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Everything posted by Mdunntn

  1. Got a 52
  2. I'm not to sure about him dying or becoming a zombie though. They made him have a vision and then just take him off? I don't think that's the last we will see of Jim.
  3. Yeah there definitely had to be ammo and guns laying around, but I guess maybe they were in a hurry? Can't wait to the next episode.
  4. I was gonna go out hunting Saturday morning and then my Alaskan malamute went into labor about midnight. Never realized how much work getting her and the pups a place to stay would be. There's always next Saturday. Anybody want a puppy? Haha
  5. Happy thanksgiving everybody. I hope your right about the buck of my dreams part haha. Guess I'll find out Saturday morning. God bless everyone be careful out there.
  6. Nice one! I would love to even see a buck out in the woods that size.
  7. Exactly now chop it up process it and bury the body to help mother nature.
  8. Dont get me wrong I have a friend who is a Knox county police officer but the guy I'm talking about did this frequently and it's not very nice feeling knowing you were flat out lied to. It basically comply or we will find out a way to get your keys anyway.
  9. Well if so doesn't that give you such new respect for Knox county police officers..
  10. If any student refused they would be suspended, and the police at our school were actual Knox county police officers. They might have been breaking laws and such but that is just how they operated and never got in trouble. They said anyone minor or adult student or non student was subject to a search. I graduated in 08 so I've been out for awhile, but I agree with you about the prison part we had to deal with bs like this all the time. Lets just say be careful on school property your rights might be infringed upon.
  11. I'm just saying some examples and the fact we were told over and over any person student or adult or whatever car can be searched the minute it's parked on school property. I'm not a student now but just telling about some of my experiences when I was.
  12. If the administrator also wants a persons car search she will ask the school police officers to do it. I was driving my dads truck one day and I guess someone told them there were cigarettes in it. They went and brought me down to the parking lot and made me unlock the door. Nothing ever came of it because it was my dads truck but other students had been suspended and expelled for things like this. I knew a girl who had gotten expelled for having an empty bong in her car. This was all around 2-3 years ago at Carter High school.
  13. It isn't a school official, usually k-9 cops that search periodically every month or two, had some friends get in trouble because they came to school right after hunting so they had their deer rifle in their car.
  14. Delete answered my own question.
  15. Go to the website and click hunters and the fourth link down is says "deer seasons and regulations" Jackson county still isn't on the anterless table but says for gun Nov. 20- Dec 5 and Dec 18- Jan 9
  16. Yeah the website is very confusing. I have found then magazine that you can get at walmart is much less confusing.
  17. When it comes to school property the minute you park on it, they gain the right to search your car. At my high school they would do it randomly, not to the teachers though. Maybe the principal and this teacher didn't get along, and asked for them to search it.
  18. Yeah you have one shot and if you miss your screwed, plus there would be a huge disadvantage if you were in a fight with more then one individual.
  19. Yeah I'm just eager for my first deer period. This year is the first time I have been hunting since I was able to go on a youth hunt.
  20. I'm trying to get my first deer period so this weekend if I see one that's legal it's getting bagged. I'm ready for some deer meet.
  21. It really just depends on the particular quarry how much it is fished. The ones around where I live are pretty empty,
  22. Yeah kinda seems like Rick's right hand man in this episode. Its interesting with the one character having premonitions as dreams.
  23. I'm going back out Saturday and Sunday morning my cousin got a spike this morning.
  24. Exactly don't get me wrong I love my 10/22, but sometimes i wish I had kept it in factory form. If it was me I would pick up a regular savage mark 2 and call it a day, until your next gun of course haha.
  25. Looking to pick up that savage soon myself, very nice rifle haven't heard any bad things about it. Also I wouldn't go with a heavy barrel for your trainer the regular version will be much better to learn on plus if you get into small game hunting you will have a rifle to do it with. I have a 10/22 with thumbhole stock and bull barrel and it is way to heavy to do anything other than target shoot, which is why I'm in the market for a nice bolt .22


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