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Everything posted by swim615

  1. Does 357 wear out a pistol faster?   If I use the 38 special for practice will it change my point of impact or the way I get used to shooting? Is there very much difference?
  2. I have been getting into older firearms. Most from 1960 to 1985, so not really C&R but I am working my back. All will be shooters for me. I seem to run into problems with finish, condition, and some with worn parts that need to be repaired. Is it just expected to run into these problems on a regular basis with older firearms. Should I have them refinished or try it myself? What does everyone else with more experience do? They all seem to carry some type of premium on prices even with condition problems. If one of my Glocks had these type of problems and I decide to sale it the value would be greatly lower.
  3. I have been getting into 357 magnum caliber revolvers and wondering if there are any advantages to using 38 special ammo verses 357 magnum. What does everyone with more experience think? Thanks.
  4. I signed up the other day.   I wish everyone would just say thanks or whatever about this topic via PM.   Every time you bump this my odds of winning get less and less. :hiding:   Good luck everyone. A pistol with the brace is on the top of my list to try. Whoever wins I can bring the ammo to put a few rounds through it. :x:   Edited to add I meant to PM this. :leaving:
  5. American Rifleman for me, it helps me remember I'm a member of the NRA :D
  6. swim615

    Glock 42

    Seems like its going to be a .380 but if it were up to me I would buy a Glock carbine in 9mm in a heartbeat. I've got all the darn mags I bought during the scare and really need a use for them. :popcorn:
  7. Congrats. Looks great. I am really looking for a 228, 229, or m11 a-1 myself. Its just my size.
  8. Yes this looks like a great reason for a field trip to my LGS to get a hands on feel of it. :pleased:
  9. Glad to see this thread come back up. Until now I never wanted a AR pistol. Now its at the top of my list. I really want to give this brace a try.
  10. I really would like to get a set of these as well. Went shooting with a friend that had them and I had no idea what I had been missing. We were able to talk normally and hear each other just fine and while shooting the sound was greatly reduced.   With the replies everyone is giving the prices have a great range, so my question is to those who have tried a set for say $39 ( or a $27 pink set) and a set for $300. Are the more expensive ones really allot better and worth the extra funds? If so what is better about them? Thanks
  11. Very nice. All you need now is a stabilizing brace. I've really been thinking about one. Love the way they look.
  12. I though they had removed the caliber restriction now allowing all center fire calibers but did not know they had removed the pistol barrel length restrictions as well. I swear I've looked that up 8 or 10 times over the last couple years trying to find it again.   I want reimbursement for my time in the form of a lifetime sportsman license.   I mean it is only $200 if I'm under 3. OH if only I knew then what I know now. It is a great gift for your kids and grand kids though.
  13. A few years ago I read in the TWRA regulations that a pistol had to have a certain length barrel to legally hunt big game in Tennessee. Does anyone know if that law still exists? I can't find it anywhere. A link would be great as well.   Thanks
  14. Can I borrow some butter?   Great find I really like the FDE.
  15. I am really thinking about this one and it seem like a really good price.   http://www.classicfirearms.com/long-guns/vepr12gashotgun-1   Thoughts?
  16. Is the surplus 5.45 going to dry up? If so how soon do you think it will be?
  17. Thanks for the generous offer. I do have some trigger time on a Saiga 12 and enjoy them, but really like the way the Veprs look without to much work. Has anyone used them both side by side? If so what are the pluses and minuses of each?
  18. I saw 1000 round cases of Wolf 7.62x39 for $255 after tax, Wolf 500 round cases of 223 for $155 after tax, and what I thought were some other good prices on ammo.   I really think if you are buying at a show you need to compare prices between venders. I saw a HK P30 for $999 at one table and $769 just a few rows over. Same thing with the Scar 17. It was $2999 one place and $2669 at another.   I saw a couple nice Pythons but they were above my budget for today.   I didn't bring any new toys home but really enjoyed the show.
  19. I think I will head up there this morning. http://www.gunshows-usa.com/RK%20$1%20Coupon.htm
  20. I have been thinking about getting a Vepr 12 and would like to know what everyone who has one thinks about theirs.   Thanks
  21. Maybe you get a percentage back if you return them before you leave?
  22. Maybe the problems are related to running out of fuel. It could of had some trash or water in the bottom of the gas tank that got sucked into the fuel system and is clogging things up. Might try changing the fuel filter and clean out the carburetor.
  23. Were going to need some eye candy, you can't just leave us hanging. :popcorn:
  24. I have been on the hunt for a Python myself and the numbers I see for a superb condition Python seem to start at about $1500 for the average 4 or 6 inch and the skies the limit on rare models. Its had to find a shooter grade under $1200 at the moment and I have been looking very hard for a good six months.lol
  25. Thanks for the great write up. I am all ears as I am new to the AK platform as well. :popcorn:   Also thanks for the link. Hows the quality of everything in it?


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