land ready this year. I'm using Montec G5 broadheads right now.
  4. Am I the only lucky one today that had success? I got a doe early this morning so I grabbed my .22 and went back to the woods after squirrel and found none.
  5. I'm also in columbia myself.
  6. Sniper23

    M1 Carbine

    You know what the problem is? I've actually shot the thing. I never should have done that! Back in the safe she goes. Maybe I'll get rid of something else less fun. Thanks for all the input guys.
  7. Sniper23

    M1 Carbine

    Funny thing is that I have no shortage of offers from people wanting to do just that. :-)
  8. Sniper23

    M1 Carbine

    It's just another firearm that I've acquired over the years. No certain purpose in mind.
  9. Sniper23

    M1 Carbine

    I have an IBM M1 Carbine that I know next to nothing about. It's in great condition and shoots flawlessly. I'm trying to decide if it's worth keeping around. Also, I'm considering the idea of trading it for an AR-15. Let's hear everyone's opinions.
  10. The only time I'd consider them for hunting is during early bow season. I mainly just want a new pair for daily use. I'll have to look into Danner. I've worn red wings in the past, but I just want something different now.
  11. I'm in the market for a pair of new boots. I will be wearing these quite often and possibly even hunting sometimes. I already have hunting boots though. I'm just looking for good suggestions for new boots that won't break the bank. I'm hoping to keep it around $150 or less. I'm even looking into military boots. I want something comfortable and somewhat breathable, other than that I'm open for suggestions.
  12. It looks to be geared more toward proper land management for wildlife. However, it still seems fun and interesting. I'm headed to West Virginia friday so I won't be able to attend. Anyone that goes please let me know how it was.
  13. I checked here in Columbia yesterday. None available and it looks as though they've removed them from stock. No place marker for them on the shelf.
  14. Congrats on your reloading adventure. I myself am looking into reloading since I've acquired my 1st 1911.
  15. As of yesterday, Kings had 1911's from Citadel, Metro Arms, Remington R1, Remington R1 Enhanced, 2 Colts, several Springfields, a S&W, Sig, and many Kimbers. I've bought a few guns from there. They always treat me right and I'm happy to support my local gun store.
  16. DMark- There were 2 Colts at Kings Firearms in Columbia. They were both in .45
  17. I handled everything from Citadel & Metro Arms, all the way up to many Springfields, Colts, S&W's and Kimbers. After it was all said and done, I felt this Sig was "the most gun for the money". I am pleased with it as my first 1911 and even more so pleased because it was within my self allotted budget.
  18. Thank you DMark! I went there intent on one of the others. However, when I saw this Sig for the price I knew it was coming home with me.
  19. Here it is at last!!! Sorry for the bad pics.
  20. I am an official 1911 owner! I will post pictures as soon as I'm home. Let's just say everyone will be surprised.
  21. As of right now, I'm leaning toward the AC just due to the fact that I could carry it if I wanted to. However, I like both pistols so I look forward to seeing what everyone posts. I'll be sure to post a picture this evening with the pistol I bring home.
  22. At 5:00 tomorrow I'm coming home with one or the other. Let's hear everyone's opinion on the 2.
  23. I would love to have a Kimber, but I'm going back to school this fall so funds are limited.
  24. So no one loves the R1?
  25. Wow! That looks good. Apparently I'm closed minded and just needed to see the AC with some different grips.


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