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Everything posted by graycrait

  1. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=568955&page=6
  2. If you are using lame old drug store pipe cleaners and swabs you need to change to these.       http://www.bearmetalclean.com/   http://www.brownells.com/gun-cleaning-chemicals/brushes-amp-bore-snakes/specialty-cleaning-brushes/super-duty-pipe-cleaners-prod1715.aspx
  3. You aren't first to this rodeo.  Loosen up that strong hand grip and pull the trigger straight back.  When paper punching there are pistols I shoot better but when it comes to saving my bacon I go Glock.  As an aging fella I figure minute of bad guy fast is best, versus minute of vest button at slow fire bullseye pace.     http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-422812.html
  4. With the Feddersen barrel your rifle will be heavy so you might as well get a stock that is worth that barrel: http://www.victorcompanyusa.com/titan-1022.html http://www.midwayusa.com/product/638977/bell-and-carlson-target-varmint-rifle-stock-ruger-10-22-920-barrel-channel-synthetic-black You also need to get a bolt that will be up to par with that barrel. If you already have a stock bolt and receiver you might want Randy at CPC to tune up that bolt for you or get an aftermarket bolt. http://www.ct-precision.com/ or http://www.kiddinnovativedesign.com/KIDD-Bolt-_p_31.html a few of us have been down the rabbit hole on 10/22s and if you really want to see what is out there just go to rimfirecentral.com Dolomite Supafly, a moderator here, has some good ideas on 10/22s as does member Plinker4life Here are some 10/22s I enjoy/enjoyed shooting: There is a Feddersen barrel under this one somewhere: I was going through a "phase" http://s862.photobucket.com/user/graycrait/media/todays1022s_zps5fcc7881.jpg.html?sort=3&o=54 It never ends http://s862.photobucket.com/user/graycrait/media/Mannlicher1022_zps48c8f6c2.jpg.html?sort=3&o=84 and on and on http://s862.photobucket.com/user/graycrait/media/Last3rifles_zps6e841add.jpg.html?sort=3&o=102
  5. After having had 5 or 6 CZ 75/85s over the years I can empathize. I often feel I need a single action CZ 75 but after having had both a Dan Wesson Pointman 9 and a Sig X-Five Tactical I suspect I would shoot it a few times, call it a fun heavy range gun, then trade or sell it.  About the only way I would get another SA 9mm would be if I could find a 9mm 1911 that my Nelson Custom 1911 .22 Conversion would ride on.   I classify the CZ 75 as one of the iconic handguns of the 20th Century along with the S&W revolver, 1911, BHP, and Glock.    
  6. I find open carry kind of humorous.  Most guys and it is mostly guys, who I see open carry look to me like they should also be carrying a sign that says, "Shoot me first, then take my gun."  I might be rudely mistaken but most open carry guys I run across appear to be posers.  
  7. Simple tweaks   https://www.ar15.com/mobile/topic.html?b=5&f=27&t=13896   Walther sub forum on RFC   http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=48
  8. Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaasseeee do not get a Sig Mosquito. I have tried to fix that darn trigger on two of them, following Mississippi Dave's (from Rimfirecentral.com) advice and instructions.  The Sig is the worst .22LR pistol I have ever had the displeasure of having. It is not made by Sig and only looks like a Sig, it has no training crossover value to the "22X" series.  Anyone who says different has never shot a good .22lr pistol or has buyer's remorse justifying a wrongheaded decision.  The Walther P22, IMHO, is hit or miss.  Follow Dolomite's advice, get a Ruger SR22 if you need a small .22LR.  http://www.ruger.com/products/sr22Pistol/models.html   Heck, I would get a Jennings/Jimenez J22 before I would get a Mosquito or P22.  I know I would get a Phoenix Arms pot metal .22 before the Sig or the Walther. At least Jimenez and Phoenix make no bones about pot metal, it is what it is and is priced right in these two cases. http://jimenezarmsinc.com/22lr.htm https://phoenix-arms.com/Products/HP22A.html   If you want a simple effective .22LR that is intuitive to clean and take apart then get a Buckmark which is essentially designed pretty much like the High Standards. Colts and all the external blow back "target" pistols.  Even the S&W 22A operates on the same principle.   