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Everything posted by graycrait
Frog Lube is the same as coconut oil
graycrait replied to Dustbuster's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I use these bottles for the various lubes I use. http://www.amazon.com/Quilled-Creations-Precision-Applicator-0-5-Ounce/dp/B007L9KU6C/ref=pd_bxgy_201_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=11681NKM9C4W3J38ZFMJ -
I wish them good luck and I think someone needs to review their business plan. I see nothing, including price, that would compel me from switching from a major manufacturer to these folks. Makes you wonder whose money is backing this plan.
Thoughts? Star Model B vs Hi Power
graycrait replied to MrBrian's topic in Curio, Relics and Black Powder
I've owned more than several Star BMs, the compact 9 x 19 and one alloy framed compact I think called the BKM. I have only had one HP. Plenty of written about HPs. Here is a link about Star's. http://star-firearms.com/firearms/ I have nothing against either pistol. I don't own them any longer because I think Glocks and 1911s are better Save Your Butt pistols than either Star or HP. I think the HP is an iconic design where the Star is a functional design. Here is another Truth About Guns review of a custom HiPower and some of the things Ted Yost can do to a HiPower. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/01/daniel-zimmerman/gun-review-heirloom-precision-browning-srt-hi-power/ Here is another review: THE BROWNING HI POWER: YESTERDAY’S 9MM SERVICE PISTOL http://modernserviceweapons.com/?p=7355 -
PaulShoot, If the rifle is shooting OK, then now it is finding the ammo that works best in that rifle. It is an odd thing but .22 rifles even off the same assembly line will often like different ammo. This is the fun part. Most of the guns will shoot minute of squirrel head at 50 yards, but finding the right combo that shoots minute of squirrel eye at 50 yrds is the fun part. If that doesn't amuse you then I think you have a rifle that will work well for you the rest of your life. Shooting minute of squirrel head 2" at 200 yrds is really fun. Craig in Clarksville, TN
I hate it when folks chastise me for not stripping naked, wearing face paint, listening to Gregorian chants, sitting cross legged on a purple velvet rug under a statue of the holy virgin, with candles and incense burning to intensely and religiously clean my Glock, with my cleaning kit arrayed like nuclear warhead maintenance tools or a hospital surgical suite. (I was a janitor while going to college on the GI Bill where I had to clean the hospital surgical suites at night, then when I went back into the Army I was a nuclear warhead maintenance supervisor for a couple of years). When I do clean my Glock I try to keep it to 5 minutes or less usually using brake or carb cleaner, a gun cleaning double ended tooth brush and an air compressor. I lube it with whatever is closest at hand that says lubrication on the container, except for WD 40. (Lastly - do not spray carb or brake cleaner on a black Lorcin/Bryco or Raven - it won't be black no mo.) A friend asked me to fix his Lorcin .380 one time (it jammed - duh...) so when I got it running I thought "I'll clean it for ....." Lesson learned - Do not clean a Lorcin like I clean a Glock. I ended up taking all the paint off, which was easy with Carb cleaner, then buffed that pot metal to a chrome like finish on my buffing wheel. ..... thought I had given him a new gun - he was a happy man.
That is a great point and one that I considered when I used the Versa Carry thing a ma bob, as I had Black Hawk retention holster mounted in a similar place in a former vehicle but I couldn't get it to fit in this one. I have only used the versa holster method when I have gone into a place where handguns are not allowed, then tossed a towel or something over the seat to cover the pistol. Now that you bring this up again I may give this another look as like most of us I have a box of holsters doing nothing but gathering dust.
I Chicago screwed this Versa Carry onto the sidewall of my driver's seat. Put some Gorilla tape over the screws. Works, doesn't take up much room and it was cheap - someone got disgusted with the Versa Carry and gave it to me. If memory serves I threw part of it away that wouldn't work for this application and may have had to cut part of the plastic. [URL=http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/ch8156/media/IMG_20160213_161150_989_zps6lpbalbr.jpg.html][/URL]
When we agonize for those well-researched first purchases with hard earned money it always hacks me off when supposedly a reputable company sells a product that does not run 100% and they do it over and over. However, I had a .22Mag 597 once and it worked well until the day I traded it. Which is amazing for all the troubles the .22Mag version had. I say use the 597 as both a shooting and "gunsmithin" learning tool. Get it running right and then think about what you might want to do with it. go here for good advice and lessons learned: http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=218
and if you have already cleaned off the factory grease, no worries, just put the drops of oil where the manual says and leave it at that.
If I had the $$ I would rather have this pistol pack: http://cz-usa.com/product/dan-wesson-715-revolver-cal-357-magnum-stainless/
I just looked on Gunbroker and the Python the OP is talking about seems pretty reasonable in "Colt world." Boy those things got expensive.
maybe this helps? http://pistolsmith.com/colt-revolvers/9571-trooper-trouble.html
Looks fine right now.
