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Everything posted by graycrait
Ruger in any variety: MKI, MII or MKIII, in 22/45 or the steel framed ones. They are too easy to make a good trigger in one and with a good trigger can outshoot most except the very experienced bullseye shooters.
Just got this through a trade after wanting one like this for some time. S&W 2206 .22lr with target sights. Weight w/empty mag 38.6oz. Also disregard any online reviews or comments that these guns won't shoot. That crazy carpenter's square design most definitely will shoot. This will make 5 of this design I currently have, then there were the ones I let get away.
I was able to try out my toggle lever 10/22 using Colibras again today. I put a LR in a 1022 10 rd mag today first and 9 Colibras after. The Colibras cycled perfectly. So now I will epoxy a .22lr snap cap in a 10/22 magazine and call it a day. I think you should get a Primary Weapon System T3 receiver and build a nice, "do everything" "10/22." With the10/22 aftermarket available in triggers and barrels the PWS receiver makes sense for those of us who don't care about fast shooting but are interested in tinker toying our own rifles to fit our specific needs. I need to start shooting this PWS T3 receiver for groups instead of just for fun just to see what it can do.
My FFL charges 20.00 for a transfer and 10.00 for every background check if the gun is used or one that they do not normally sell or cannot get through their normal distributors. So my S&W 2206 cost me $30.00 to transfer. If I were to buy a 10/22 from Buds the transfer would be 50.00 through my FFL. I can save money by just buying the gun from my FFL with my retired military ID. My FFL gives 10% off on retail prices to military, LEO, teachers, firefighters, etc. He also only charges 10% above his dealer cost for special orders up to a $1,000.00, after that then only charges $100.00 regardless if the gun is 1001.00 or 10,0000.00. Of course you always have to tack on TN sales tax and TICs 10.00 fee. Seems fair for a privately owned one-off LGS.
I'm not sure if it is love/hate or some kind of hoarding thing. Although I also hate to get stung too and that is why I prefer to trade. Then each of us can way the value of the trade goods with our own internal banking system. I traded off a minty 1992 2d Gen Glock 19 for a S&W 2206 Target the other day. Glock guys think I am crazy, but I have wanted a decent 2206 for few years and luck would have it that the 2206 owner wanted a 2nd Gen G19. My other two G19s get shot a lot, the 2nd Gen not so much. Then there are the .22 rifles I have accumulated, all of which I dearly enjoy. However, now that I have owned a Primary Weapon Systems T3 receiver mated to good 10/22 components I may start moving the "old" .22s "down the road." My 87 yr old shooting partner says that some guns can have a soul. I reconcile that with the notion that my soulful guns can have a home with someone else. He calls me fickle. I call it pragmatic. I have one friend who has enough 1911s, battle rifles and shotguns to outfit an entire infantry platoon for a 3-gun match, literally.
Face it, savor it, taste it, eyes wide open, fully conscious, mind clear, last great adventure.
get a 7.62x54 Mosin Nagant for a 100 bucks and change. Shoot $12.00 x 20 rd box ammo and enjoy the kick. If that one proves to be fun for you and you maximize the Nagants accuracy then buy a .308.
If you are talking centerfire handgun 1 Glock will probably be enough. However everyone needs a good .22LR pistol for not only a training gun, but for cheap fun.
I suspect that both are primary and not sub dealers.
Blue Label Glock prices apply to a wide range of personnel, but as of this time I am pretty sure those prices and designated Glocks do not apply to those who have VA disability cards. Prices for Blue Labels, as far as I know, can be discussed once the customer physically presents proper credentials to the Blue Label dealer or subdealer. Craigs is the primary dealer for a 5 state area. Glock has "regional" primary dealers and everyone else in that region must buy their Glocks from the primary dealer.
I shot 60 grain SSS and CCI Quiet and CCI segmented subsonics through my 1:98 twist TI 10/22 barrel using a suppressor on Saturday. Didn't measure the accuracy but I shot what I was aiming at from 15-20 yards out to 150 yards.
I still carry mine as a backup to a Glock 9mm. It is reliable, accurate and so easy to carry. If you have fleshy, big or weak hands stay away from this thing. This is a 7 shot fire breathing dragon that one must learn to shoot fast one-handed. You can shoot it two-handed in a Weaver, modified Weaver or Isoleses stance but what is the point? This thing is for up close, personal and fast. This is a no slide lock gun so anything that goes wrong with this in an emergency is going to pose a training and handling issue. Most folks would be better off with a S&W Airweight .38, unless you like non-printing pocket carry 9mm in "relaxed" fit shorts or pants. Although I have reliable snubbies I prefer to carry the DB9.
