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About Donnie

  • Birthday 02/06/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    Winchester TN
  • Interests
    Shooting, ex-bike rider
  • Occupation
    asphalt and aggregates


  • Carry Weapon #1
    M&P 45c

Donnie's Achievements

Established Contributor

Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. David, if you want to get rid of that warrior, let me know. I've had my M&P 45C for a while and love it, but I've got the bug to get back into a 1911.
  2. Funny thing, I was in town the other night and looked in my rear view only to see a bumper. He got in the left lane and passed me and the only thing that I saw was an American Flag and Hero Gear as I looked up.
  3. When I got my permit, I went the next day and got fingerprinted. The fingerprints and background check got to Nashville before the permit application did and messed things up. I called after about 80 days and got someone to do some checking. The next day I called again and everything was fine, just a little mixup with the order of things. I guess that they want the applications there before the background checks come in to get put in the proper file. Permit was here within a week.
  4. I agree with evryone here about letting her shoot different guns and picking it out for herself. My wife and I did the trial and error method. She first got a Kahr PM9. Good little gun but the one we got had issues. She then got a P3AT. Great little gun, but it was a bit snappy for her. Finally got a Kel-Tec P32, the P3at's little brother, and she couldn't be happier. My wife is a realtor, which means that she didn't want to change the way she dresses to conceal. The P-32 isn't noticeable at all. Just remember that a woman is built differently and what might be comfortable and concealable to a man might not be to her.
  5. Donnie

    keltec .32

    My wife bought a P3AT a couple years ago. We went out and shot it and she didn't like the snappy recoil of the .380 in such a light gun. Talked to Dan at Hero Gear and he traded us for a P32. She loves this little gun. The recoil wasn't bad for me, but to her the .32 is more comfortable. She carries it with her everywhere. Her slide and barrel is hardchromed which is a plus as well.
  6. I've got an M&P 45 compact model. When and Where???
  7. Welcome Neighbor. Winchester is great.
  8. Welcome from outside winchester. I shoot on my property.
  9. Joe (HERO GEAR) put a good coat of duracoat on my son's handi rifle. It's held up good for 3 years so far. We sanded down the barrel, reciever, and stocks proir to the duracoat. He put a camo pattern on the rifle and it really looks good.
  10. I've used the Zesty Itallian to marinade before and it's good. Sometimes I'll soak the tougher areas in buttermilk overnight to tenderize. Rinse off the buttermilk, allow to reach room temp, dip in buttermilk - egg wash, then roll in flower or cornmeal with your choice of seasoning. Let set for a couple minutes to let the batter adhere to the meat and then fry. My favorite maridnade is Allegro. I get it by the gallon at Sam's or by the bottle at the grocery store. It works good on everything that I've tried it on. I even use it as a jerky marinade.
  11. welcome, neighbor!!
  12. Sherman, I think that I recognize your name. Did you used to work in a mental institution??? I may have spent time in a basement with you as well on a range. Not a joke at all.
  13. I've been known to carry a spare mag in a cell phone holder. The one that I use is a magnetic flap generic holder. Granted, not a full size mag, but one for an XD compact or M&P compact. It works well and nobody will give it a second thought if they see it. I'm pretty sure that a compact glock mag would fit as well.
  14. Looks like a good bird Mike. All of the game wardens around here will shoot a bird with white in it. Alot of them are domestic-wild mixes and they don't want them in the gene pool. On another note, my 12 year old son got a tom on the youth hunt on the 21st. It was 22 pounds with a 10 1/2" beard and 1 1/4" spurs. Not a gigantic bird, but he was proud. It sure did taste good
  15. Donnie

    My Kahr=crap

    My wife used to carry a PM9 and I couldn't get it to stop jamming. I polished the feed ramp as per Kahr's recommendation and it still wouldn't do right. I ended up trading it for a compact XD. We might have just got a lemon, but it did leave a bad taste in my mouth.


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