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Everything posted by zgunbear

  1. I have always tried to do this as well. Last year lost a good fishing spot because some idiots left trash and cut a fence. There are too many people that just don't seem to care about anything but themselves
  2. Four items I just had my faith in humanity restored, if for just a little while. I have a lot on my mind with my wife's upcoming surgery and my dad's fight with pancreatic cancer. Needless to say I have a lot on my mind. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up just a few ingredients to cook dinner with. I went to the express lane because I only had four items. A lady and her daughter were in front of me. I was staring off into space and I heard the lady say, "put his on my bill." I guess I looked at her like she had three heads and tried to tell her she didn't need to do that The lady replied, "We are doing a random act of kindness. We are paying it forward. Some one did it for us now we are doing it for you." I just about broke down there and manged to say thank you to her and her daughter. I told them about Suzanne's surgery and dad's cancer and tried to tell her how much this meant. However my mouth and tongue did not want to work and my eyes got a little watery. It was such a humbling experience for a total stranger to do that. It was not the dollar amount because the four items were less than $10.00. It was just the fact that she did it. It was such a simple thing for her to do but it touched me today in an unique way. I need to look around and realize there are so many little random acts of kindness I could and should do everyday. Pay it forward, you will never know how much it touches the person you reach out to.
  3. New Orleans is an open air cesspool. Lived there when I was younger would not want to ever live there again. Politics there is so openly corrupt I am amazed he was convicted
  4. That's the great thing you regulate it to your load. The regulation is adjustable for your loads via a jackscrew between the barrels and the front sight. I can refinish wood and metal. No a Baikal is not fit as good as a Chaimpus but it costs a 1/10th as much. Hell I won't win any beauty contests why should my rifle. The Baikals are built like a Russian tank not pretty but effective
  5. On the Accuratereloading.com double gun board the consensus is they are rough but a diamond in the rough many can hold a 4 inch group at 100 yards which is pretty good for a "cheap" double. http://forums.accuratereloading.com/eve/forums/a/frm/f/760101804 They look to be good for pigs and deer, and general playing at the range. Will it be as good as a PH grade Heym, or a classic British double proabably not. However I can't afford 5000 plus for one of those rifles. Plus I like the way they look [URL=http://s1129.photobucket.com/user/BayouBob1/media/IMG_0123.jpg.html][/URL] The two 45-70's I have handled both fit me very well so I am hoping to order one soon
  6. Does anyone have one of these? I am looking at the 30-06 version. I have always wanted a double and these have been getting decent reviews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmNynB30pSM  
  7. The ones that wear the shirts would have been his first targets. He was anti capatalist, racist, psychopath, and enjoyed executing people. He was evil. Unfortunately history is not taught anymore. "Beware you warriors that defeated the beast for the bitch that bore him is in heat again". Tyranny is rising again
  8. Glenn Beck did a story on it. I wonder if it was practice for something much bigger.
  9. Edited added an update Just an update. Dad's chemo starts tomorrow. He is rather grouchy normally so he will probably be a handful for my mom and the doctors. My sister and her family moved in with my parents last fall. So mom will have some help with dad.   Just got off the phone with him. The pathologist told him there were stage four cells in his biopsy. That ain't good. Stage four pancreatic cancer is a tough bitch.
  10. What effect does muzzle flash have at night? How recoil sensitive is it? Do you think it could holdup to .308 recoil levels? I would buy a kit. It would be great being able to be to move to different guns.
  11. Good article. Or else what?
  12. After reading this earlier today this is what we had for dinner tonight.
  13. My square deal has loaded thousands of .45acp. If something quits working I call and in 2 days the part is here. I want to get one of their presses for rifle rounds to load .308 & .223. Dillon is a great company for customer support
  14. If you want to take it way over the top mix a can of the large family sized tomato soup with one regular sized can of cheddar cheese soup. Then have it with you grilled cheese sandwich.
  15. My wife loves them we do pan fried pimento cheese with tomato soup for dinner fairly often. She didn't like when I added habeanero to it. To much heat for her
  16. zgunbear

    Missing a rifle

    If you want a semi have you looked at a FNFAL?
  17. Thanks everyone. Dad fought prostate cancer and beat it 6 years ago. I figure the more prayers the better. He sounded really scared on the phone last night. It is hard right now because he and mom were going to come out when my wife has her hip replacement in march. I was hoping 2014 would start off better.
  18. My dad has pancreatic cancer. He will have chemo then radiation then surgery. Please keep hm in your prayrs and good thoughts. His name is Ray Ginter and he lives in Colorado. We were planning to go to Texas to go on a pig hunt in April I am hoping we get to go in the fall... God willing
  19. brass cased maybe it was a crap batch but I don't trust it
  20. Be careful with the Wolf ammo. I had 1000 rounds of it. It was inconsistent. The first 500 shot accurately with no issues. The second 500 was very disappointing. 60% tumbled and keyholed. Some barely functioned the rifle like it was a reduced powder load. Some of it smelled like burning hair when fired. Got rid of it. Now I am cautious and leery of Wolfe ammo.
  21. My sister gave me a sampler of Perdomos. They are my favorite cigars. I haven't gotten into them yet. Might have to have one tonight.
  22. I ended up getting the same generator. What kit did you use to convert it? can you still run gas or is it dedicated to propane?
  23. You do not need to take the barrel off the receiver to blue it. Most are blue assembled at the factory. Of all the ones I have b lued I have never removed the barrel. Disassemble everything else from the receiver. Polish, degrease, degrease, did I mention degrease thoroughly, then blue. Be sure to wear rubber gloves so the oils from you skin do not get on the steel.
  24. I have the hatches all battened down. Lots of fire wood and a generator if the power goes down. It went from rain to sleet to snow in 30 minutes
  25. I built one of the Rhineland arms kits on a Spanish Mauser. It was accurate enough. Almost no recoil.  It uses 1911 Magazines. My dad shot it and claimed it took it home to Colorado with him


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