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Everything posted by Bigiron

  1. Praying for your complete recovery.
  2. Welcome to Tennessee.
  3. About 10 minutes from me.  Yeehaw.
  4. Good mojo on the way.
  5. By being 1100 miles away from your safe for seven years.  For me, it takes much less time. :)
  6. Awesome!!
  7. Son called yesterday and said he had obviously forgotten his safe combination.  He gave me the serial# and manufacturer.  I called the Safe House, since I am a satisfied customer of theirs.  The very next day I was advised they received the combination and I could come and retrieve it.  Don't get no better than that. Thanks, Guys.
  8. LEO's have a tough job.  "Damned if you do, damned if you don't".  Lot of arm chair quarterbacks in this world.  Political correctness has cost a lot of LEO's their jobs.  If you haven't been an officer, you have no idea how much crap they must tolerate.  I had enough after 12 years.  Be safe out there, guys.
  9. I fondled every CZ on display at the NRA show and decided that the P01 will be my next purchase.  The only drawback, which is not really a deal breaker, is that it is not ambidextrous.  They must be quite popular, as I have never seen a used CZ at a gun store.
  10. Went today to see what fit my hand and what didn't.  Loving wife decided  I needed a Kimber Raptor and a Kimber Solo, because they were pretty.  And you wonder why I carry her to gun events?
  11. Welcome to Tennessee.  lots to like here.
  12. Congrats.  That is a great looking bike.
  13. Would be nice if the citizenry could also protect themselves.
  14. Added you to our prayer list.  Hope all goes well.
  15. One can expect such events when you allow unchecked immigration by fanatics.
  16. I have bicycle inner tube grips on both my Bersas.  It does help.  
  17. Loved it. :yum:
  18. Zero has the best security available ever.......Joe Biden.  Biden would become prez if zero was exterminated.
  19. Done.  62%.
  20. Awesome collection.
  21. Reaffirms my belief that you just can't fix stupid.
  22. Next month I will reach 73.  My guardian angel must be working overtime. :pleased:
  23. Welcome to the forum and Tennessee. Ya'll will like living here. :wave:


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