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Everything posted by M4sherman

  1. I have Add when it comes to guns. it seems like every time I build something I find something I want even more
  2. All I know is that the truck version was supposed to more heavily built than the SUV version (a cow on dirt)
  3. Depends how good your medical insurance is and how much you spend on your bike. My Medical covers me when I go down and both of my bikes cost less than 1200 to replace so I run liability.
  4. I am 19 and all of my bikes cost less than 500 per year for full coverage and 2 for liability
  5. Ahh my brothers 800 has had more carb issues than I can count, one of which involved his pants catching fire when the breather lit up (wear your leather and use K&N filters)
  6. Yea they where. That thing would jump up on the rear wheel so quick it would make your head spin
  7. Lots of good advice the the people who are saying are 800cc is minimum have never driven one of the old inline cruisers. my V-45 (750cc) could walk the line all the way through second gear and easily cruised a 90mph with out breaking a sweat (120 was the fasteset I ever ran and it scared the **** out of me). But then again that bike would chew any harley I ever went up against. Also the XS series Yamaha's where designed as an anymans bike thus are dead reliable and easy to fix. Keep in mind that alot of them are sitting around with a "bad" clutch when it is really just out of adjustment. I picked up my 1100 for a little better than 1k and it took less than a day to put her in tip top shape just to get a speeding ticket that night. Also look on craigslist for your leathers as you can get a damn nice set from these idiots who decide it is to hot to use them. My jacket is a reinforced joe rocket I picked up for $20 and my pants are solid leather with complete padding and they only cost a bill. as for the (FULL FACE!!) Helmet you dont want to buy one used as they are only good for one good fall and a handful of half assed falls
  8. Well first I would say stick with an inline engine as they seem be more reliable than any V-twin I have had the pleasue of working on. My Yamaha is dead reliable but being air-cooled it is a bit of a pain around town.. Stay away from Saki's (Double so on the VN750) but Hondas are always good strong,reliable bikes but they are pricy I would Stay away from any 80's model V-twin jap bikes except for the V-45 magna, which if you buy you will need to install a $200 oilier kit. The XS series of Yamaha's are friggen sweet but the XS11 is know to cause many speeding tickets I have pleanty of advice like STAY AWAY FROM VN750s
  9. My sister and I where going through my room and she wanted to see how much of my gear I could wear at one time. I was already wearing the jeans,shirt,pants and tacticool hat (it was a bottle opener ) 7 Romanian AK bayonets 1 Gas mask 5 20rnd AK-47 magazines (custom made for SKS) 1 Stock SKS mag 1 sleeping bag 1 tool kit 1 Large first aid/gun cleaning kit 200rnds 7.62x39 (plus 130 in the magazines) 1 frag grenade (de-milled 1 bundle of nylon rope Silver coins 10 aluminum nails 1 hand powered flashlight 1 set spare cloths suspenders 1 copy of the zombie survival guide 1 pocket chain saw 1 American flag 1 Large coat All packed in 2 20 AK-47 magazine pouches one Bandoleer Two GI wallet sized pouches 1 British ammo pouch 1 drop leg handgun holster 1 20rnd M-16 ammo pouch 1 Cingular wireless Backpack 1 GI Sea Bag
  10. I can thank you ...but not for long (ninja)
  11. That aint even in the Leet catagory much less Mall ninja
  12. I was at home sleeping when my mother came and woke me up. about the time I was infront of the telly the second plane hit and thats an image you wont forget. My father was delivering a couple of APC to a military base that day and he said he was in shock of the mobilization that was taking place
  13. M4sherman

    S&W 442

    My father uses his as a bug gun when the Sig is a bit to large to go along.
  14. You should see the price on an original for an AK74!
  15. I prefer trades as you may end up with something near or worst case something you can trade again when you get bored
  16. yeap Schnucks was a little higher but we don't sell crap either (well out Valu-time one was about on par with kroger) to your average person though sticker price is all that matters
  17. yea roughly 1/2 of our employees will get a shot at a job. The problem with that is unlike the last 4 times these stores changed hands no one is getting grandfathered in. In other words we are all technically fired and we are getting a chance to apply at Kroger. Funny thing is if my store is a good example they are only going to get 200 applications, the employees at Schnucks are pissed at being informed by the commercial appeal before their company informed us (Kroger employees found out on Thursday)
  18. They are moving that kroger into the schnucks building. I am at forrest hill
  19. Figured I would do a little rant. Kroger bought out 9 of the 12 local schnucks stores around Memphis and within the next 30 days Schnucks will close the other three stores (I work at one of those). Lucky for me I am guarantee work for the next 30 while the ones at the Kroger buyouts have one week to find a new job. The Kroger guys are not grandfathering anyone but rather are taking applications from all of our employees so they have to start new at minimum wage and work their way back up. Worst part is they made it official to the commercial appeal before they made a statement to the employees.
  20. Get an Arsenal SGL-31 and dont look back. Cheap ammo,accurate as hell and clean fit and finish. If your going to go on the cheap end though grab a WASR-10-63 as most of the cheap AK-74's are hit and miss with quality.
  21. the R-Guns SS kit from Aim-surplus was a better kit than the DPMS I used by far but I have only completed to kits so I am not an expert by any means
  22. Have you ever gone through the muck and mud with .22 lr ammo in you pocket/mag? I swear every-time I endup with to many dudes and a few that are separated. I am not saying it isnt lethal just that it is not a durable cartridge
  23. Well I may have to trade it off since most 3-gun matches require at least 9mm nato
  24. .22 as far as a caliber is not really best since it is not very durable in comparison to other calibers. Hell you can dislodge the bullet with a bare hand try that with a 9mm or other cartrige. Personally if I was worried about weight I would consider a 9mm carbine or maybe a 380 if someone makes one
  25. You have to be from Memphis to understand the "gat" joke. Also I just stuck that copy of AR with the pistol


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