http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/family.asp?webflag_=006B http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_764598_-1_757752_757751_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y     If you want the best value for your money get the cheapest Ruger MK series you can afford, whether pre-MK series, MKI, MKII or MKIII it really doesn't matter.  I have had them all and they just plain work - forever.  Watch youtube vids on takedown and reassembly of the MK series and you will wonder why some people often whine about that aspect of these fine shooting pistols.   http://www.ruger.com/products/markIII/index.html http://www.ruger.com/products/2245/index.html     Next up is the Hammerli Xesse (entry level used to be Sig Trailside), followed by the S&W 41.  After that you are are in international competition grade .22lr pistols like Pardini, Benelli, Walther, etc. I've had the chance to shoot a couple of these but have no interest in owning them at this time.   http://www.champchoice.com/store/Main.aspx?p=CategoryItemListBody&c=FITP  (Tennessee based dealer)   http://www.larrysguns.com/Departments/New-Guns.aspx   http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_764922_-1_757752_757751_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y     I'm not a big fan of .22 conversions for Glocks either, having had 5 or 6.     However, if you simply want the best .22 conversion for a 1911 then get a Nelson Custom Conversion with a match barrel and your choice of upper rail (which can be easily changed later) which can have black target sights, optic rail or target rear with fine fiber optic front sight. If you have a 1911 with a nice trigger just get the Nelson conversion and forget about a stand alone .22lr pistol.  Nelson sells match threaded barrels also.   http://www.nelsoncustomguns.com/
  9. I have  a deputy sheriff friend who doesn't even use a conversion barrel, he just drops a 34 OEM barrel into his 35 and goes to town.  I asked him about this one time and he told me for shooting steel the accuracy and reliability is just fine.  I think I would go for the conversion barrel regardless.
  10. All you want is a threaded barrel?  Any available will do for minute of squirrel head at 50 yrds. Take your pick.  
  11. Your Hogue stock will work fine and the gap not that noticeable but a Hogue stock is hardly suitable for a Kidd barrel if you want to extract the accuracy capable of the barrel if you have a good trigger and the bolt is right also.  If you have a Kidd barrel, Kidd barrel and OEM Ruger bolt you are not going to get the max benefit.  Get a Kidd bolt or have CPC do your bolt but I think a Kidd bolt with your barrel would be better.    what it seems to me that you have is an OEM bolt, OEM receiver, Kidd barrel and Kidd trigger and a "cheap" Hogue stock.  What is that supposed to accomplish?  I don't want to sound harsh but this is from personal experience.  Half measures leave you disappointed. Go all the way or don't go at all.  You need a good matched bolt and good stock.
  12. PTG makes 19 different .22LR reamers.  One guy I know who used to do 10/22 chambering had 8 or 10 of those: http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=312140   As always I differ to Dolomite on exacting mechanicals.  But in some .22 rifles, like some Marlins, Stingers shoot pretty darn good along with .22lr.     In reference to barrel twist and bullet weight/velocity- I purchased two barrels that were made to shoot Aguilla SSS 60 grain bullets at 950fps if memory serves. Neither barrel, one in 1:9 the other in 1:11.25, impressed me out to 50 yards. I was so disappointed I relegated the 60grain SSS to its best role as a 5 yard belly gun round best shot out of a Taurus Poly PT22.  Trouble is my Keltec P32 is smaller and lighter than a Taurus Poly Pt22 so I gave all my 60 grain SSS away when I unloaded the Taurus.   What I have learned after all the money on 10/22s.  Get your bolt headspaced properly, buy a Green Mountain heavy taper barrel, get a Kidd trigger kit for a Ruger OEM Poly housing and the stock of your choice.  Bed as appropriate.  If you want more paper accuracy get an Anschutz.    No one shoots a 10/22 in international competition.    Lastly, if you just want a really really good shooting 10/22 and a thousand or so bucks doesn't bother you just buy a complete Kidd rifle, or at least a complete barreled action, then buy the stock you want.
