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About timcar86

  • Birthday 10/04/1978

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  • Location
    Oliver Springs, Tn
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Firearms instructor


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19

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  1. ***EDIT: Class is for 16 and there are only 8 spots left*** Small Unit CQB Workup - Oct 23-27 Orion Training Group Jared Arceneaux and Jason Ransome $800 Click here to sign up ***This will be at LFX Firearms Training in Harriman, TN. I'm the owner but I've been a student of OTG for a while and invited them to come to my facility. This is fantastic opportunity to take a great course. These guys have never been to TN so it's rare to have them so close.*** Day 0 and 1: October 23 and 24 Live Fire CQB Marksmanship DAY 0 is a HALF DAY starting at 1300 local time and ending at 1700 local time. DAY 1 is a FULL DAY starting at 0800 local time and ending at 1700 local time. Course Focus: applicable weapons handling for a CQB environment, as well as accuracy while moving as it applies to CQB. This will be in a flat range environment and is NOT a "live fire CQB" course. Day 0 will function like a pistol/rifle clinic, allowing students of lower skill or experience level to catch up to others, and giving more experienced students a refresher on the basics with both platforms, as well as movement, reloads, malfunctions, panning doors, center checking, and dynamic entry with DRY REPS to familiarize with the concepts for Day 1. Day 1 will be focused on shooting during the movements associated with entry, such as threshold assessments and dynamic entries, lateral movements like running the rabbit, and more. At the end of this course, students will be able to accurately and rapidly engage targets with multiple rounds at CQB distances with rifle and pistol. Day 2-4: October 25- 27 Small Unit CQB (Force on Paper) DAY 2-4 ARE FULL DAYS 0800-1700 Course Focus: principles based movement governing the entry and domination of residential sized structures by 4 and 5 man elements. This course is not based on a singular doctrine of movement, but covers multiple options and allows students to pick SOP's for their class. This course utilizes rotating stations of larger scale and micro drill reps in order to minimize down time. This course is force on paper only, and focuses on refining the movements utilized in CQB environments. NO LIVE AMMO. THIS IS A NON LETHAL ONLY COURSE.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  2. SilencerCo VELOS LBP
  3. This is crazy.... Paperwork done Monday, picked it up and shooting with it Wednesday.
  4. Have you seen any of what's supposed to be in the criteria? I was curious about that.
  5. https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/Billinfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=SB2923&ga=113 Thoughts?
  6. Hey all, I'm trying to find some video footage of someone from our side who is a good representative for a video I'm trying to put together. Ideally it would be at the Capitol against the special session that Lee was trying to push last summer. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. My core is pretty stiff but other than that I'm ok. I'm kind of a gym rat so that helped for sure.
  8. I'd never seen anyone try to demonstrate using a firearm for self defense against a dog so I thought about what it would take. Luckily, I got in touch with a group that trains working dogs for military/police and they let me come out to get attacked. This was all new to me and I wanted the stress inoculation of experiencing what it was like for a dog to be latched on to my arm and to try and deploy a firearm. Anyway, I hope someone learns something. YouTube video here.
  9. We are in constant contact with the TN handgun department so that our site stays up to date with reciprocity. Currently, SC recognizes the Concealed Carry permit. https://www.tennessee-carry.com/reciprocity-with-other-states
  10. We offer the course online for free at Tennessee-Carry. We thought anyone who wanted to should be able to see the course but we offer the chance to purchase the certificate at the end if the user chooses.
  11. I was wondering if there are any resources or classes available on how to protect others while shooting. I have no issue protecting myself, moving and shooting, using cover, etc. I have not had any training on what to do with another person that I will not leave on their own like my 6 year old daughter. I'd like to figure out how to shield her while shooting and be able to move her in the direction I want while being able to keep my eyes on the threat.
  12. Thanks for the opinion.
  13. If you haven’t seen it, GunTalk Media puts on show called First Person Defender. It’s where people are put into everyday situations with role players and simunitions in a force on force scenario. If nothing else, I would encourage you to check it out just to see how some people react to different things while armed. You can take away some pretty unique perspectives when Earlier this year, they put out a request for participants in the next season so I submitted a video. Much to my surprise, I was accepted. So in early August I drove down to Baton Rouge and filmed two shows; one where I was the participant and one where I was a role player. Here’s the show I was in So, if you watched the show, critique my performance. I don’t mind. But before you do, here are a few things they edited out from my after action report: - In the 1st scenario, I told Chris that the reason I drew is that I wasn’t sure if the attacker was going to present a weapon. Based on his earlier behavior, I believed this was a very real possibility and since he was in such close proximity to the man he was wrestling, I didn’t want to be behind the curve if he did draw a knife or other weapon. - In the 2nd scenario, after the shooting, I pointed my gun at 2 other people in the store. I was scanning for more threats and when I looked at them, I pointed my gun at them. I legitimately thought they would have more than one shooter in that scenario so I was really wary of the other people. It turned out they weren’t threats but I’m honestly not sure if that was just bad or really bad. - Also in the 2nd scenario, I assumed the person calling 911 would be able to give the correct information so I wasn’t coaching her on what to say. After I shot the guy I kept my gun trained on him and tried to keep most of my focus in his direction. We know in the real world that if you shoot someone they can pass out, drop to the ground, equalize blood pressure, regain consciousness and go back to fighting. I didn’t think enough time had passed after the shoot to warrant me reholstering and by time police would have arrived, I would have reholstered or disarmed. That’s it, let me know what you would have done or what I should have done differently.
  14. I was fortunate enough to be able to sit down with Chris Cerino for dinner a few nights ago and we, of course, discussed firearms and training. He was expressing that a lot of people that called his school were asking for advanced training. He claimed that there is no advanced training, just advanced applications of the basics. Once I thought about that, it made a lot of sense. Whether you agree with him or not, what would you consider "The Basics" of gun fighting?


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