Crazy fun rifle. Shot it again today supressed on a private range where we shot all sizes of steel set up at various distances and angles out to 150 yards with a target field about 50 yards wide. That little Millet dot and that Tac Sol 1:9 twist on that stock is way cool. Quiet! Very fast handling rifle but with enough weight for good offhand shooting, rapidly transtitioning from 25, 50, 75 to 150 yrds from (some holdover with subsonics). It may be fun to bag this one at 50 yrds just for giggles. Had 3 good shooting Wounded Warriors and active GI shooting this with me today. What really shocked them was how much recoil the Diamondback DB9 had and how easy it was to shoot my 6" heavy shroud DW .357. I have to say after owning 40 or 50 or more .22 rifles and I can't count how many 10/22s in various guises, this one with the Fortner manually operated PWS T3 bolt is way way my favorite in the pictured set-up. I'm not changing a thing with this one - ever. When my 29" 10/22 barrel gets here I am going to build a new gun around that. Now I have to get that Silincerco Sparrow suppressor.
I like the stock and am going to get another.
I originally wanted to put my yet to arrive Urban Rifle Supply 29" barrel on this rig, but I think I will keep it as is with the 1:9 Tactical Innovations threaded barrel and finally belly up to getting a suppressor of my own. I'll cobble together another 10/22 with the 29" barrel and iron aperture set-up.
I guess rather than toggle we could call it a Fortner action, the same type found in most if not all biathlon rifles. Anschutz produces a much more refined fortner action rifle for some big bucks.
Hmmmm....... maybe a little more red;)
Dolomite, You will like the action. It is very professinally made. Slick as snot but may need to get broken in to get fast. The combo of the stock grip and the length of my index finger don't allow me to action the toggle with one finger with a shooting grip, like you see Biathletes use a true Fortner(sp?) action. You adjust the bolt lock with barrel shims that PWS sends with the receiver. I have other semi auto 22s that are as accurate as your off the shelf 1022- so if I had the cash I would convert all my 10/22s to that action. It opens up so many more possibilities and I think a pro could come up with a precise headspace with a specific ammo. I may be wrong but I think a person who can do bolt headspacing, barrel setbacks,rechambering and good crowns might be able to truly build there own Anschutz 2013? level rifle with this receiver. If I were a hobby machinist with mill and lathe and know how, I would give it a crack - using the V-block, a torch and some dry ice! The more I read about threaded 10/22 receivers the less enamored I am with them - they limit guys like me.
It is black, just a sun thing with the photo.
Archangel Target Stock Tactical Innovations threaded 1:9 twist barrel PWS T3 Summit toggle action Millet 3MOA Red Dot Homebrew trigger group Test fired this today with a YHM suppressor in an undisclosed location and got 12 thumbs up from six experienced shooters use Gemtech subsonics, CCI Quiet and 60 grain Aguila SSS (Super Colibras wont work, they are too short for the 10/22 magazine). This is one fun shooting rifle and very quiet.
MacGuyver, What is the legal position of those Select Fire 80% receivers? Can a fella legally build and own a non-serial numbered 10/22? Craig
Dolomite, Thanks for the link to the shims. Now that I have seen the link, I remember having seen those kits before, just didn't get the shims, although I have PC shims aplenty for S&W tune-ups, just nothing that fit 10/22s. I'll get a deluxe stainless kit. Because they were on sale I got a couple of PC aluminum overtravel triggers. These have the hole for the adjustable sear. They simply won't work without modification with stock parts. I should have got the adjustable sear kit. I have to contemplate what will be my next step to get them to work. Regardless if you back out the over travel screw or even shorten the trigger return plug the trigger won't move the sear enough to release the hammer. I thought that the trigger might be good just to have the overtravel screw with no hassle, but there is a hassle. I suspect the JB Weld sear trick would work here but I might not feel like monkeying around with that. Craig
I got my spare hammers and the sears I had on hand and started experimenting a little bit this afternoon, along with the PC sear&hammer fitting block. I've come up with a couple of decent triggers, certainly not a Kidd. I went back through RFC threads on 10/22 triggers and watched how Bob Dunlop of AGI showed where to "hack off" some material from both hammer and sear. I think a homebrew trigger will be enough to see how the long barrel and the toggle receiver work together. If it appears that Kidd trigger will make a dramatic improvement or put the icing on the cake then I can decide that later.
Every time I see a new list on this thread I realize, "Man, I had one of those too!" Then I ask myself, "Why?" I've forgotten a few too.
I'm pretty sure that the engraved "silver" slides were TALO Exclusive. Does/did it look like this? http://www.slickguns.com/product/ruger-lc9-talo-edition-laser-etched-nickel-w24-carat-gold-inlay-44999-1199-shipping-44999