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Everything posted by graycrait

  1. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/08/foghorn/gun-review-remington-r51-2016/ About this time next year I might get one of these if they are holding up.
  2. How did this go? Did you get it fixed? If it were me and it has been with other people's Glocks, (OK, I have jacked up a Glock or two) anyway, pm me if you have not fixed this, I have "discombobulated" a fair number of Glocks.
  3. I'll bet it is a "shooter" and if it has a bug or two I bet it can be easily worked out. Can you give a close approximation of what "a steal" means?
  4. Anyone seen and KT P32s in stock in the Nashville/Clarksville area?
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Lubriplate-L0043-004-Registered-ISO-21469-Multi-Purpose/dp/B007VQQAXC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1469104456&sr=8-2&keywords=lubriplate When I got a can of this about 10 yrs ago I realized I would never need any more gun grease. Here is some in smaller tubes. https://www.amazon.com/Lubriplate-130-AA-Multi-Purpose-Calcium-L0044-086/dp/B010TRWJBQ/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1469104456&sr=8-4&keywords=lubriplate http://www.brownells.com/gun-cleaning-chemicals/oils-lubricants/lubricant-protectant-oils/lubriplate-prod6524.aspx I like this too: https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-004B1I-Grease-1-Ounce-Blister/dp/B0014VVNZU
  6. I've shot both a lot and owned the Ruger in several variations. I would go Ruger all day. The trigger is made to self tinker with. It is very easy to get it to < 2lbs and crisp. Using Wolf Std Vel that Ruger will really shoot. The Savage is OK, and a pretty good shooter too. Also those Ruger American Rimfire stocks are pretty good, not like the Savage plastic stocks at all. For a working rifle I would keep the Ruger stock on the gun, adjust the trigger to sub 2lbs and shock the snot out of folks who have spent serious money on chasing accuracy and reliability within certain price points. The last Ruger American .22LR I had would shoot as well as any of the several CZs I used to own. I think it would have given my late Kimber of Oregon Stainless Classic a run for its money too. I think the Ruger American .22lr is the best value in decent shooting .22s without having to break the bank. I'm thinking with a bit of tinkering it might shoot alongside the Anschutz sporters. At least as good that squirrels wouldn't know what killed them...Ruger American or Anschutz. P.S. The quality and variety of Ruger magazines can't be beat.
  7. For self defense I would have to say the first production year CZ P0-1,that thing had a horrible double action trigger, but ergonomics were great. It was OD green to boot - what was I thinking? I would also say Taurus revolvers, of which I have owned 3 or 4, as well as a Rossi or two. Ruger and S&W revolvers are so much better than Taurus. If you have to have a revolver for self defense save up and get Ruger or S&W.
  8. Glock 9mm, 5" reliable 1911 .45 and Keltec .32 for SYA guns. But there are whole bunch of others that are sure fun at the range. My preferred sight on a Glock is the traditional "fence" rear sight, but in steel, along with a red fiber optic front sight. I'll carry a Keltec .32 everyday, all day. If you see me carrying a 1911 .45 then you will probably see me also carrying a pump 12 gauge because everything must have gone to hell. I'll occasionally carry a Glock 9mm if I am operating outside of my normal modus operandi, which precludes unsavory locales, late nights or large crowds. Under protest normally I'll go to the movies with my wife, but carrying a Glock 9mm to the movies seems prudent.
  9. about 2 yrs ago I acquired most of a Springfield Loaded in a box of parts. Leastways I know the barrel, slide and frame where a Loaded. So I put the frame together to accommodate my Nelson .22 1911 conversion. The frame has a 2.75lb trigger that works great with the .22LR conversion. I pulled out the bag of .45 slide parts the other day and discovered I was missing some stuff to make this a fully functional 1911 in .45ACP. It also came with a SA one-piece guide rod - which I hate. So got a new extractor, slide release/lock lever, and all the other slide parts except barrel and sights from MIdway. Converted it to GI recoil system. So here it is, nothing sexy or special, just works now with either .45acp or .22lr. Night sights too on the .45acp upper! .45acp upper .22LR upper
  10. Click on this link and see what the bettors are saying. THis changes all the time but lately Hillary is creeping further up while Donald keeps falling further down. https://electionbettingodds.com/
  11. I've had 3 or 4 CZs over the years. My favorite was the 85 Combat that had this shiny finish. TGOr Plinker4life has a 75 that he installed the Cajun Gun Works trigger kit. That is one nice pistol. I fell out of love with them, traded them all for something or other, which escapes me now.
  12. That Hi Point must be a truck gun, as it was seized along with all that coke, etc., near Joelton. It was in a truck - just sayin' http://www.wsmv.com/story/32120408/5-suspects-arrested-over-2-million-in-cocaine-seized-in-joelton
  13. Is this a truck gun and is that a real suppressor?
  14. This .22LR 1911 pistol conversion with my friend's YHM shoots great. Donor pistol is a SA Loaded. Conversion is the best in the land and this one has a match grade threaded barrel:
  15. My nitrided Federssen barrel shoots at least as good as any GM barrel I have had so am happy with it. If the McGowan barrel shoots as good as the Fed or the GM barrelled 1022s I have I will be OK with that. I need to suck it up one day and get a suppressor. If I ever get a .920 or 1" suppressor you will be the guy I will send my barrels to. I would think that a 29" threaded barrel with a decent suppressor with the right ammo could be fun as heck.
  16. I have a friend in OK who is having a Ruger MKIII built as an intergral suppressed pistol prior to the new NFA trust rules along with an integral suppressed 10/22 he just got from the same builder. Que used to set back factory sights on 10/22 barrels and thread the barrels. I suspect Randy at CPC does something similar.
  17. I went over to visit Plinker4life and tested out the rubber hair gizmos to see if they altered point of impact. They did not. P.S. The reason I got the long barrel was to shoot 29grain CCI CB Longs and other quiet rounds (without an NFA device) when my neighbor's chickens here in town were attacked by marauding varmints. As life would have it they got divorced, wife got the Yorkie and the chickens and moved about 2 miles down the road, husband moved out of state. I have something in mind for the long barrel but FJ Feddersen out of Loudon, TN will have to release his new 10/22 receivers before I can do it.
  18. They come and they go, like the waves on the beach. Here is one that might prove interesting: Custom McGowan threaded heavy taper barrel, OEM stock redone by a fella they call Turmite, trigger by Plinker4life, bedding by Plinker4life, bolt by Que. That scope ain't much but it is all I had but it does adjust down to 15' or so. Purty little stock, with bubinga tip and round bubinga inserts where the sling studs used to be on the bottom of the stock. Some sort of automotive finish. But will it shoot?
  19. Not to nit pic or whatever, but WD40 used as a cleaner or water displacer, not as a lube, can clean up crazy junk. I used it once to clean some stain off a friend's car interior where everything else I tried didn't work. I'll bet WD40 would be cool to use in a ultrasonic cleaner. I suppose so would Goo Gone or Goof Off. I wish I hadn't given my ultra sound cleaner away when I downsized my gun accumulation. If I still had the ultra sound cleaner I would try some of these mentioned products including Ballistol, the full can of which I have sitting on the shelf with about 15 other like-products, including a good part of a gallon of CLP I am unlikely to use up this millennium.
  20. great points xtriggerman and Dolomite. Sometimes I've used both nails or drill bits as slave pins. I've also used punches as slave pins. I have also soaked whole handguns in solvent then used compressed air to blow gunk out. If you have a friend who has an ultrasound cleaner that will fit your revolver you could try that first, just stick the whole thing in the ultrasound tank after you take off the grips. You might want to look at the schematic for internal plastic parts. I was looking at a youtube video of a different model of H&R revolver and it had a plastic internal piece that caused a different issue. One thing I found out is that there was some hand fitting of some/many parts in older revolvers and even if you need and find the replacement part it can be hard to hand fit the part. In a couple of instances in my case it was beyond my skill set to hand fit the part.
  21. First thing is find screw drivers that exactly fit the slots of the screws on your revolver. Then take that thing apart on a light colored towel. Take pictures every step of the way so you can go in reverse. http://www.gunpartscorp.com/Manufacturers/Revolvers-36449/940-38114.htm I doubt it is something you can fix, you will likely have to replace something. If you can't find the part from Numrich (above link) then try Bobs Gunshop: http://www.gun-parts.com/harringtonrichardson/ If you can't find the part at either of those places I wouldn't be suprised if you could find it with Jack First Gunshop: (605) 345-9544. Jack First doesn't have online ordering but if you call them and know what you want for what you want there is a good chance they will have the part.
  22. graycrait


    I used to have a DW PM 9mm too, it shot great, no issues, then I thought I needed an HK P7 worse so traded it If you don't have the jack for a Pointman 9 I recommend RIA 9mms too. I had two of those over the years - wonder where they are now. Oh well... They never gave me a bit of trouble.
  23. I would get this Bob Smith's thin super glue. http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Insta-Cure-Super-Thin/dp/B001NI4JWI Carefully wedge the split open if possible then, let this glue run through the crack. This glue will migrate quite a ways. Then clamp or wrap rubber tubing around the stock where the split is. If the split isn't through the wood I might not do anything, but this glue will run through and probably provide some bonding. I've used this glue to build up a couple of rotten spots in a stock too. Once glued I would leave it over nite. Then some light sanding if there is overrun then maybe some Tru Oil wiped on or simply glue it. Or you could sell it and let the buyer fix it. 67's seem to sell quickly.
  24. And ammo too!   I read that the Browning ammo is  allegedly made by Winchester.  
  25. How sweet! My fav, a Ruger 10/22.


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