  13. ditto on Oh Shoot's:  its Stingers, not Mini Mags.   As far as I know no decent shooting .22LR aftermarket barrel will accept Stingers.  You can get barrels specifically reamed to shoot Stingers, but then standard length .22lr accuracy will suffer.  Most mass market .22lrs are chambered to accept Stingers.  There are all kinds of theories on how to chamber a .22LR and there are quite a few different .22LR chamber reamers.  In the end you need a longer chamber for Stingers, then standard .22lr have to "jump the gap."  How much does accuracy suffer? Not so much that the squirrels or rabbits will be able to tell.   Having been around and owned quite a few 10/22 .22lr barrels I won't argue against a Kidd barrel.     Currently the only light weight threaded barrel that I know of that might come close to the Kidd might be the PWS carbon fiber barrel:   http://primaryweapons.com/firearms/t3/tensionbarrels/#.VWjjNjY4nTY   Of course if you want the ultimate quiet "10/22" then you really need a PWS receiver.  http://primaryweapons.com/firearms/t3/#.VWjksjY4nTY   If you want to shoot shorts or colibras in a 10/22 either manually cycling a semi or have the PWS then you should get this magazine:  http://www.urbanriflesupply.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=75:22-short-magazine&catid=81:accessories&Itemid=468   I've had firsthand good luck with Kidd, PWS and Urban Rifle Supply (URS).  The URS .22short mags are awesome.
  14. I am more interested in seeing how the gun runs with that full backstrap safety. I like that concept.  I had a HK P7 but after some hand surgery I couldn't safely use the pistol any longer, getting sympathetic trigger pull while squeezing the front strap safety.  I only carry a Glock and/or Keltec .32  so ugly doesn't bother me.  I'll give the R51 a look if it proves reliable and durable.
  15. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/01/22/remington-r51-pistol-return-production/ http://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/remington-r51-update-shot-show-2015/
  16. Pimpolcious!
  17. Nice stipple job and doing a nickel boron finish to tenifer if gilding the lily I think. It is a Glock, like a hammer, a dinner fork or screw driver, when it quits working get another.  
  18. http://www.pyramydair.com/   http://www.airgunsofarizona.com/   http://www.airgundepot.com/
  19. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-gun-owners-hoard-bullets-in-face-of-feared-shortage-of-ammunition-from-u-s
  20. Why do folks continue to argue/compare/contrast standard handgun calibers?  In modern JHP it is likely a moot point. If .357 was so incomparable then Spec Ops/FBI SWAT would be using them.  Best learn to pull that gat fast and fill the target full of holes.   Unless you are on khat or something similar a batch of holes from .22 to .45 will probably do something serious, but no where as serious as .223 and above.  Then comes 20 or 12 gauge.   I don't know of one bona fide civilian who has the training/experience to be so steely eyed in a surprise situation to coldly put one between the eyes or anywhere in the CNS while taking holes themselves. Most gun play talk is delusional.  Best be of pleasant demeanor, stay away from crazy/drugs/booze, and live life low profile, probably won't need a gun except to kill the occasional possum' or fox raiding the hen house. 
  21. I would prefer a Philippine made new in the box Colt spec'd Rock Island over a much used loose US Military 1911.  I don't put the same value on US Military 1911s like I would on a 1903 or a Garand.   I have a friend who has his grandfather's carry 1911 from WWI and this friend was a young Marine in WWII.  Having the chancd to buy a loose rust bucket for a $1000.00 seems a little strange to me.  
  22. I hope those pistolas aren't anything like the last one I was issued just prior to the M9 transition.  Rattled like Carmen Miranda's castanets and turned orange at even the prospect of rain. 
  23. http://cajungunworks.com/
  24. KKing, I simply live to serve.....     I do have this nagging thought that I may have acted in haste some years ago unloading my AKs, SKSs, ARs, etc., etc.   But now that I have a 7,62x39 bolt gun that is geared towards the cheap ammo I have again reconsidered fun shooting married to SHTF practical guns.  Seems to me that between my Chinese 870 clone (Hawk) 12 ga pump shotgun, the Savage AK ammo rifle and then with a .223/5.56 bolt I would have fun and SHTF covered for the last decade or two of my life.     If I had any sense this is the route I would go:   http://www.jgsales.com/zastava-c-743.html
  25. I've had two of the PF9s.  ONe when they first came and then got rid of it within a month.  A couple of years later I thought, maybe I didn't give the Lil' Dragon a fair shake so got another.  Got rid of that one in 2 weeks. Too hard to get "accurate" fast follow up shots one-handed weak hand. 


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