I wish I had been able to go to a S&W revolver school but even so I have done a lot of action jobs on these things. I like Sidecarist's recommendation to try it with bar out, screws out then with hammer block out and screws in. That should prove it is the block if it still runs but will not run with block in and screws in. I wonder why the bar is hanging the action up unless someone took the revolver apart, lost a block and then replaced it without fitting. If it is an original part then I can't fathom why just that part would hang up the action because most of the action parts work in close concert with one another. Is the stud that the hammer block rides still intact? I would follow this advice before sending it to S&W and if this does not fix it I would send it to S&W. http://smith-wessonforum.com/s-w-smithing/443538-hammer-block-sticky-rebound-pre-10-a.html?highlight=hammer+block
If I were going to get into that game I would get these sights: http://www.tech-sights.com/ruger3.htm and put them on a standard wood stock 10/22. o If you want to make that gun shoot really good then I would send the trigger to Brimstone and just get the Tier 3 for 38.50: http://www.brimstonegunsmithing.com/collections/ruger-10-22/products/tier-3-basic-10-22-trigger-work But then I would send the barrel to Randy at CPC and get it rechambered and crowned: http://www.ct-precision.com/ruger10-22.html I would then either buy a Kidd bolt or have Randy at CPC clean up the OEM bolt at the same time he does your barrel. After that I would bed the action and put a pressure pad under the barrel. Here is what Appleseed says: chrome-extension://bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html
I've never seen aftermarket triggers sold in Clarksville.
When I don't feel like spending $$$ on those triggers I take a small pen knife and shave the safety lever part of the OEM trigger down so that when you depress the OEM trigger you do not feel that safety lever. Shave then try, shave then try, making sure that when it is over the safety lever still works.
I like flat Glock triggers. I have Zev Tech Fulcrum in one of mine and had a Phantom flat trigger from Rock Your Glock. Either is fine. The Phantom IMHO works just as well as the Fulcrum. These two trigger have pre and over travel correction screws. I'm not a fan of the whole monty style kits that cost $$$$. A 6lb trigger return spring along with a 25 cent trigger job and maybe a Ghost connector makes a nice trigger without spending the dollars for one of the "complete" kits.
I was thinking the same thing.
I'm just glad that isn't a FMK East. http://fmkfirearms.com/ Looks sort of like a Canik TP9 clone. http://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/canik-tp9-sa-budget-9mm-torture-test/ I don't get their business plan, introducing a pistol with a MSRP of 675.00 into a crowded field of plastic framed pistols. It will be interesting to see if the elimination of MIM parts is an alleluia moment for the plastic framed gun industry or that their lefty friendly model will drive their sales enough to make a profit. http://www.guns.com/2015/04/28/nite-owl-renamed-new-order-firearms-plans-for-lefty-pistols/ I'll say good luck.
Who Can Stipple a Glock?
graycrait replied to shotgunshooter's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I used to do it quite a bit, anyone can do it if they have patience to do something for 2 hours max. If you cant' stay on task for a couple of hours on a repetitive task find someone who can do it for you and pay them more than what the work requires. -
I've owmed at least a dozen Ruger MK series from 1950 versions on up. I like them and can tune one up pretty well. But a .22 pistol that could hold a good trigger in the frame, yet change out the barrels for whatever your pleasure intrigues me. I have a MKIII that has the complete aftermarket changeover to MKII with many VQ parts, but I am not opposed to another well priced great .22. Bar none, the Nelson Custom .22 conversion for 1911 is the best .22 out there for less than a grand, and I have one on a nice Springfield Loaded lower, but the new S&W might have enough gravitas to drive some aftermarket like a 10/22. Apparently Volquartsen thought so.
I would like to read a TGOr's review of this one, especially with a longer VQ barrel: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/01/jeremy-s/new-from-smith-wesson-sw22-victory/
Having in the past owned a fair pile of Sigs, including single actions, I would like to shoot, not own, these two: http://www.recoilweb.com/sig-p210-and-p320-81881.html I figure the new 210 would be nice but am wondering about the 320 Target. Let me know when some range in the Clarksville area has these two for rent:)
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Looking for someone to work on a Ruger 22/45
graycrait replied to josh.mcdonald's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
If you are ever headed up to Clarksville let me know ahead of time, I suspect I have done at least 20 of those for various people just to see them go "wow!" They got the parts I put them in for free. This new trigger intrigues me but not enough to make me want to replace my Volquartsen trigger. https://www.tandemkross.com/Victory-Trigger-for-the-Ruger-MKIII-2245-by-TANDEMKROSS_p_197.html